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File metadata and controls

251 lines (197 loc) · 17.7 KB

Import pathlib


In this module we'll build up a Site Class that will set configuration values and create the root structure of our static site.

We'll also create a command line tool using the Typer library. Since we are going to be working with paths, let's import pathlib, which is part of the standard library.

Open the located in the ssg directory. At the top, import Path from pathlib.

Create a class

@pytest.mark.test_site_class_module1 Below the import you just wrote, create a class called Site. Next, create a Site class constructor that accepts three arguments self, source, and dest. In the constructor, convert source to a Path object. This can be done by passing it to a call to Path(). Save the result to a class attribute with the same name. Hint: class attributes are prefixed with self. Repeat these steps for dest.

Find root directory

@pytest.mark.test_site_create_dir_function_module1 Still in the Site class, create a method called create_dir() that accepts two parameters, self and path. In the body of the create_dir method, create a variable called directory. This variable will need to contain the full path to the destination folder. The first part of the path is self.dest. The second part of the path needs to be relative to self.source. So after a / operator call relative_to() on path passing in self.source. Hint: destination / relative_to().

Make a directory

@pytest.mark.test_site_create_dir_mkdir_module1 On a new line in the create_dir() method, call the mkdir() method on directory. For our scenario we want directory to be replaced if it exists. Pass the following keyword arguments to mkdir():

  • parents set to True
  • exist_ok set to True

Make the destination directory

@pytest.mark.test_site_build_function_module1 Create a new method called build() in the Site class. Call the mkdir() method on self.dest. As with the previous mkdir() call, pass the following keyword arguments to mkdir():

  • parents set to True
  • exist_ok set to True

Recreate all paths

@pytest.mark.test_site_path_rglob_module1 Still in the build() method, create a for loop that iterates through the paths of self.source.rglob(*). Call the current iteration path. In the body of the for loop, test if the current path is a directory. If it is a directory, call the create_dir() method of the class, and pass in the current path.

Import typer

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_imports_module1 Let's setup the command line interface (CLI). Open the file in the root directory of the project. At the top, import typer. Also, import the Site class from

Configuration options

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_main_command_module1 The Typer library requires a function that captures command line arguments. We'll call this function main. It should accept two keyword arguments: source with a default value of "content", and dest with a default value of "dist". In the body of the main function, create a dictionary called config. Add two key value pairs to config: "source" set to source, and "dest" set to dest.

Build the site

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_build_call_module1 Still in the main function, create an instance of the Site class. The Site class requires that you provide two attributes source and dest when creating an instance. These are currently stored in the config dictionary as key value pairs. Unpack these dictionary values with ** and pass it to the Site instance. Finally, chain a call to the build() method on this instance.

Run typer

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_typer_run_module1 At the bottom of the file, call, passing in the main function as its argument.

Parser Class

@pytest.mark.test_parser_base_class_module2 In this module we will create a Parser base class that will have several functions that will help when converting Markdown and ReStructuredText to HTML. To start, open the ssg/ file. We will add a few type annotations, one of which requires an import. Import List from typing. Also, import Path from pathlib. Next, create a class called Parser. Create a variable called extensions and assign it an empty list. Annotate extensions with the type List[str].

Validate Extensions

@pytest.mark.test_parser_valid_extension_function_module2 We will need to know whether certain files have a parser. This will be done by looking at the extension. Create a new method in the Parser class called valid_extension(). This method should accept an extension, and return whether or not that extension is in the class variable self.extensions. Hint: This method is part of the Parser methods so it should accept self as an argument.

Base parse() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_parse_function_module2 Since the Parser class is a base class, we will create a method that will need to be implemented in any subclass. Call this method parse(), it should accept a path, source, and dest. Annotate each of these with the Path type. In the body, raise the NotImplementedError.

Parser read() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_read_function_module2 The Parser class will need to be able to read the contents of a file. Create a method called read() that accepts a path. Use a with statement, and a call to open() to open path for reading as file. In the body of the with statement, return what is read() from file.

Parser write() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_write_function_module2 Still in the Parser class, create a method called write() that accepts the following arguments: path, dest, and content. Also, add a parameter called ext with a default value of ".html". In the body of the write method, create a variable called full_path. This variable will need to contain the full path to the file being written to. The first part of the path is self.dest. The second part names to be the name of the file with a new extension. So after a / operator, call with_suffix() on path passing in ext. Chain on the name property. Hint: destination / with_suffix().name.

Open file for writing

@pytest.mark.test_parser_write_function_open_module2 Still in the write() method, use with and open() to open full_path for writing as file. In the body of the with statement, write() content to file.

Parser copy() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_copy_function_module2 Move back to the top of the page and import shutil. We'll this use this library to copy resources to the correct location. Below the exiting methods in the Parser class, create a new method called copy(). This method should accept the following arguments path, source, and dest. In the body use the copy2 method (from the shutil module) to copy the file at path to the correct location in the destination folder structure. This can be done by passing path as the first argument to copy2 and the second argument is made up of the dest / and the path relative to the source.

ResourceParser subclass

@pytest.mark.test_parser_resource_class_module2 Create a class called ResourceParser that is a sub-class of Parser. Create a class attribute called extensions and assign it a list with five extensions, ".jpg", ".png", ".gif", ".css", and ".html". Implement the parse() method in the ResourceParser class. It should have the same signature as in the base class Parser. In the body, call the inherited copy() method. Which is inherited from Parser. Pass in path, source, and dest to copy().

Available parsers

@pytest.mark.test_site_parsers_module2 Open ssg/, and add a parameter to the constructor parameter list called parsers. Set the default value to of parsers to None. In the body of the constructor, set a new instance variable called parsers to the expression parsers or [].

Parser configuration

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_config_parser_module2 Open, and at the top import ssg.parsers. Find the config dictionary in the main function and add a new key value pair as follows: - Key - parsers - Value - ssg.parsers.ResourceParser().

Site class load_parser() method

@pytest.mark.test_site_load_parser_module2 Back in ssg/, add a new method to the Site class called load_parser() below the existing methods. This method should accept a single parameter called extension. The first statement in the method should be a for loop that cycles through self.parsers. Call the loop-value parser. The body of the for loop should have an if statement that tests if extension is a valid_extension(). Hint: parser is an instance of the Parser class, so it will have a valid_extension() method. Return parser in the if statement.

Site class run_parser() method

@pytest.mark.test_site_run_parser_module2 Still in the Site class, add a new method called run_parser(). This method should accept a parameter called path. In this method, call load_parser(), passing in path.suffix, and save the result to a variable called parser.

Call the parse() method

@pytest.mark.test_site_run_parser_if_module2 Still in the run_parser() method, test if parser is not None. If parser is not None, then call the parse() method of parser. Pass path as the first argument to the parse() method. Then, pass source and dest, both of which are instance variables to the parse() method. Add an else to the if that prints the message Not Implemented.

Run the parser

@pytest.mark.test_site_build_elif_module2 To connect everything together, find the if statement in the build() method. Add an elif that tests whether path is a file. If path is a file, then call run_parser(), passing in path. Hint: run_parser() is part of the Site class.


@pytest.mark.test_content_imports_module3 When creating content we can add metadata to our files using YAML. YAML is a human friendly data format To see an example open the file in the content directory. The section at the top delimited by --- is called YAML frontmatter. We'll extract this data from each file in our site. This will be done by splitting the contents of a file on two possible delimiters --- and +++. This will require the use of regular expressions and the pyyaml library. Import re from the standard library and import load and FullLoader from yaml. We will also need the Mapping collection class, import it from

Content class

@pytest.mark.test_content_class_module3 Below the imports, create a class called Content, and make sure that it inherits from Mapping. In the new class, create a class variable called __delimeter, and assign it the raw string "^(?:-|+){3}\s*$". Create another class variable called __regex, assign it the result of a call to re.compile(), and pass it __delimiter and the constant re.MULTILINE.

Load class method

@pytest.mark.test_content_classmethod_load_module3 Create a new method called load() in the Content class, and make it a class method with the appropriate decorator. This method should accept two parameters, cls and string. In the body of the load() method, call split() on the __regex class variable, passing in string and a depth of 2. Assign the result of this to three variables _, fm, content. Next, on a new line, call load() and pass in fm and a keyword argument of Loader set to FullLoader. Finally, return a call to cls(), and pass in metadata and content.

Content constructor

@pytest.mark.test_content_init_module3 Create a Content class constructor below the load() method. The constructor should accept two parameters, metadata and content. Create a class attribute named data, and assign it metadata. On a new line, add a key value pair to of "content" set to content.

Body property

@pytest.mark.test_content_body_property_module3 Still in the Content class, add a class @property of body() that returns["content"].

Type property

@pytest.mark.test_content_type_property_module3 Also in the Content class, add a class @property of type() that returns["type"] if has a key of type. If that key doesn't exist, then return None. This needs to be done with a ternary if.

Type setter

@pytest.mark.test_content_type_setter_module3 Create a setter for the type() @property that assigns to["type"].

Custom getitem method

@pytest.mark.test_content_getitem_module3 Let's implement a custom __getitem__() method so that it returns the value from[] for the key that is provided.

Custom iterator method

@pytest.mark.test_content_getitem_module3 The Content class will also have a custom __iter__() method that calls self.datas iterator method.

Custom length method

@pytest.mark.test_content_len_module3 We'll also need a custom __len__() method that returns the length of

Content representation

@pytest.mark.test_content_repr_module3 The final custom method that we will implement is the __repr__() method. It will create a custom representation of Create a __repr__() method, and on the first line create an empty dictionary called data. Return a call to str(), passing in data.

Removing content from the representation

@pytest.mark.test_content_repr_for_loop_module3 We would like the custom representation to include only certain values. Loop through with a for loop. The current key should be called key, and the value should be value. In the for loop, test if key is not equal to "content". In the if, assign the value to data[key].

Markdown and ReStructuredText imports

@pytest.mark.test_parser_imports_module4 In this module we will convert Markdown and ReStructuredText to HTML. Open the ssg/ file and at the top around the existing imports, import the following: - sys - publish_parts from docutils.core - markdown from markdown - Content from ssg.content

Markdown Parser

@pytest.mark.test_parser_markdown_class_module4 We have already created a Parser sub-class. Let's create another subclass called MarkdownParser. With in the new MarkdownParser class, create a variable called extensions. This should be assigned a list with the extensions ".md" and ".markdown".

Markdown parse() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_markdown_parse_module4 Implement the parse() method in the MarkdownParser class. It should have the same signature as in the base class. In the body, call the Content.load() class method, pass in a call to, and to that pass path. Assign the result to a variable called content.

Converting markdown to html

@pytest.mark.test_parser_markdown_parse_write_html_module4 In the body of the parse() method, call the markdown() method and pass in content.body. Assign the results to a variable called html. Use self.write() to write html to path at dest. As the last call in the parse() method, call sys.stdout.write(). Pass it the string "\x1b[1;32m{} converted to HTML. Metadata: {}\n", append a call to format(), and pass in and content. Note: The string \x1b[1;32m changing the color of the printed string in the terminal to green.

ReStructuredText parser

@pytest.mark.test_parser_restructuredtext_class_module4 Create another subclass called ReStructuredTextParser. Within the new ReStructuredTextParser class, create a variable called extensions. This should be assigned a list with the extension ".rst".

ReStructuredText parse() method

@pytest.mark.test_parser_restructuredtext_parse_module4 Implement the parse() method in the ReStructuredTextParser class. It should have the same signature as in the base class. In the body, call the Content.load() class method and pass in a call to, and to that pass path. Assign the result to a variable called content.

Converting ReStructuredText to html

@pytest.mark.test_parser_restructuredtext_parse_write_html_module4 In the body of the parse() method, call the publish_parts() method and pass in content.body. Also add a keyword argument of writer_name set to "html5". Assign the results to a variable called html. Use self.write() to write html["html_body"] to path at dest. As the last call in the parse() method, call sys.stdout.write(). Pass it the string "\x1b[1;32m{} converted to HTML. Metadata: {}\n", append a call to format(), and pass in and content.

Add available parsers

@pytest.mark.test_ssg_parsers_array_module4 Open the file at the root of the project, and find the parsers list in the config dictionary. Add both ssg.parsers.MarkdownParser() and ssg.parsers.ReStructuredTextParser() to the list.

Error reporting @staticmethod

@pytest.mark.test_site_staticmethod_module4 Switch over to ssg/, and at the top import sys. Then, below all other methods in the Site class, create a static method called error(), and give it a @staticmethod decorator. Since this is a static method, it does not need to accept self, but it does need to accept a parameter of message. In the body of the error() method, call the sys.stderr.write() method. Pass in the string "\x1b[1;31m{}\n", append a call to format() and pass in message.

Calling error @staticmethod

@pytest.mark.test_site_error_call_module4 Find the run_parser() method in the Site class, and replace the print() call with a call to self.error(). Then, pass in the message "No parser for the {} extension, file skipped!". Append to this string a call to format(), passing in path.suffix.