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Volume-regularized NMF

Preliminary: Loading Simulated Data

We have pre-generated a dataset of simulated NMF matrices that you can load as a list directly using the package simulatedNMF, which is available through a drat repository on GitHub. Note that the size of the 'simulatedNMF' package is approximately 8 MB. This package may be installed as follows:

install.packages('simulatedNMF', repos='', type='source')

(Please see the drat documentation for more comprehensive explanations and vignettes regarding drat repositories.)

The following command load this dataset for the following tutorial:

simnmf <- simulatedNMF::simnmf


Generally, structured matrix factorization problem is formulated as a decomposition of original matrix in a product of unknown non-negative matrix and matrix of lower rank:

In practice, if has significantly more rows than columns or if observations are noisy and represent statistical sampling, then reformulation of the problem in the "covariance domain" simplifies inference:


Under a relatively mild assumption on spread of column (row) vectors of matrix that belong to column (row) unit simplex, matrix has a minimum volume across all possible factorizations. Vrnmf, as compared to AnchorFree, considers a noisy version of the problem. Vrnmf seeks to find a factorization pair of matrices that balances the goodness of fit of and the volume of the matrix . The method uses alternating optimization of the following objective function:

Application in "covariance" domain

An application of the method is exemplified below for a simulated dataset. For that, we will use a dataset with matrices X, its noisy version X.noise and decomposition matrices C and D such that X = C*D (to simulate a dataset with parameters of interest one can use function sim_factors). First, we load the library and the dataset:


simnmf <- simulatedNMF::simnmf

#> [1] "X.noise" "X"       "C"       "D"

The summary below shows that the original matrix X of the size is a product of two matrices of lower rank 10:

#>  num [1:192, 1:3000] 0.000493 0.000695 0.000347 0.000248 0.000699 ...

#>  num [1:192, 1:10] 0.00387 0.01099 0.00302 0 0.008 ...

#>  num [1:10, 1:3000] 0.03793 0.001 0.00138 0.00229 0.001 ...

As a first step, the input matrix X is preprocessed using the function vol_preprocess() to estimate and rescale the co-occurrence matrix Y = X*t(X) and its singular value decomposition:

vol <- vol_preprocess(t(simnmf$X))

Next, the vrnmf function decomposes co-occurrence matrix into matrices C and E of rank n.comp = 10 and using the weight of volume wvol = 2e-2 (and additional options of intra-block Nesterov extrapolation extrapolate and inter-block Nesterov-style accelerate):

volres <- volnmf_main(vol, n.comp = 10, wvol = 2e-2, 
                    n.iter = 3e+3, vol.iter = 1e+1, c.iter = 1e+1, 
                    extrapolate = TRUE, accelerate = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
#> run standard nmf..
#> done
#> run volume-regularized nmf..
#> done

The output volres contains the predicted matrix C and other auxiliary information:

#>  [1] "C"      "R"      "Q"      "C.init" "R.init" "Q.init" "C.rand" "R.rand"
#>  [9] "Q.rand" "rec"

#>  num [1:192, 1:10] 0 0.00752 0.00329 0.00629 0.00776 ...

Comparison of original matrix simnmf$C and inferred matrix volres$C rescaled back by vol$col.factors shows that they have highly similar pairs of column vectors:

C <- volres$C*vol$col.factors
apply(cor(simnmf$C, C), 1, max)
#>  [1] 0.9163232 0.9032780 0.9729961 0.9935809 0.9873883 0.9933038 0.9944044
#>  [8] 0.2875271 0.9791225 0.9859103

Having inferred C, the second matrix D can be obtained either through linear regression with constraints or using the function infer_intensities():

D <- infer_intensities(C, simnmf$X)

Structural and algorithmic parameters

The method has a number of variations in the type of structural constraints on C or R:

  • The C.constraint parameter constrains row vectors (row) or column vectors (col) of C to unit simplex (sum of vector elements equal to 1). The former option is able to fit a general matrix factorization with non-negative matrix C, but the latter imposes a specific structural constraint usually met in hyperspectral unmixing.
  • R.constraint parameter constrains matrix R to be non-negative (pos otherwise no).

The objective function is nonconvex and thus alternating optimization does not guarantee to find a globally optimal solution. Additional parameters that affect convergence are:

  • Parameter wvol, which regulates weight of volume. Small values make the problem similar to standard NMF, while large values start collapsing eigenvalues of matrix E to zero. A carefully chosen wvol parameter is critical for good performance.
  • Initialization matrices: Initial matrices C, R and Q can be obtained using NMF optimization without volume term (default option, parameters do.nmf and iter.nmf) or initialized manually using C.init, R.init and Q.init.
  • Number of iterations. Beyond the overall number n.iter of iterations that alternate optimization of C, R and Q, the parameters vol.iter and c.iter regulate the number of iterations to update R and C at each alternating step respectively. These parameters control the convergence rate. Additionally, R.majorate controls the precision of the approximation of R at each iteration at the expense of time.