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The Leaseplan bot is a Leaseplanabocar to Telegram Bridge which allows users to login to their Leaseplan account and recieve notifications when there are any changes in the available offerings.

The Bot is mainly build around the following interfaces:

If you wan't to support me you can always follow the contribution guide or value my time by buying me a Pizza (figuratively)

End User documentation

The bot provides a Telegram based User-Interface. The following commands are currently available:

Command Short description
start creates a new internal bot-user
whoami returns all data the bot knows about you
resume activates change notifications
pause deactivates change notifications
login log-in to leaseplan using username/password
settoken log-in to leaseplan using your access token
connect subscribe to change notifications of another user
throttle sets a minumum delay between updates
ignoreDetails controls weather or not your updates contain detail informations about cars
ignoreRemoved controls weather or not your updates contain informations about removed cars
setsummarymessageformat updates personal summary message format
setdetailmessageformat updates personal detail message format
test returns a test message
filter sets a filter for your update message


The start command is automatically sent when first approaching to the bot and hitting the "Start" button in the bottom of the chat window. To signal a successful registration the bot will greet you 😉


The command will return all data the bot currently knows about you. Including for example your leaseplan token as well as your currently set summary and detail message format.

It just returns a yaml encoded version of the user struct associated with your user.


Sending a resume will set activate the watcher responsible for your leaseplan account which will notify you for any changes in your leaseplan offer.

⚠ Known Issue: The command currently is a little buggy where it won't actually start your watcher. It will just mark your watcher as "to be started" and the bot needs to be restarted for this change to take affect. Contact your Bot-Admin and ask him to restart the bot.


Deactivates your watcher and thus you won't get any more change updates. Effectively makes the bot to "shut up".


This command is the first of two ways to login to the leaseplan api. The command has to be formatted as follows:

/login <leaseplan-email> <leaseplan-password>

After a successful login the bot will internally save a token used for retrieving leaseplan data in your name and delete the credentials message in the history.


This command is the second of two ways to login to the leaseplan api. The command has to be formatted as follows:

/settoken <leaseplan-token>

After a successful login the bot will internally save a token used for retrieving leaseplan data in your name and delete the credentials message in the history.


This command was originally planed as a way to "piggibag" to another users updates. Unfortunately the command is not yet implemented. 😔


This command throttles your messages to be limited to 1 update every n Minutes. Note: One update can consist of multiple messages beeing sent since one message has a limited capacity

/throttle <throttle rate in minutes>


This command sets a flag for your user that controlls weater or not your updates should contain detail informations about cars. Using the command without any parameters enables the feature effectively skipping generation of detail messages.

To disable the feature add any of the following as an argument: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False

/ignoreDetails 0


This command sets a flag for your user that controlls weater or not your updates should contain detail informations about removed cars. Using the command without any parameters enables the feature effectively skipping generation of detail messages for removed cars.

To disable the feature add any of the following as an argument: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False

/ignoreRemoved 0


Using this command you can overwrite your personal summary message format. Internally the bot uses the html/template engine to validate your format. A detailed documentation can be found at the official package documentation (this documentation is quite "tecky" but i did not find somethin more beginner friendly yet 🙁).

The passed root object is the current dataframe providing you with the complete current car list, previous car list as well as it's changes represented as added and removed.

Example (current default message formats can be found in the user struct):

{{ len .Previous }} -> {{ len .Current }} (+{{ len .Added }}, -{{ len .Removed }})

Which will render as following:

Änderungen: 113 -> 112 (+0, -1)

Additionally the engine is extended using the Masterminds/sprig package and some custom functions:

function parameter description
portalUrl dto.Item returns the portal url pointing to the given car formatted with its offer name
taxPrice dto.Item returns the tax price for the given car -> 1% of the net cost for normal ICE cars, 0.5% for PHEV and BEV, 0.25% for BEV cars with a net cost lower than 60k
netCost dto.Item returns an approximate total net cost for the car based on the individual salery waiver and the taxPrice.
italic string wraps the string in underscores so that Telegram will render it in an italic font
bold string wraps the string in asteriks so that Telegram will render it in an bold font


Using this command you can overwrite your personal detail message format. Internally the bot uses the html/template engine to validate your format. A detailed documentation can be found at the official package documentation (this documentation is quite "tecky" but i did not find somethin more beginner friendly yet 🙁).

The passed root object is dto.Item which contains all known data about a single car offer. The most interesting Data (e.g. car model, net price or engine type) can be found in the property RentalObject

Example (current default message formats can be found in the user struct):

{{ portalUrl . }}
  PS: {{ .RentalObject.PowerHp }}, Antrieb: {{ .RentalObject.KindOfFuel }}
  BLP: {{ .RentalObject.PriceProducer1 }}€, BGV: {{.SalaryWaiver}}€, Netto: ~{{ round ( netCost . ) 2 }}€
  Verfügbar: {{.RentalObject.DateRegistration.Format \"02.01.2006\"}}

Which will render as following:

Some manufacturers car 
  PS: 1337, Antrieb: Plug-in-Hybrid
  BLP: 59999€, BGV: 333€, Netto: ~318.6€  
  Verfügbar: 24.12.2022

Additionally the engine is extended using the Masterminds/sprig package and some custom functions:

function parameter description
portalUrl dto.Item returns the portal url pointing to the given car formatted with its offer name
taxPrice dto.Item returns the tax price for the given car -> 1% of the net cost for normal ICE cars, 0.5% for PHEV and BEV, 0.25% for BEV cars with a net cost lower than 60k
netCost dto.Item returns an approximate total net cost for the car based on the individual salery waiver and the taxPrice.
italic string wraps the string in underscores so that Telegram will render it in an italic font
bold string wraps the string in asteriks so that Telegram will render it in an bold font


The command can be used to test your set message formats. It uses the last dataframe collected by the bot in your name and formates it using your currently set formats. this will effectively replay the last dataframe with your current config.

When the last dataframe does not contain any changes you will only get a summary message. In this scenario you can force the command to add any number of changes to the frame by specifying an argument (2 added and 2 removed for this example):

/test 2


The filter command can be used to filter out specific car items. The filter list can be manipulated with the three subcommands list, add and remove

You can define multiple filters which will be combined in an or fashion. (if one filter fails that item will be removed from your list)

For evaluation the filters the html/template engine is used (much like in the templating section) Therefore you can access all properties the same way as in the setdetailmessageformat section.

short recap: The passed root object is dto.Item which contains all known data about a single car offer. The most interesting Data (e.g. car model, net price or engine type) can be found in the property RentalObject

But in contrast you don't need the most outer curly braces {{}}.

The Template has to evaluate to a boolean expression (e.g. true, false, 0, 1) Filters that do not evaluate in a known boolean value or do fail in any other way are ignored and don't affect the result list.

Comparisons are built using a function like structure operator arg1 arg2 and for quickstart the following operators are supported:

Operator Description
eq Returns the boolean truth of arg1 == arg2
ne Returns the boolean truth of arg1 != arg2
lt Returns the boolean truth of arg1 < arg2
le Returns the boolean truth of arg1 <= arg2
gt Returns the boolean truth of arg1 > arg2
ge Returns the boolean truth of arg1 >= arg2
and Returns the boolean truth of arg1 && arg2
or Returns the boolean truth of arg1

A detailed documentation can be found at the official package documentation


List allyour currently active filters
/filter list
Add Filter to ignore all cars from VOLVO
ne (.RentalObject.CarLabel | lower) "volvo"

We are here retrieving the CarLabel (which is used to indicate the manufacturer by leaseplan) and converting it to it's lowercase representation to make the condition case-insensitive.

To add this filter simply use the following command:

/filter add ne (.RentalObject.CarLabel | lower) "volvo"
Add Filter to ignore all cars with less than 300 HP
gt .RentalObject.PowerHp 300

To add this filter simply use the following command:

/filter add gt .RentalObject.PowerHp 300
Remove Filter to ignore all cars from VOLVO
/filter remove ne (.RentalObject.CarLabel | lower) "volvo"


If you wan't to improve the bot feel free to create any Pull-Requests or point out Bugs, problems or feature Requests via a Github issue.

Setup hosting/developing

The blue pill

The easiest way to deploy the bot on your own Infrastructure is to use the Docker-Image built automagically by this repository: Leaseplan-Bot on Docker Hub

The following composefile will start the latest master image of the bot with all features enabled:

version: "3.9"
    image: khase/leaseplan-bot:master
      - 2112:2112
      - ./data/leaseplan-bot.userdata:/opt/leaseplan-bot.userdata
      - ./data/cache:/opt/cache
    command: start -t <Telegram-Bot-Token>

The .userdata mount is necessary for the bot to remember all it's connected clients and their leaseplan login information. Without it the bot won't remember any users across restarts

The cache mount is used to persist any leaseplan data across restarts of the bot. The cache makes it possible to determine any changes between the last scrape of the old instance and the first scrape of the new instance.

The port mapping 2112:2112 is used to make phe prometheus metrics endpoint reachable through the host.

Even though none of the mentioned settings are truely necessary i strongly reccoment to use them to provide the complete experience.

The bare minimum would be to provide the bot a telegram api token:

docker run khase/leaseplan-bot:master start -t <Telegram-Bot-Token>

This docker command is sufficient to test the bots functionality

The red pill

The red pill is ment for developers to be able to implement their own features and build the bot from scratch.

To be able to build the bot from scratch you either need a local installation of the Golang tools or a running docker engine.

Run localy

Install instructions for the golang tools can be found at the official go page

Run tests
go test ./...
go run ./leaseplan-bot.go start -t <Telegram-Bot-Token>
go build -o build/leaseplan-bot ./leaseplan-bot.go

Build Docker Image

To build the binary inside a Docker container no special configuration is needed. The dockerfile is composed of a two-step build where it uses the official golang image to build the binary and copies it in a low wheigt archlinux.

docker build -t leaseplan-bot .

To run the built docker container you follow the instructions above in the blue pill section


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