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ktx edited this page Jun 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

Python version & Kali

  • The instructions assume you are running python3 as default. If unsure, type the following in your terminal.
    It should be either Python 3.* or Python 2.* :
$ python --version
  • If you are running python2 as default :
    Make sure you have python3.6+ installed, then replace python commands with explicit python3 commands.

  • If you have not set your venvs, you might get a permission error saying Consider using the --user option or check the permissions.
    Simply add --user like so:

$ pip3 install --user h8mail


  • h8mail uses ANSI color escape characters. Windows doesn't know how to show the colors, and will show gibberish instead.
    Fortunately, you can use Cmder, which is an excellent Windows CMD prompt alternative, or activate them manually for the default command prompt.
  • If you're having trouble with python and pip, chances are you need to add python to your PATH. pip will also need to be in your PATH environment variable.
  • If you're still having trouble with pip, you can do the following:
# Check python version, should be 3.6+
C:> python --version
# To have python handle installation of pip
C:> python -m ensurepip
# To launch pip as a module
C:> python -m pip install h8mail
# To launch h8mail as a module
C:> python -m h8mail --help

To find where pip installed h8mail, use pip3 show h8mail


  • As described for Windows, you might encounter issues with python if your installation is incomplete, or pip's installation directory is not in your PATH.
  • If thats the case, you can try invoking pip and h8mail with the same command lines as Windows.
  • Make sure the python command refers to Python 3 with python --version, otherwise replace python with python3 in the instructions.
  • Basically try this if installed and not executing, check Windows instructions for further examples:
$ python3 -m h8mail -h