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List of configuration parameters

Below is the list of model parameters and their possible values for editing the files configuration_debug.ini and configuration.ini. Please use the same syntax used in these files when defining parameters and pay attention to spaces and commas used.

Parameter Possible values Default Description
simulation_steps > 0 10000 total simulation steps performed
save_data false,true false whether to dump data at end of simulation
save_pop false,true false whether to save population matrix every "save_pop_freq" timesteps
save_ground_covered false,true false whether to save ground covered matrix every "save_pop_freq" timesteps
save_pop_freq > 0 10 population data will be saved every "n" timesteps
save_pop_folder any string population folder to write population timestep data to
endif_no_infections false,true true whether to stop simulation if no infections remain
write_bb_output false,true true report results to black box output file for optimization
scenario flags
traveling_infects false,true false
self_isolate false,true false whether a quarantine environment will be used
xbounds > 0, > 0 0.02, 0.98 lower and upper x bounds of the "world" environment
ybounds > 0, > 0 0.02, 0.98 lower and upper y bounds of the "world" environment
n_gridpoints > 0 10 resolution of 2D grid for tracking population position
track_position false,true true track the total distance travelled by agents
track_GC false,true false track the mobility of agents (computationally expensive - best with GPU)
track_R0 false,true false track the basic reproductive number
update_every_n_frame > 0 1 mobility will be calculated every "n" timesteps
update_R0_every_n_frame > 0 1 reproductive number will be calculated every "n" timesteps
visualise false,true true whether to visualize the simulation
platform Qt true which platform to use for visualization
visualise_every_n_frame > 0 1 Frequency of plot update
n_plots 1, 2 2 number of subplots (if 1, SIR plot will be hidden)
trace_path false,true false trace path of a single individual
save_plot false,true false whether to save plots of simulation
plot_path any string render directory in which plot images will be saved
verbose false,true true output stats to console
report_freq > 0 1 report results every frame to console
pop_size > 0 2000 number of agents
mean_age > 0 45 mean age of agents
max_age > 0 105 max age of agents
age_dependent_risk false,true true whether risk increases with age
risk_age > 0 55 age where mortality risk starts increasing
critical_age > 0 75 age at and beyond which mortality risk reaches maximum
critical_mortality_chance > 0 0.1 maximum mortality risk for older age
risk_increase quadratic, linear quadratic how the risk increases with age
social_distance_factor >= 0 0.0 how strongly agents repel each other during social distancing
max_speed > 0 1.0 maximum speed of population
dt > 0 0.01 units travelled every timestep at max_speed
thresh_type infected, hospitalized infected type of criterion for turning on interventions
testing_threshold_on >= 0 0 when to start testing (number of infected by default)
social_distance_threshold_on >= 0 0 when to start testing (number of infected by default, 0 means start with simulation)
social_distance_threshold_on >= 0 0 when to start distancing (number of infected by default, 0 means start with simulation)
social_distance_threshold_off >= 0 0 when to stop distancing (number of infected by default, 0 means never)
social_distance_violation >= 0 0 number of people that do not follow social distancing
wall_buffer > 0 0.001 wall repulsion zone
bounce_buffer > 0 0.0005 maximum overshoot outside wall
wander_factor_dest > 0 1.5 when people have an active destination, the wander range defines the area surrounding the destination they will wander upon arriving
infection_range > 0 0.01 range surrounding sick patient that infections can take place
infection_shape radial, square radial shape of infection zone surrounding sick patient that infections can take place
infection_chance > 0 0.03 chance that an infection spreads to nearby healthy people each tick
recovery_duration > 0, > 0 200, 500 how many ticks it may take to recover from the illness
mortality_chance > 0 0.02 global baseline chance of dying from the disease
incubation_period > 0 0 number of frames the individual spreads disease unknowingly
patient_Z_loc random, central 0 randomly choose patient Z from agents in the center or anywhere at random
healthcare_capacity > 0 300 capacity of the healthcare system
treatment_factor > 0 0.5 when in treatment, affect risk by this factor
no_treatment_factor > 0 3 risk increase factor to use if healthcare system is full
treatment_dependent_risk false,true true whether risk is affected by treatment
isolation_bounds > 0, > 0 0.02, 0.02, lower x and y bounds of the "quarantine" environment
isolation_bounds > 0, > 0 0.1, 0.98 upper x and y bounds of the "quarantine" environment
number_of_tests > 0 10 number of random tests per day
random generator
constant_seed false,true false whether user specifies a constant seed file or not