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Bunq chat API assignment

This is my implementation of the Bunq Home assignment

I decided upon using the Lumen framework because of my previous experience with the Laravel framework. I was also interested in how Lumen differed from Laravel.

Even though the assignment was relatively small I decided upon using a framework because it makes interacting with the database a lot easier and results in more readable code. The framework also makes it easier to expand the application when necessary.

The database scheme can be found in the migration files in chat-api/database/migrations.

When calling the API to create entities the following JSON objects should be used:

For creating a user:

  "username": "bob",

The complete user object returned by the API when called:

    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "bob",

For sending a message:

  "sender": 1,
  "Receiver": 2,
  "content": "a message"

The complete user object returned by the API when called:

  "message_id": 1,
  "sender": 1,
  "Receiver": 2,
  "content": "a message",
  "timestamp": "2020-07-25 18:06:16"

The API supports the following endpoints:

action url payload
Create a user POST localurl/user User JSON object
get a list of all users GET localurl/user
get a specific user GET localurl/user/{id}
get a specific user GET localurl/user/{id}
get the messages sent to a user GET localurl/user/{id}/messages
get the users that sent a message to the user GET localurl/user/{id}/chats
get the messages sent by a specific user GET localurl/user/{receiver_id}/messages/{sender_id}
send a message to a user POST localurl/messages Message JSON object
get a list of the messages send using the API GET localurl/messages
the endpoints can also be located in routes/web.php

I used homestead as the development environment but its also easy to launch the app on the local system using: php -S localhost:8000 -t public

The data is stored in a sqlite database located in the directory database/chat-database.sqlite This sqlite database already contains two users and two messages they sent to each other


The assignment made for Bunq






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