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My_social_media-app is a Flutter app that allows users to connect and interact with each other in a social media-like environment. The app provides user authentication using email and integrates with the AppWrite backend service for data storage and management. It also utilizes state management with the Riverpod package to efficiently handle application state.


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in using their email credentials.
  • User Profile: Each user has a profile page where they can customize their profile picture, update personal information, and view their posts and interactions.
  • News Feed: Users can view a feed of posts from other users they follow, allowing them to stay updated with the latest content.
  • Post Creation: Users can create new posts, including text, images, and other media, to share with their followers.
  • Interactions: Users can like, comment on, and share posts, enabling social engagement and interaction.
  • Search Functionality: Users can search for other users and view their profiles.
  • Notifications: Users receive notifications for new followers, likes, comments, and mentions.


The app uses the following Flutter packages:

  • flutter_riverpod: A state management library for Flutter that allows you to manage application state in a concise and scalable way.
  • fpdart: A functional programming library for Dart that provides functional data types and operations.
  • image_picker: A Flutter plugin that provides an interface for selecting images and videos from the device's gallery or camera.
  • carousel_slider: A Flutter package that allows you to create image carousels or sliders easily.
  • timeago: A package for formatting timestamps into a human-readable format such as "2 hours ago" or "yesterday."
  • any_link_preview: A Flutter package that provides a widget for displaying a preview of web links with metadata such as title, description, and thumbnail image.
  • like_button: A Flutter package that provides customizable like buttons with various animation effects.
  • appwrite: The official Flutter SDK for the AppWrite backend service. It provides easy integration with AppWrite APIs for user authentication, data management, and more.
  • flutter_svg: A package that allows rendering SVG files as Flutter widgets.


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