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Asm(NASM)+C programs in Linux x86 in 2 term in MIPT

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Projects are writen on C+Assembler for x86-64

  1. Mandelbrot set - vizualization of Mandelbrot set on SDL,with measuring fps and application AVX instruction for optimization(searching for speed of rendering frame)
  2. Printf32() - simple realization of printf() on NASM for x86-64

Mandelbrot set

Project of testing optimization on Mandelbrot set visualization.

Main Code


  • System: Linux x86-64
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-12450H, 3MHz
  • Compilier: x86-64 GCC 13.2


Before you need to install GCC, Make, SDL2 and SDL2_ttf - for rendering fonts

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade   #update
sudo apt install build-essential      #gcc
sudo apt install make                 #make
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev #sdl2,sdl2_ttf


You need to have folder ./bin, ./src_c, ./obj

make - to compile, set OPTIMIZE = -O3 & NAME = /mandelbrot_opt_on in Makefile.

  • make run_opt_on - running with -O3
  • make run_opt_off - running with -O0

Drawing set:

  • I draw Mandelbrot set with SDL2 on C
  • Visualization has interface: ←,↑,→,↓ for moving and -,+ for zoom set.
  • Press 1,2,3 while running program and see diffrent types of optimization & different fps.
  • In the angle drawing actual FPS of rendering set.

Example of vizualization:


I have 3 versions of code:

  1. Naive algorithm - just processing every pixel on the screen: DrawMandelbrot1()
//counting (x,y)
x = x_0;
y = y_0;
//check if (x,y) not run away from circle
size_t n = 0;
for (; n < N_MAX; n++)
  x2 = x * x;
  y2 = y * y;
  xy = x * y;
  r2 = (x2 + y2);
  if (r2 > r2max) 
    color_flag = 1;
  x = x2 - y2 + x_0;
  y = 2 * xy  + y_0;
  1. Algorithm using merging 8 pixel in many loops: DrawMandelbrot2()
//counting (x,y)
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) color_flag[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) x_0_arr[i] = x_0 + dx*((float)i)*(*scale);
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) x[i] = x_0_arr[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) y[i] = y_0;
//check if (x,y) not run away from circle
size_t n[SIZE] = {0,0,0,0};
for (size_t m = 0; m < N_MAX; m++)
    int cmp[SIZE] = {0,0,0,0};
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)    x2[k] = x[k] * x[k];
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)    y2[k] = y[k] * y[k];
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)    xy[k] = x[k] * y[k];
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)    r2[k] = (x2[k] + y2[k]);
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) if (r2[k] <= r2max) cmp[k] = 1;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) if (r2[k] > r2max)  color_flag[k] = 1;
    mask = 0; 
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) mask |= (cmp[k] << k);
    if (!mask) break;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) n[k] = n[k] + (size_t)cmp[k];
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) x[k] = x2[k] - y2[k] + x_0_arr[k];
    for (size_t k = 0; k < SIZE; k++) y[k] = 2 * xy[k]     + y_0;
  1. Using vectorization & SIMD(AVX/AVX2): DrawMandelbrot3()
//counting (x,y)
__m256 x_0_arr = _mm256_add_ps (_mm256_set1_ps (x_0), _mm256_mul_ps (_76543210, _mm256_set1_ps (dx*(*scale))));
__m256 y_0_arr =                                                    _mm256_set1_ps (y_0);
__m256 x = x_0_arr; 
__m256 y = y_0_arr;
__m256i n = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256 cmp = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (size_t m = 0; m < N_MAX; m++)
    __m256 x2 = _mm256_mul_ps (x, x);
    __m256 y2 = _mm256_mul_ps (y, y);
    __m256 xy = _mm256_mul_ps (x, y);
    __m256 r2 = _mm256_add_ps (x2,y2);
    cmp = _mm256_cmp_ps (r2, r2max, _CMP_LE_OS);
    int mask = 0; 
    mask = _mm256_movemask_ps (cmp);
    if (!mask) break;
    n = _mm256_sub_epi32 (n, _mm256_castps_si256(cmp)); 
    x = _mm256_add_ps (_mm256_sub_ps(x2,y2), x_0_arr);
    y = _mm256_add_ps (_mm256_add_ps(xy,xy), y_0_arr);

Tests & Results:

Version GCC -O3 FPS
1 off 8.5
1 on 19
2 off 3.5
2 on 25
3 off 24.6
3 on 115


  • Naive Version: GCC optimizes just algorithm on C and gives 8.5 → 19 (x2 increase).
  • Merging Version: GCC optimizes merging processing pixels using many loops and gives 3.5 → 25 (x8 increase). Comparing with naive version we get 19 → 25 (x1.3 increase). Explanation: GCC can optimize loops and process merging pixels is faster than process every pixel.
  • Vectorized Version: GCC optimizes vectorization and gives 24.6 → 115 (x4.7 increase). Comparing with naive version we get with -O3 19 → 115 (x6 increase). Explanation: using vectors and SIMD can speed up processing 8 pixels in one time. GCC optimizes vectorization that gives enormous effect. Analysing DrawMandelbrot3() - vectorization version in GodBolt find out that -O3 minimizes amout of operations 217 → 147 by using many optimizations like changing loops to table of jumps.


Optimization based on SIMD & Compilier optimization gives greate spped up in processing data

In drawing mandelbrot set we see how SIMD & GCC -O3 can increase FPS from 19 to 115 (x6)!


Simple version of printf() on NASM on Linux x86-64:



  • %c - char symbol
  • %s - string
  • %d - signed integer number(32-byte)
  • %u - unsigned integer number(64-byte)
  • %o - octal integer number(64-byte)
  • %x - hexiamal integer number(64-byte)
  • %b - binary integer number(64-byte)
  • %p - pointer address in hex(64-byte)
  • %n - writes in address the number of characters outputted so far (32-byte)


  • If tou want disable/enable prefixies in diffrent number systems ("0o" "0x" "0b") comment %define HEX_PREFIX 1 and etc in


  • 1 if success
  • 0 if fail or error


int a = Printf32("%o\n%d %s %x %d%%%c%b\n%d %s %x %d%%%c%b", -1, -1, "love", 3802, 100, 33, 127,
                                                                 -1, "love", 3802, 100, 33, 127);
-1 love 0x430 100%!0b1111111
-1 love 0x430 100%!0b1111111
int b = 1;
Printf32("abba%n-best\n", &b);
Printf32("%d\n", b);


Compilation & Linking:

GCC - to compile into an obj file

NASM - to assemble in Linux x86 assembler programs

GCC - to link all files with option -no-pie



Need folders ./bin ./obj ./src_asm ./src_c in current directory with makefile

Commands: make make clean make run


sudo apt install nasm

nasm -f elf -l 0-Linux-nasm.lst 0-Linux-nasm.s      #NASM assembler
ld   -s -m elf_i386 -o 0-Linux-nasm 0-Linux-nasm.o  #Linker

-f elf - -f - option with argument - format of file. It translate if ELF-file. -f elf64 - in ELF-file x64 system. -f bin - simple binary file

-m elf_i386 - option of link on some architecture. ld -V - list of available
