A backend exposing an API that is similar to Twitter.
- Unit/Integration tests may hang or not run at all.
- A current fix is adding
--timeout 10000
to our test script to lengthen timeout - It's possible that the connection to our MongoDB database is the problem.
- It's also possible that async/await syntax is incorrectly being used.
- A current fix is adding
describe("Some route", function () {
it("should return 200", function(done) {
.then(() => {
$ git clone https://github.com/khoaHyh/twitter-clone-api.git
$ cd twitter-clone-api
$ npm i
The method you use to come up with the session secret is up to your preference. You can set up your own MongoDB cluster using MongoAtlas for free.
$ npm run dev
$ npm test
- Endpoints with Unit/Integration testing
- User registration using unique username and password
- User login (including session maintenance)
- Chat with other users (direct messages)
- Create, read, update, and delete tweet
- Like/unlike a tweet, and list liked tweets
- Retweet/unretweet a tweet, and list retweeted tweets
- Twitter 'Threads'
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node.js
- Mocha
- Chai
- Passport.js
ObjectId: 6080d7e4272244772c589d0f is used only as an example and may or may not exist in the database.
$ curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:8080/home/tweets/lookup \
--cookie express.sid=s%253Av9TA4jEHtDtsd1CpJyBZ-jTzH-J7ZWJG.x9dXU8Pt7Bv0zttxVQ6V0xkrCIhLQcjtKhUsKOLbBPc
$ curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:8080/home/tweets/show/6080d7e4272244772c589d0f \
--cookie express.sid=s%253Av9TA4jEHtDtsd1CpJyBZ-jTzH-J7ZWJG.x9dXU8Pt7Bv0zttxVQ6V0xkrCIhLQcjtKhUsKOLbBPc
## Request body in JSON format
{ "text": "Hello twitter clone!" }
$ curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/home/tweets/create \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--cookie express.sid=s%253Av9TA4jEHtDtsd1CpJyBZ-jTzH-J7ZWJG.x9dXU8Pt7Bv0zttxVQ6V0xkrCIhLQcjtKhUsKOLbBPc \
--data '{"text":"Hello twitter clone!"}'
{ "id": "6080d7e4272244772c589d0f", "text": "Update this tweet." }
$ curl --request PUT \
--url http://localhost:8080/home/tweets/update \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--cookie express.sid=s%253Av9TA4jEHtDtsd1CpJyBZ-jTzH-J7ZWJG.x9dXU8Pt7Bv0zttxVQ6V0xkrCIhLQcjtKhUsKOLbBPc \
--data '{"id": "6080d7e4272244772c589d0f", "text": "Update this tweet."}'
$ curl --request DELETE \
--url 'http://localhost:8080/home/tweets/delete?tweetId=6080d7e4272244772c589d0f' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Og==' \
--cookie express.sid=s%253Av9TA4jEHtDtsd1CpJyBZ-jTzH-J7ZWJG.x9dXU8Pt7Bv0zttxVQ6V0xkrCIhLQcjtKhUsKOLbBPc
The current version of the API does not have message queues/real-time queries but in the future it may implement these features through the use of Socket.IO.
// Example socket io code in server.js
// Parse and decode the cookie that contains the passport session
// then deserialize to obtain user object
cookieParser: cookieParser,
key: "express.sid",
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
store: sessionStore,
success: onAuthorize.success,
fail: onAuthorize.fail,
io.on('connection', socket => {
const user = socket.request.user.username;
// Listen for user disconnect event
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
io.emit('message', `${user} has left the chat.`);
// Listen for sent message
socket.on('send-message', async ({ id, text, recipient }) => {
let recipientId;
const senderId = req.user._id;
const timestamp = Date.now();
try {
const recipientData = await User.findOne({ username: recipient });
if (!recipientData) {
return res.status(404).json({ message: "Recipient not found." });
recipientId = recipientData._id;
// Don't allow empty messages or messages that exceed 1000 characters
if (text.trim() === "" || text.length > 1000) {
return res.status(422).json({
"Text is required and cannot exceed 1000 characters in length.",
// Key-value data for conversation array in document
const messageData = {
created_timestamp: timestamp,
let idExisted = false; // Flag to let client know if the DM existed
let newDm;
// Validate ids we receive from request (note: 'null' is a valid ObjectId for mongodb schemas)
const validObjectId = mongoose.isValidObjectId(id);
if (validObjectId) {
newDm = await DirectMessage.findOne({ _id: id, recipientId, senderId });
// If the id is invalid or the document could not be found, create a new DM
if (!validObjectId || !newDm) {
newDm = await DirectMessage.create({
conversation: messageData,
id = newDm._id;
} else {
idExisted = true;
newDm.conversation.push(messageData); // push message into conversation array
await newDm.save();
let totalMessages = newDm.conversation.length - 1;
let messageId = newDm.conversation[totalMessages]._id;
let responseObj = {
type: "message_create",
valid_object_id: validObjectId, // let client know if id sent was valid
dm_existed: idExisted, // lets client know if the dm existed previously
created_timestamp: timestamp,
message_create: {
recipient_name: recipientData.username,
recipient_id: recipientId,
username: req.user.username,
sender_id: senderId,
// In the future we may return attachments, user_mentions, etc inside message_data
message_data: {
message_id: messageId,
// Emit 'receive-message' event with message data
socket.emit('receive-message', responseObj);
} catch (error) {
return next(error);