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Khoa Nguyen edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 1 revision


Compatible with Model Driven App Type Standard Template Field Version 1.0.0 Sponsor on Github

TimePicker only displays the time part of a datetime field and supports quick values from a dropdown.

time picker component screenshot


  • Supports new look
  • Use date part from another DateTime field
  • Placeholder
  • Increment step
  • Use 12-hour or 24-hour cycle
  • Freeform
  • Start hour, end hour

Component Props

component properties
Property Usage Type Description
Bound Field* bound DateTime The datetime field that the component is bound to
Date Anchor input DateOnly / DateTime The field that provide the date part for the control
Placeholder input Single Line Text The text that shows when no value is selected
Increment input Whole number Time increments, in minutes, of the options in the dropdown
Use 12-hour cycle input Enum Yes / No. Whether to use 12-hour cycle. Default: No. Use 24-hour cycle
Freeform input Enum Yes / No. If yes, the TimePicker allows freeform user input, rather than restricting to the default increments. The input will still be restricted to valid time values. Default: No
Start Hour input Whole number Start hour (inclusive) for the time range, 0-23
End Hour input Whole number End hour (exclusive) for the time range, 1-24

** is a required prop


Supports New Look

time picker in new look


Use date anchor for fixed date part


Free input


Set value to null



  • ❌ Custom validation message


1.0.0 - latest Latest Release

  • first release