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Releases: khoongwk/ip

Elon Version 1.0

14 Sep 17:59
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Stable version 1.0 with JavaFX graphical user interface.

Improvements over version 0.1 include:

  1. JavaFX GUI over CLI input in v0.1.
  2. Find command to search for existing tasks based on keyword(s) input.
  3. Improved code quality with better abstraction and organization using packages.

version 0.1

31 Aug 12:39
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Duke Program with the following functions:

  1. list: List the current tasks in your list.
  2. todo: Add a To-Do task.
  3. event: Add an task.Event task.
  4. deadline: Add a task.Deadline task.
  5. done: Mark a task as done.
  6. delete: Delete an existing task.
  7. bye: Saves the current tasks and exits.