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rostamctl is a tool for interacting with RostamBot APIs via a command line interface.


The latest version can be installed using go get:

GO111MODULE="on" go get

NOTE: please use the latest go to do this, ideally go 1.12.9 or greater.

This will put rostamctl in $(go env GOPATH)/bin. If you encounter the error rostamctl: command not found after installation then you may need to either add that directory to your $PATH as shown here or do a manual installation by cloning the repo and run make build from the repository which will put rostamctl in:

$(go env GOPATH)/src/$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64/rostamctl

Stable binaries are also available on the releases page. To install, download the binary for your platform from "Assets" and place this into your $PATH:

curl -Lo ./rostamctl$(uname)-amd64
chmod +x ./rostamctl
mv ./rostamctl /some-dir-in-your-PATH/rostamctl

NOTE: Windows releases are compressed in ZIP format.

Code Completion

The code completion for bash or zsh can be installed using:

Note: Shell auto-completion is not available for Windows users.


rostamctl completion bash > ~/.rostamctl-completion
source ~/.rostamctl-completion

# or simply the one-liner below
source <(rostamctl completion bash)


rostamctl completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_rostamctl
autoload -U compinit && compinit

To make this change permenant, the above commands can be added to your ~/.profile file.