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LVS Manger - a shell to manage LVS and iptables

lvsm provides a command shell to manage a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) as a unified system and aims to simplify the management of such systems. The program assumes a Linux server running IPVS with iptables rules as firewall.

The program can be run as a shell by simply running lvsm or invoked as a command by passing all the arguments in the command line like lvsm configure show director

Table of Contents

Software Requirements

One or more of the following software is required for correct functionality of lvsm:


The configuration file can be specified on the command line

$ lvsm --config=configfile

Otherwise the program will look for /etc/lvsm.conf

Valid configuration directives are as follows:

  • director: the type of director used for ipvs. Only ldirectord is supported at the moment
  • director_config: location of the director configuration file
  • director_cmd: command to restart the director
  • firewall_config: location of the iptables configuration file
  • firewall_cmd: command restart the iptables firewall
  • ipvsadm: location of the ipvsadm binary. Defaults to ipvsadm
  • iptables: location of the iptables binary. Defaults to iptables
  • maintenance_dir: directory used by ldirectord for disabling servers
  • nodes: comma separated list of nodes if lvs runs in a cluster
  • version_control: scm used for versioning configs. Only svn is supported at the moment

All other directives are invalid and cause an error message. Further, lines beginning with # are considered comments and will not be parsed.


# this line is a comment
director_config = /etc/ha.d/
firewall_config = /etc/iptables.rules
nodes = lb1, lb2


Commands are broken down into different levels, similar to shells like crmsh, and each new level will present different commands.

common commands

Commands below will work at all levels.

set: change or show display settings inside lvsm.

help: print a relevant help messge depending on the level

end: return to the previous

exit, quit: exit the lvsm shell

main level

Available commands are

  • restart: restart a given module. For this command to work the configuration items director_cmd and/or firewall_cmd need to be set up in the lvsm.conf file.


restart <module>

Where <module> is one of:

Option Result
director restart the lvs director
firewall restart the iptables firewall

configure level

Enter configuration mode. In this mode, the configuration files can be viewed and synced if under version control and/or cluster mode. Configure mode provides access to the director configuration as well as firewall rules.

Available commands are

  • show: will display the configuration for the specified module.


show <module>

Where <module> is one of:

Option Result
director show the director configuration
firewall show the iptables configuration


lvsm(configure)# show director
  • edit: open the configuration file for the module using an editor. note: the editor is currently set to vi.


show <module>

Where <module> is one of:

Option Result
director edit the director configuration
firewall edit the iptables configuration


lvsm(configure)# edit director


lvsm(configure)# sync

status level

Enter status mode. In this level the status of the live setup can be viewed.

  • show: show the running status of the given module.


show <module>

<module> can be one of the following

Option Result
director show the running ipvs status
firewall show the iptables status
nat show the iptables NAT tables
real <server> <port> show the status of a real server
virtual tcp|udp|fwm <vip> <port> show the status of virtual server


lvsm(status)# show firewall
lvsm(status)# show virtual mysite http
lvs(status)# show real fe-01 http
  • enable: enable a real server.

This option is dependent on the director type. Currently only ldirectord is supported.


enable real <server> <port>
  • disable: disable a real server in ipvs.

This option is dependent on the director type. Currently only ldirectord is supported.


disable real <server> <port>


This software is released under the MIT license.