Open-sourced weather icons and font for UI design.
WeatherIcons is a collection of, well, weather icons. The repository includes image files of each icon (in both PNG and SVG) as well as several font files (TTF, OTF, SVG, WOFF).
In coming up with our newest app, NOW Weather, we found the need for a high quality set of weather icons that fit the look we were going for. As we progressed through development, we realized the benefits of an icon font to allow us to dynamically size the icons. Adam Whitcroft's Climacon icons and font did the job nicely during development.
However, after staring at them day after day, and seeing the Climacons start to show up just about everywhere (because they really are a fantastic choice), we decided to go a different direction.
So here we present Kickstand App's own WeatherIcons. While inspired by the Climacons, these icons were developed entirely from scratch to provide an alternative, both for us with NOW Weather, as well as for whoever would like to use them in their own project.
In short, pretty much anyone, for pretty much any purpose.
Everything is released under the SIL OFL 1.1 License as listed in License.txt
Whether you modify the icons or use them as they are, an attribution would be appreciated, though not required.
The image files can be used just like any other image files. The included fonts have the icons mapped to the alphabet as seen below:
We hope you like what we've come up with. But we know as well as anyone that it won't fit everyone's needs. If you expand or otherwise improve the icon set, please submit the change as a pull request. While we will only incorporate the changes that fit the style and intent of the original set, we hope to see numerous additions and improvements to the originals that we will add to the official icon set (with full credit, obviously).