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release Internal changes (openai#800)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* joshim5 changes (width and height to WarpFrame wrapper)

* match network output with action distribution via a linear layer only if necessary (openai#167)

* support color vs. grayscale option in WarpFrame wrapper (openai#166)

* support color vs. grayscale option in WarpFrame wrapper

* Support color in other wrappers

* Updated per Peters suggestions

* fixing test failures

* ppo2 with microbatches (openai#168)

* pass microbatch_size to the model during construction

* microbatch fixes and test (openai#169)

* microbatch fixes and test

* tiny cleanup

* added assertions to the test

* vpg-related fix

* Peterz joshim5 subclass ppo2 model (openai#170)

* microbatch fixes and test

* tiny cleanup

* added assertions to the test

* vpg-related fix

* subclassing the model to make microbatched version of model WIP

* made microbatched model a subclass of ppo2 Model

* flake8 complaint

* mpi-less ppo2 (resolving merge conflict)

* flake8 and mpi4py imports in ppo2/

* more un-mpying

* merge master

* updates to the benchmark viewer code + autopep8 (openai#184)

* viz docs and syntactic sugar wip

* update viewer yaml to use persistent volume claims

* move plot_util to baselines.common, update links

* use 1Tb hard drive for results viewer

* small updates to benchmark vizualizer code

* autopep8

* autopep8

* any folder can be a benchmark

* massage games image a little bit

* fixed --preload option in

* remove preload from

* remove pdb breakpoints

* update bench-viewer.yaml

* fixed bug (openai#185)

* fixed bug 

it's wrong to do the else statement, because no other nodes would start.

* changed the fix slightly

* Refactor her phase 1 (openai#194)

* add monitor to the rollout envs in her RUN BENCHMARKS her

* Slice -> Slide in her benchmarks RUN BENCHMARKS her

* run her benchmark for 200 epochs

* dummy commit to RUN BENCHMARKS her

* her benchmark for 500 epochs RUN BENCHMARKS her

* add num_timesteps to her benchmark to be compatible with viewer RUN BENCHMARKS her

* add num_timesteps to her benchmark to be compatible with viewer RUN BENCHMARKS her

* add num_timesteps to her benchmark to be compatible with viewer RUN BENCHMARKS her

* disable saving of policies in her benchmark RUN BENCHMARKS her

* run fetch benchmarks with ppo2 and ddpg RUN BENCHMARKS Fetch

* run fetch benchmarks with ppo2 and ddpg RUN BENCHMARKS Fetch

* launcher refactor wip

* wip

* her works on FetchReach

* her runner refactor RUN BENCHMARKS Fetch1M

* unit test for her

* fixing warnings in mpi_average in her, skip test_fetchreach if mujoco is not present

* pickle-based serialization in her

* remove extra import from

* investigating differences in

* try with old rollout code RUN BENCHMARKS her

* temporarily use DummyVecEnv in RUN BENCHMARKS her

* dummy commit to RUN BENCHMARKS her

* set info_values in rollout worker in her RUN BENCHMARKS her

* bug in RUN BENCHMARKS her

* fixed bug in RUN BENCHMARKS her

* do not use last step because vecenv calls reset and returns obs after reset RUN BENCHMARKS her

* updated buffer sizes RUN BENCHMARKS her

* fixed loading/saving via joblib

* dust off learning from demonstrations in HER, docs, refactor

* add deprecation notice on her play and plot files

* address comments by Matthias

* 1.5 months of codegen changes (openai#196)

* play with resnet

* feed_dict version

* coinrun prob and more stats

* fixes to get_choices_specs & hp search

* minor prob fixes

* minor fixes

* minor

* alternative version of rl_algo stuff

* pylint fixes

* fix bugs, move node_filters to soup

* changed how get_algo works

* change how get_algo works, probably broke all tests

* continue previous refactor

* get eval_agent running again

* fixing tests

* fix tests

* fix more tests

* clean up cma stuff

* fix experiment

* minor changes to eval_agent to make ppo_metal use gpu

* make dict space work

* modify mac makefile to use conda

* recurrent layers

* play with bn and resnets

* minor hp changes

* minor

* got rid of use_fb argument and jtft (joint-train-fine-tune) functionality
built test phase directly into AlgoProb

* make new rl algos generateable

* pylint; start fixing tests

* fixing tests

* more test fixes

* pylint

* fix search

* work on search

* hack around infinite loop caused by scan

* algo search fixes

* misc changes for search expt

* enable annealing, overriding options of Op

* pylint fixes

* identity op

* achieve use_last_output through masking so it automatically works in other distributions

* fix tests

* minor

* discrete

* use_last_output to be just a preference, not a hard constraint

* pred delay, pruning

* require nontrivial inputs

* aliases for get_sm

* add probname to probs

* fixes

* small fixes

* fix tests

* fix tests

* fix tests

* minor

* test scripts

* dualgru network improvements

* minor

* work on mysterious bugs

* rcall gpu-usage command for kube

* use cache dir that’s not in code folder, so that it doesn’t get removed by rcall code rsync

* add power mode to gpu usage

* make sure train/test actually different

* remove VR for now

* minor fixes

* simplify soln_db

* minor

* big refactor of mpi eda

* improve mpieda for multitask

* - get rid of timelimit hack
- add __del__ to cleanup SubprocVecEnv

* get multitask working better

* fixes

* working on atari, various

* annotate ops with whether they’re parametrized

* minor

* gym version

* rand atari prob

* minor

* SolnDb bugfix and name change

* pyspy script

* switch conv layers

* fix roboschool/bullet3

* nenvs assertion

* fix rand atari

* get rid of blanket exception catching
fix soln_db bug

* fix rand_atari

* dynamic routing as cmdline arg

* slight modifications to test_mpi_map and pyspy-all

* max_tries argument for run_until_successs

* dedup option in train_mle

* simplify soln_db

* increase atari horizon for 1 experiment

* start implementing reward increment

* ent multiplier

* create cc dsl
other misc fixes

* cc ops

* q_func -> qs in

* fix PredictDistr

* rl_ops_cc fixes, MakeAction op

* augment algo agent to support cc stuff

* work on ddpg experiments

* fix blocking
temporarily change logger

* allow layer scaling

* pylint fixes

* spawn_method

* isolate ddpg hacks

* improve pruning

* use spawn for subproc

* remove use of python -c in rcall

* fix pylint warning

* fix static

* maybe fix local backend

* switch to DummyVecEnv

* making some fixes via pylint

* pylint fixes

* fixing tests

* fix tests

* fix tests

* write scaffolding for SSL in Codegen

* logger fix

* fix error

* add EMA op to sl_ops

* save many changes

* save

* add upsampler

* add sl ops, enhance state machine

* get ssl search working — some gross hacking

* fix session/graph issue

* fix importing

* work on mle

* - scale embeddings in gru model
- better exception handling in sl_prob
- use emas for test/val
- use non-contrib batch_norm layer

* improve logging

* option to average before dumping in logger

* default arguments, etc

* new ddpg and identity test

* concat fix

* minor

* move realistic ssl stuff to third-party (underscore to dash)

* fixes

* remove realistic_ssl_evaluation

* pylint fixes

* use gym master

* try again

* pass around args without gin

* fix tests

* separate line to install gym

* rename failing tests that should be ignored

* add data aug

* ssl improvements

* use fixed time limit

* try to fix baselines tests

* add score_floor, max_walltime, fiddle with lr decay

* realistic_ssl

* autopep8

* various ssl
- enable blocking grad for simplification
- kl
- multiple final prediction

* fix pruning

* misc ssl stuff

* bring back linear schedule, don’t use allgather for collecting stats
(i’ve been getting nondeterministic errors from the old code)

* save/load weights in SSL, big stepsize

* cleanup SslProb

* fix

* get rid of kl coef

* fix simplification, lower lr

* search over hps

* minor fixes

* minor

* static analysis

* move files and rename things for improved consistency.
still broken, and just saving before making nontrivial changes

* various

* make tests pass

* move coinrun_train to codegen since it depends on codegen

* fixes

* pylint fixes

* improve tests
fix some things

* improve tests

* lint

* fix up, tests

* mostly restore master version of envs directory, except for makefile changes

* fix tests

* improve printing

* minor fixes

* fix fixmes

* pruning test

* fixes

* lint

* write new test that makes tf graphs of random algos; fix some bugs it caught

* add —delete flag to rcall upload-code command

* lint

* get cifar10 lazily for testing purposes

* disable codegen ci tests for now

* clean up rl_ops

* rename spec classes

* td3 with identity test

* identity tests without gin files

* remove gin.configurable from AlgoAgent

* comments about reduction in rl_ops_cc

* address @pzhokhov comments

* fix tests

* more linting

* better tests

* clean up filtering a bit

* fix concat

* delayed logger configuration (openai#208)

* delayed logger configuration

* fix typo

* setters and getters for Logger.DEFAULT as well

* do away with fancy property stuff - unable to get it to work with class level methods

* grammar and spaces

* spaces

* use get_current function instead of reading Logger.CURRENT

* autopep8

* disable mpi in subprocesses (openai#213)

* lazy_mpi load

* cleanups

* more lazy mpi

* don't pretend that class is a module, just use it as a class

* mass-replace mpi4py imports

* flake8

* fix previous lazy_mpi imports

* silly recursion

* try os.environ hack

* better prefix test, work with mpich

* restored MPI imports

* removed commented import in test_with_mpi

* restored codegen from master

* remove lazy mpi

* restored changes from rl-algs

* remove extra files

* address Chris' comments

* use spawn for shmem vec env as well (openai#2) (openai#219)

* lazy_mpi load

* cleanups

* more lazy mpi

* don't pretend that class is a module, just use it as a class

* mass-replace mpi4py imports

* flake8

* fix previous lazy_mpi imports

* silly recursion

* try os.environ hack

* better prefix test, work with mpich

* restored MPI imports

* removed commented import in test_with_mpi

* restored codegen from master

* remove lazy mpi

* restored changes from rl-algs

* remove extra files

* port mpi fix to shmem vec env

* increase the mpi test default timeout

* change humanoid hyperparameters, get rid of clip_Frac annealing, as it's apparently dangerous

* remove clip_frac schedule from ppo2

* more timesteps in humanoid run

* whitespace + RUN BENCHMARKS

* baselines: export vecenvs from folder (openai#221)

* baselines: export vecenvs from folder

* put missing function back in

* add missing imports

* more imports

* longer mpi timeout?

* make default logger configuration the same as call to logger.configure() (openai#222)

* Vecenv refactor (openai#223)

* update karl util

* restore pvi flag

* change rcall auto cpu behavior, move gin.configurable, add os.makedirs

* vecenv refactor

* aux buf index fix

* add num aux obs

* reset level with enter

* restore high difficulty flag

* bugfix

* restore

* tweaks

* renaming

* renaming

* better arguments handling

* more options

* options cleanup

* game data refactor

* more options

* args for train_procgen

* add close handler to interactive base class

* use debug build if debug=True, fix range on aux_obs

* add ProcGenEnv to, add missing imports to

* export RemoveDictWrapper and build, update, move assets download into env creation and replace init_assets_and_build with just build

* fix formatting issues

* only call global init once

* fix path in

* revert part of makefile

* ignore IDE files and folders

* vec remove dict

* export VecRemoveDictObs

* remove RemoveDictWrapper

* remove IDE files

* move shared .h and .cpp files to common folder, update build to use those, dedupe env.cpp

* fix missing header

* try unified build function

* remove old scripts dir

* add comment on build

* upload libenv with render fixes

* tell qthreads to die when we unload the library

* is garbage

* static fixes

* whoops

* actually vsync is on

* cleanup

* cleanup

* extern C for libenv interface

* parse util rcall arg

* high difficulty fix

* game type enums

* ProcGenEnv subclasses

* game type cleanup

* unrecognized key

* unrecognized game type

* parse util reorg

* args management

* typo fix

* GinParser

* arg tweaks

* tweak

* restore start_level/num_levels setting

* fix create_procgen_env interface

* build fix

* procgen args in init signature

* fix

* build fix

* fix logger usage in ppo_metal/run_retro

* removed unnecessary OrderedDict requirement in subproc_vec_env

* flake8 fix

* allow for non-mpi tests

* mpi test fixes

* flake8; removed special logic for discrete spaces in dummy_vec_env

* remove forked argument in front of tests - does not play nicely with subprocvecenv in spawned processes; analog of forked in ddpg/test_smoke

* Everyrl initial commit & a few minor baselines changes (openai#226)

* everyrl initial commit

* add keep_buf argument to VecMonitor

* logger changes: set_comm and fix to mpi_mean functionality

* if filename not provided, don't create ResultsWriter

* change variable syncing function to simplify its usage. now you should initialize from all mpi processes

* everyrl coinrun changes

* tf_distr changes, bugfix

* get_one

* bring back get_next to temporarily restore code

* lint fixes

* fix test

* rename profile function

* rename gaussian

* fix coinrun training script

* change random seeding to work with new gym version (openai#231)

* change random seeding to work with new gym version

* move seeding to seed() method

* fix mnistenv

* actually try some of the tests before pushing

* more deterministic fixed seq

* misc changes to vecenvs and for benchmarks (openai#236)

* misc changes to vecenvs and for benchmarks

* dont seed global gen

* update more references to assert_venvs_equal

* Rl19 (openai#232)

* everyrl initial commit

* add keep_buf argument to VecMonitor

* logger changes: set_comm and fix to mpi_mean functionality

* if filename not provided, don't create ResultsWriter

* change variable syncing function to simplify its usage. now you should initialize from all mpi processes

* everyrl coinrun changes

* tf_distr changes, bugfix

* get_one

* bring back get_next to temporarily restore code

* lint fixes

* fix test

* rename profile function

* rename gaussian

* fix coinrun training script

* rl19

* remove everyrl dir which appeared in the merge for some reason

* readme

* fiddle with ddpg

* make ddpg work

* steps_total argument

* gpu count

* clean up hyperparams and shape math

* logging + saving

* configuration stuff

* fixes, smoke tests

* fix stats

* make load_results return dicts -- easier to create the same kind of objects with some other mechanism for passing to downstream functions

* benchmarks

* fix tests

* add dqn to tests, fix it

* minor

* turned annotated transformer (pytorch) into a script

* more refactoring

* jax stuff

* cluster

* minor

* copy & paste alec code

* sign error

* add huber, rename some parameters, snapshotting off by default

* remove jax stuff

* minor

* move maze env

* minor

* remove trailing spaces

* remove trailing space

* lint

* fix test breakage due to gym update

* rename function

* move maze back to codegen

* get recurrent ppo working

* enable both lstm and gru

* script to print table of benchmark results

* various

* fix dqn

* add fixup initializer, remove lastrew

* organize logging stats

* fix silly bug

* refactor models

* fix mpi usage

* check sync

* minor

* change vf coef, hps

* clean up slicing in ppo

* minor fixes

* caching transformer

* docstrings

* xf fixes

* get rid of 'B' and 'BT' arguments

* minor

* transformer example

* remove output_kind from base class until we have a better idea how to use it

* add comments, revert maze stuff

* flake8

* codegen lint

* fix codegen tests

* responded to peter's comments

* lint fixes

* minor changes to baselines (openai#243)

* minor changes to baselines

* fix spaces reference

* remove flake8 disable comments and fix import

* okay maybe don't add spec to vec_env

* Merge branch 'master' of

 the commit.

* flake8 complaints in baselines/her
  • Loading branch information
pzhokhov authored and kiku-jw committed Apr 6, 2019
1 parent ab27ad2 commit a28e264
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 36 changed files with 649 additions and 437 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ install:

- flake8 . --show-source --statistics
- docker run baselines-test pytest -v --forked .
- docker run baselines-test pytest -v .
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion baselines/bench/
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def register_benchmark(benchmark):
if 'tasks' in benchmark:
for t in benchmark['tasks']:
if 'desc' not in t:
t['desc'] = remove_version_re.sub('', t['env_id'])
t['desc'] = remove_version_re.sub('', t.get('env_id', t.get('id')))

Expand Down
49 changes: 24 additions & 25 deletions baselines/bench/
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ class Monitor(Wrapper):
def __init__(self, env, filename, allow_early_resets=False, reset_keywords=(), info_keywords=()):
Wrapper.__init__(self, env=env)
self.tstart = time.time()
self.results_writer = ResultsWriter(
header={"t_start": time.time(), 'env_id' : env.spec and},
extra_keys=reset_keywords + info_keywords
if filename:
self.results_writer = ResultsWriter(filename,
header={"t_start": time.time(), 'env_id' : env.spec and},
extra_keys=reset_keywords + info_keywords
self.results_writer = None
self.reset_keywords = reset_keywords
self.info_keywords = info_keywords
self.allow_early_resets = allow_early_resets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,8 +70,9 @@ def update(self, ob, rew, done, info):
self.episode_times.append(time.time() - self.tstart)

if self.results_writer:
assert isinstance(info, dict)
if isinstance(info, dict):
info['episode'] = epinfo

Expand All @@ -96,32 +99,28 @@ class LoadMonitorResultsError(Exception):

class ResultsWriter(object):
def __init__(self, filename=None, header='', extra_keys=()):
def __init__(self, filename, header='', extra_keys=()):
self.extra_keys = extra_keys
if filename is None:
self.f = None
self.logger = None
if not filename.endswith(Monitor.EXT):
if osp.isdir(filename):
filename = osp.join(filename, Monitor.EXT)
filename = filename + "." + Monitor.EXT
self.f = open(filename, "wt")
if isinstance(header, dict):
header = '# {} \n'.format(json.dumps(header))
self.logger = csv.DictWriter(self.f, fieldnames=('r', 'l', 't')+tuple(extra_keys))
assert filename is not None
if not filename.endswith(Monitor.EXT):
if osp.isdir(filename):
filename = osp.join(filename, Monitor.EXT)
filename = filename + "." + Monitor.EXT
self.f = open(filename, "wt")
if isinstance(header, dict):
header = '# {} \n'.format(json.dumps(header))
self.logger = csv.DictWriter(self.f, fieldnames=('r', 'l', 't')+tuple(extra_keys))

def write_row(self, epinfo):
if self.logger:

def get_monitor_files(dir):
return glob(osp.join(dir, "*" + Monitor.EXT))

Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions baselines/common/
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
from gym import spaces
import cv2
from .wrappers import TimeLimit

class NoopResetEnv(gym.Wrapper):
def __init__(self, env, noop_max=30):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,14 +223,13 @@ def __len__(self):
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self._force()[i]

def make_atari(env_id, timelimit=True):
# XXX(john): remove timelimit argument after gym is upgraded to allow double wrapping
def make_atari(env_id, max_episode_steps=None):
env = gym.make(env_id)
if not timelimit:
env = env.env
assert 'NoFrameskip' in
env = NoopResetEnv(env, noop_max=30)
env = MaxAndSkipEnv(env, skip=4)
if max_episode_steps is not None:
env = TimeLimit(env, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps)
return env

def wrap_deepmind(env, episode_life=True, clip_rewards=True, frame_stack=False, scale=False):
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions baselines/common/
Expand Up @@ -30,16 +30,19 @@ def make_vec_env(env_id, env_type, num_env, seed,
wrapper_kwargs = wrapper_kwargs or {}
mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if MPI else 0
seed = seed + 10000 * mpi_rank if seed is not None else None
logger_dir = logger.get_dir()
def make_thunk(rank):
return lambda: make_env(
subrank = rank,

Expand All @@ -49,8 +52,7 @@ def make_thunk(rank):
return DummyVecEnv([make_thunk(start_index)])

def make_env(env_id, env_type, subrank=0, seed=None, reward_scale=1.0, gamestate=None, flatten_dict_observations=True, wrapper_kwargs=None):
mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if MPI else 0
def make_env(env_id, env_type, mpi_rank=0, subrank=0, seed=None, reward_scale=1.0, gamestate=None, flatten_dict_observations=True, wrapper_kwargs=None, logger_dir=None):
wrapper_kwargs = wrapper_kwargs or {}
if env_type == 'atari':
env = make_atari(env_id)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ def make_env(env_id, env_type, subrank=0, seed=None, reward_scale=1.0, gamestate

env.seed(seed + subrank if seed is not None else None)
env = Monitor(env,
logger.get_dir() and os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), str(mpi_rank) + '.' + str(subrank)),
logger_dir and os.path.join(logger_dir, str(mpi_rank) + '.' + str(subrank)),

if env_type == 'atari':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ def common_arg_parser():
parser = arg_parser()
parser.add_argument('--env', help='environment ID', type=str, default='Reacher-v2')
parser.add_argument('--env_type', help='type of environment, used when the environment type cannot be automatically determined', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--seed', help='RNG seed', type=int, default=None)
parser.add_argument('--alg', help='Algorithm', type=str, default='ppo2')
parser.add_argument('--num_timesteps', type=float, default=1e6),
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion baselines/common/
Expand Up @@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ def fromflat(cls, flat):
class MultiCategoricalPd(Pd):
def __init__(self, nvec, flat):
self.flat = flat
self.categoricals = list(map(CategoricalPd, tf.split(flat, nvec, axis=-1)))
self.categoricals = list(map(CategoricalPd,
tf.split(flat, np.array(nvec, dtype=np.int32), axis=-1)))
def flatparam(self):
return self.flat
def mode(self):
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion baselines/common/
Expand Up @@ -17,15 +17,30 @@ def compute_gradients(self, loss, var_list, **kwargs):
num_tasks = self.comm.Get_size()
buf = np.zeros(sum(sizes), np.float32)

sess = tf.get_default_session()
assert sess is not None
countholder = [0] # Counts how many times _collect_grads has been called
stat = tf.reduce_sum(grads_and_vars[0][1]) # sum of first variable
def _collect_grads(flat_grad):
self.comm.Allreduce(flat_grad, buf, op=MPI.SUM)
np.divide(buf, float(num_tasks), out=buf)
if countholder[0] % 100 == 0:
check_synced(sess, self.comm, stat)
countholder[0] += 1
return buf

avg_flat_grad = tf.py_func(_collect_grads, [flat_grad], tf.float32)
avg_grads = tf.split(avg_flat_grad, sizes, axis=0)
avg_grads_and_vars = [(tf.reshape(g, v.shape), v)
for g, (_, v) in zip(avg_grads, grads_and_vars)]

return avg_grads_and_vars

def check_synced(sess, comm, tfstat):
Check that 'tfstat' evaluates to the same thing on every MPI worker
localval =
vals = comm.gather(localval)
if comm.rank == 0:
assert all(val==vals[0] for val in vals[1:])
64 changes: 48 additions & 16 deletions baselines/common/
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from mpi4py import MPI
import os, numpy as np
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings
import sys

from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
MPI = None

def sync_from_root(sess, variables, comm=None):
Expand All @@ -13,15 +20,10 @@ def sync_from_root(sess, variables, comm=None):
variables: all parameter variables including optimizer's
if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
rank = comm.Get_rank()
for var in variables:
if rank == 0:
import tensorflow as tf
returned_var = np.empty(var.shape, dtype='float32')
comm.Bcast(returned_var), returned_var))
import tensorflow as tf
values = comm.bcast([tf.assign(var, val)
for (var, val) in zip(variables, values)])

def gpu_count():
Expand All @@ -34,13 +36,15 @@ def gpu_count():

def setup_mpi_gpus():
Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to MPI rank if not already set
num_gpus = gpu_count()
if num_gpus == 0:
local_rank, _ = get_local_rank_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(local_rank % num_gpus)
if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' not in os.environ:
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # This Assumes if you're on OSX you're just
ids = [] # doing a smoke test and don't want GPUs
lrank, _lsize = get_local_rank_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
ids = [lrank]
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ",".join(map(str, ids))

def get_local_rank_size(comm):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +85,9 @@ def share_file(comm, path):

def dict_gather(comm, d, op='mean', assert_all_have_data=True):
Perform a reduction operation over dicts
if comm is None: return d
alldicts = comm.allgather(d)
size = comm.size
Expand All @@ -99,3 +106,28 @@ def dict_gather(comm, d, op='mean', assert_all_have_data=True):
assert 0, op
return result

def mpi_weighted_mean(comm, local_name2valcount):
Perform a weighted average over dicts that are each on a different node
Input: local_name2valcount: dict mapping key -> (value, count)
Returns: key -> mean
all_name2valcount = comm.gather(local_name2valcount)
if comm.rank == 0:
name2sum = defaultdict(float)
name2count = defaultdict(float)
for n2vc in all_name2valcount:
for (name, (val, count)) in n2vc.items():
val = float(val)
except ValueError:
if comm.rank == 0:
warnings.warn(f'WARNING: tried to compute mean on non-float {name}={val}')
name2sum[name] += val * count
name2count[name] += count
return {name : name2sum[name] / name2count[name] for name in name2sum}
return {}

32 changes: 10 additions & 22 deletions baselines/common/
@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
# flake8: noqa F403, F405
from .atari_wrappers import *
from collections import deque
import cv2
from .atari_wrappers import WarpFrame, ClipRewardEnv, FrameStack, ScaledFloatFrame
from .wrappers import TimeLimit
import numpy as np
import gym

class TimeLimit(gym.Wrapper):
def __init__(self, env, max_episode_steps=None):
super(TimeLimit, self).__init__(env)
self._max_episode_steps = max_episode_steps
self._elapsed_steps = 0

def step(self, ac):
observation, reward, done, info = self.env.step(ac)
self._elapsed_steps += 1
if self._elapsed_steps >= self._max_episode_steps:
done = True
info['TimeLimit.truncated'] = True
return observation, reward, done, info

def reset(self, **kwargs):
self._elapsed_steps = 0
return self.env.reset(**kwargs)

class StochasticFrameSkip(gym.Wrapper):
def __init__(self, env, n, stickprob):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +85,7 @@ def __init__(self, env, ratio):
gym.ObservationWrapper.__init__(self, env)
(oldh, oldw, oldc) = env.observation_space.shape
newshape = (oldh//ratio, oldw//ratio, oldc)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255,
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=255,
shape=newshape, dtype=np.uint8)

def observation(self, frame):
Expand All @@ -116,7 +102,7 @@ def __init__(self, env):
gym.ObservationWrapper.__init__(self, env)
(oldh, oldw, _oldc) = env.observation_space.shape
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255,
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=255,
shape=(oldh, oldw, 1), dtype=np.uint8)

def observation(self, frame):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,8 +199,10 @@ def step(self, a):
return self.last_obs, rew, done, info

def make_retro(*, game, state, max_episode_steps, **kwargs):
def make_retro(*, game, state=None, max_episode_steps=4500, **kwargs):
import retro
if state is None:
state = retro.State.DEFAULT
env = retro.make(game, state, **kwargs)
env = StochasticFrameSkip(env, n=4, stickprob=0.25)
if max_episode_steps is not None:
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions baselines/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
from baselines import logger
from baselines.common.tests.test_with_mpi import with_mpi
from baselines.common import mpi_util

def test_mpi_weighted_mean():
from mpi4py import MPI
with logger.scoped_configure(comm=comm):
if comm.rank == 0:
name2valcount = {'a' : (10, 2), 'b' : (20,3)}
elif comm.rank == 1:
name2valcount = {'a' : (19, 1), 'c' : (42,3)}
raise NotImplementedError

d = mpi_util.mpi_weighted_mean(comm, name2valcount)
correctval = {'a' : (10 * 2 + 19) / 3.0, 'b' : 20, 'c' : 42}
if comm.rank == 0:
assert d == correctval, f'{d} != {correctval}'

for name, (val, count) in name2valcount.items():
for _ in range(count):
logger.logkv_mean(name, val)
d2 = logger.dumpkvs()
if comm.rank == 0:
assert d2 == correctval

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