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Stonecutter [0.3.0]

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@kikugie kikugie released this 12 Jan 16:42
· 12 commits to kotlin since this release

This update separates the versioned project names from the used Minecraft version. For example:

// settings.gradle
stonecutter {
    shared {
        versions "1.19.4", "1.20.2", "1.20.4"
        vers "snapshot", "1.20.5-alpha.23.51.b" // 23w51b

Version specifications are now additive, so multiple versions and vers calls are allowed.

For all the Kotlin enjoyers (me) - stonecutter.gradle.kts is now a thing (which is a surprise tool, that will help us later). To enable it, use:

// settings.gradle
stonecutter {
    kotlinController true
    centralScript "build.gradle.kts" // Out of context, but you probably want it too

The controller is now less restrictive - no more intimidating //-------- !DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE! --------\\, there's only one line marked not to be edited.


If you're updating from the previous version and the plugin complains about corrupted controller - add /* [SC] DO NOT EDIT */ after "..."