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A validator for HTTP request parameters.

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npm i @killara/validation -S


  • It supports three kinds of rule declarations. String inline rules, object rules and array rules.
  • It supports async validation rule. For example, unique validation for only specific record in database table.
  • It supports custom rules
  • It supports custom error messages, or it uses default messages.


const Validation = require('@killara/validation');
const validation = new Validation();

const values = {
  username: 'admins',
  password: 'abcdef',
  sex: 'male',

const rules = {
  username: 'required|alpha:6',
  password: {
    required: true,
    regexp: /^[a-z]{6,18}$/,
  sex: [ 'male', 'female' ],

const messages = {
  'username.alpha': 'The field must be entirely alphabetic characters',
  '': 'The field should be included in the list of ${ _items_.join(", ") }'

const errors = await validation.validate(values, rules, messages);

if (!errors) {
  // all validations passed
} else {
  // we got an array of errors


  • accepted

    • string style: field: 'accepted'
    • object style: field: { accepted: true }
  • alpha

    • string style: field: 'alpha:6' or field: 'alpha:len=6'
    • object style: field: { alpha: { len: 6 } }
  • alphanum

    • string style: field: 'alphanum:6' or field: 'alphanum:len=6'
    • object style: field: { alphanum: { len: 6 } }
  • confirmed

    Rule confirmed: the field need to have the same value as the value that be filled by field_confirmed. We can change field_confirmed to any names with confirmed:"custom"

    • string style: field: 'confirmed' or field: 'confirmed"custom_field_name"'
    • object style: field: { confirmed: { len: 6 } }
  • date

    • string style: field: 'date'
    • object style: field: { date: true }
  • datetime

    • string style: field: 'datetime'
    • object style: field: { datetime: true }
  • time

    • string style: field: 'time'
    • object style: field: { time: true }
  • email

    • string style: field: 'email:true'
    • object style: field: { email: true }
  • in

    • array style: field: [ 'basketball', 'football' ]
    • object style: field: { in: [ 'basketball', 'football' ] }
  • money

    • string style: field: 'money' or field: 'money:0' field: 'money:2' (default)
    • object style: field: { money: { decimal: true } } or field: { money: { decimal: 0 } } or field: { money: { decimal: 2 } }
  • numeric

    • string style: field: 'numeric:6' or field: 'numeric:len=6'
    • object style: field: { numeric: { len: 6 } }
  • regexp

    • string style: field: 'regexp:"^123456$"'
    • object style: field: { regexp: new RegExp(/abc/, 'i') } or field: { regexp: /^[0-9a-zA-z]{8,16}$/ }
  • required

    • string style: field: 'required' or field: 'required:true'
    • object style: field: { required: true }


  • #constructor(options?: object)
    • Initialize with options (cant include options properties)
  • #async validate(params: object, rules?: object, messages?: object)
    • Validate params
  • #addRule(name: string, ruleFunc: ruleFunc: (field: string) => (context: object) => (params: object) => bool)
    • Add custom rule
  • #addMessage(name: string, message: string)
    • Add custom message
