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 * @throws Error if the number of colors is greater than MAX_COLOR_STOPS
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not the same length as stops
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not in ascending order
function linearGradient(options: {
   * The colors to use in the gradient. Must be at least 2.
  colors: RGBAColor[],
   * The positions of the colors in the gradient. Must be the same length as colors and in ascending order.
   * By default, the colors will be evenly distributed.
  stops?: RGBAColor[],
   * The rotation of the gradient in degrees. Defaults to 0.
  rotation?: number,
}): {
  fragmentShader: string,
  uniforms: Object,


 * @throws Error if the number of colors is greater than MAX_COLOR_STOPS
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not the same length as stops
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not in ascending order
function radialGradient(options: {
   * The colors to use in the gradient. Must be at least 2.
  colors: RGBAColor[],
   * An array of positions for each color stop. Must be the same length as colors and in ascending order.
   * If not provided, the stops will be evenly spaced.
   * @example [0, 0.5, 1]
  stops?: RGBAColor[],
   * If true, the gradient will be circular. Similar to CSS radial-gradient circle parameter. 
   * @default false
  circle?: boolean,
   * The center of the gradient. Defaults to center
   * @example [0.5, 0.5]
  center?: Point,
   * The scale of the gradient.
   * @default 1
  scale?: number,
}): {
  fragmentShader: string,
  uniforms: Object,


 * @throws Error if the number of colors is greater than MAX_COLOR_STOPS
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not the same length as stops
 * @throws Error if stops is provided and is not in ascending order
function conicGradient(options: {
   * The colors to use in the gradient. Must be at least 2.
  colors: RGBAColor[],
   * The positions of the colors in the gradient. Must be the same length as colors and in ascending order.
   * If not provided, the colors will be evenly spaced.
   * @example [0, 0.5, 1]
  stops?: RGBAColor[],
   * The center of the gradient. Defaults to center
   * @example [0.5, 0.5]
  center?: Point,
}): {
  fragmentShader: string,
  uniforms: Object,

Example Usage

import { Application, Filter } from "pixi.js";
import { SmoothGraphics as Graphics } from '@pixi/graphics-smooth';
import { throttle } from "lodash";
import { conicGradient } from "pixi-gradient-shaders";

const container = document.getElementById("container") as HTMLElement;
if(!container) throw new Error("No container found");
const app = new Application({
  autoDensity: true,
  backgroundColor: 'transparent',
  backgroundAlpha: 0,
const fitAppToScreen = throttle(() => {
  app.renderer.resize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);
  app.resizeTo = container;
}, 100, { leading: true, trailing: false });
new ResizeObserver(() => {

container.appendChild(app.view as HTMLCanvasElement);

function draw() {
  const conical = new Graphics();
  conical.beginFill(0x000000, 1, true);
    app.screen.width / 2 - conical.width / 2, 
    app.screen.height / 2 - conical.height / 2, 
  const conicShader = conicGradient({
    colors: [
      [1, 0, 0, 1],
      [0, 1, 0, 1],
      [0, 0, 1, 1],
      [1, 0, 0, 1]
  const filter = new Filter(undefined, conicShader.fragmentShader, conicShader.uniforms);
  conical.filters = [filter];


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