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Geoblocking module for IIS written in native C++

This is my first real dive into C++! If you notice ive done something incorrectly within this code, please do point it out or make a PR!


  • copy CGeoIPModule.xml to %windir%\System32\inetsrv\config\schema

  • edit %windir%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config and find the line

        <sectionGroup name="system.webServer">

and add <section name="CGeoIPModule" />

copy CGeoIPModule.dll to %windir%\System32\inetsrv

install via IIS dialogs (Server->Modules->Configure Native Modules->Register)


action options

  • Not Found
  • Close
  • Forbidden
  • Unauthorized
  • Reset

Server variable GEOIP_COUNTRY will contain the iso country code on successful lookup, ZZ for local addresses as defined by the IsLocalAddress() function or -- for unsuccessful lookups

example usage web.config to block one country

        <CGeoIPModule enabled="true" action="Not Found" allowListed="false" path="C:\GeoIP\GeoIP-country.mmdb">
                <clear />
                <add code="CN" />

example usage web.config to allow only one country

        <CGeoIPModule enabled="true" action="Not Found" allowListed="true" path="C:\GeoIP\GeoIP-country.mmdb">
                <clear />
                <add code="US" />

or perhaps you just want the server variable to be set for easy retireval from server scripting, just set allowListed to false with no country code's selected

        <CGeoIPModule enabled="true" allowListed="false" path="C:\GeoIP\GeoIP-country.mmdb">
                <clear />


  • Get libmaxminddb
git clone --recursive
mkdir libmaxminddb\build && cd libmaxminddb\build
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
  • Download and install Windows SDK.

  • Build project with Visual Studio (I use 2022)

Reason for this modules existence

I have been using the GeoIP2blockModule for several years, and while its a well written solution, it is a bit slower (probably due to the introduction of into the request pipeline)

This module has much lower impact on IIS's performance, making it more suitable to sites that see heavy load. Though it does lack a nice UI in IIS manager

Bombardier results

1.39 KB static file for testing (small to emphasize transactional throughput)

No module enabled

Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec     13327.21    6434.57   31616.04
  Latency        9.37ms     2.08ms    53.62ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 133322, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:    22.34MB/s

C# module

Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec       842.83     144.49    1301.78
  Latency      147.69ms    10.07ms   252.26ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 8518, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:     1.41MB/s

C++ module

Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec      5507.09    1081.12   16498.01
  Latency       22.77ms     2.33ms   113.10ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 54745, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:     9.17MB/s


Geoblocking module for IIS written in native C++








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