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Markdown Previewer

Objective: Build an app that is functionally similar to this.

Fulfill the below user stories and get all of the tests to pass. Use whichever libraries or APIs you need. Give it your own personal style.

  1. I can see a textarea element with a corresponding id="editor".

  2. I can see an element with a corresponding id="preview".

  3. When I enter text into the #editor element, the #preview element is updated as I type to display the content of the textarea.

  4. When I enter GitHub flavored markdown into the #editor element, the text is rendered as HTML in the #preview element as I type (HINT: You don't need to parse Markdown yourself - you can import the Marked library for this:

  5. When my markdown previewer first loads, the default text in the #editor field should contain valid markdown that represents at least one of each of the following elements: a heading element (H1 size), a sub heading element (H2 size), a link, inline code, a code block, a list item, a blockquote, an image, and bolded text.

  6. When my markdown previewer first loads, the default markdown in the #editor field should be rendered as HTML in the #preview element.

  7. Optional Bonus (you do not need to make this test pass): My markdown previewer interprets carriage returns and renders them as br (line break) elements.


Edit and preview GitHub flavored markdown.






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