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Create a RemoteApp and use it on another computer

Kim Knight edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 8 revisions

This guide shows you how to use RemoteApp Tool to create a RemoteApp on a HOST computer and then use the app remotely from a CLIENT computer.

In this scenario we create a RemoteApp for the software GIMP 2 which is installed on the HOST computer. The CLIENT computer will run GIMP 2 remotely. Both computers are on the same local network.

1. Enable Remote Desktop (HOST)

Remote Desktop can be enabled from Remote tab in the System Properties window.

You can get to System Properties in a different ways, depending on your operating system.

Windows XP:

Start Menu > Right-click My Computer > Click Properties > Click the Remote tab

Windows 7:

Start Menu > Right-click Computer > Click Properties > Click Remote settings

Windows 8.1 & 10:

Right-click Start Menu > Click System > Click Remote settings

Once there, select Allow remote connections to this computer.

2. Open RemoteApp Tool and create a RemoteApp (HOST)

Click the + (plus) button to create a new RemoteApp.

3. Select the program (HOST)

Locate the EXE or shortcut file for your application.

4. Create Client Connection file (HOST)

  1. Click the RemoteApp
  2. Click Create Client Connection...

5. Confirm details and click Create... (HOST)

It is suggested that you change the Server address to the IP address of your host computer.

(Note: The host should have a static/reserved IP address.)

6. Save your RDP file (HOST)

7. Copy your RDP file from the HOST computer to the CLIENT computer

8. Open the RDP file (CLIENT)

9. Confirm any security prompts (CLIENT)

10. Enter your username and password to connect to the HOST computer (CLIENT)

11. Your RemoteApp should open!