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This is a example project that demonstrate the differences between Babel 7 with typescript preset and Pure TypeScript compiler when working with Classes that extends Immutable.Record


  • src/Person.ts : declare a basic class that extends Immutable.Record.
  • index.test.ts : Jest test file that test the instantiation of the Person Record and acces properties with property accessors (I want to test that personInstance.firstName is accessible instead of passing by the Immutable.Record method personInstance.get('firstName').
  • npm start test:tsc: will launch the test file and use Pure Typescript compiler.
  • npm start test:babel: will launch the test file and use Babel 7 with typescript preset compiler.
  • npm start build:tsc: will output the final javascript code using Pure Typescript compiler.
  • npm start build:babel:will output the final javascript code using Babel 7 with typescript preset compiler.

Run the test

When running the test with both compilers setup, we can see that the test passes with Pure Typescript compiler but fails with Babel7 with typescript preset compiler.

What's going on behin the scene:

To understand what is going on behind the scene, run both npm start build and look into the build folder. Here is the code generated by Babel. Have a look at the constructor: First, it calls super with default values but then it defines all properties again with void 0 which erases all previous default values to undefined !!! 💣

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.Person = void 0;

var _immutable = require("immutable");

function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }

const defaultPersonProps = {
  firstName: '',
  lastName: ''

class Person extends (0, _immutable.Record)(defaultPersonProps) {
  constructor(values) {
    var _temp, _temp2;

    values ? (_temp = super(values), _defineProperty(this, "firstName", void 0), _defineProperty(this, "lastName", void 0), _temp) : (_temp2 = super(defaultPersonProps), _temp = super(values), _defineProperty(this, "firstName", void 0), _defineProperty(this, "lastName", void 0), _temp, _temp2);

  setFirstName(value) {
    return this.set('firstName', value);

  setLastName(value) {
    return this.set('lastName', value);
  } // get fullName() {
  // 	return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`.trim();
  // }


exports.Person = Person;


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