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Releases: kin5/scribly


02 Mar 16:04
Choose a tag to compare

Forgot to update README before drafting 1.1.

No new functionality, sorry. Just trying to get some love for the README.


02 Mar 16:01
Choose a tag to compare

Added DOM Element support for scribly.edit()

  • You may now pass in a DOM Element in place of the selector parameter. This will be easier for developers who would rather pass in an object they already have defined than remember a bunch of selectors.
  • You may now omit the inputType parameter (it will default to "text" as before) and still specify the parent parameter
  • The edit method will check to see whether the element passed in is a child of the parent element. If it is, it will allow editing. If not, it will prevent editing.


02 Mar 00:14
Choose a tag to compare

This is the first production release of scribly. It is ready to be used on live websites, as I am currently using it on mine now.