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FHIR Conversion Assumptions

alexmbennett2 edited this page Dec 17, 2021 · 1 revision


  • UUIDs deterministically generated (mimic2fhir uses random UUIDs)
  • No Location or Practitioner resources were generated since MIMIC-IV drops this information
  • No Specimen resource was generated, the information didn't seem overly useful. MIMIC only has three columns on specimen which bleed into the microbio anyways
  • Generated one organization, just had a generic MIMIC Hospital


  • Birthdate was calculated use transfer.intime since the admission.admittime was not always present for a patient but at least one transfer.intime was
  • Race/ethnicity are both mapped to the same thing, will need to add some logic for race
  • Birthsex just pulls in gender
  • Patient name is set to 'Patient_<subject_id>'


  • ClinicalStatus all set to "active"
  • Category all set to "encounter-diagnosis"
  • Base identifier is just hadm_id, icd_code, and seq_num concatenated together


  • Status is fixed as 'finished' --> logic is anything in mimic is final now


  • Status fixed to 'completed Base identifier is just hadm_id, icd_code, and seq_num concatenated together.


  • Using charttime, not storetime (there was a note that chartime is significantly earlier than the result so may not be as useful as it seems)
  • Storetime is currently being stored as 'issued' time when providers have access
  • 'Status' set to 'final' for all observations
  • 'Category' set to 'laboratory' for all observations


  • Structure: Observation_micro_test -> observation_micro_org -> observation_micro_susc
  • Charttime used in micro-test
  • Storetime used for micro-susc, since more a final time for susc results


  • Current identifer/code based off of NDC, but some meds don't have NDC mapped.
  • Created a table that maps these extra values to an identifier, that we can then set to its NDC later
  • Status variable set to fixed 'completed'


  • Pulling in emar_detail information only for parient_field_ordinal=NULL (has information all in one row vs broken into multiple)
  • Dosage pulled from MIMIC's dose_due vs dose_given
  • Rate pulled from MIMIC's infusion_rate

MedicationAdministrationICU ( MIMIC inputevents)

  • No real mapping to medications found in pharmacy/prescription


  • Made the encounters "partOf" the larger encounters found in admissions

Observation chartevents/datetimeevents/outputevents

  • category variable set to d_items category (will need to be concept mapped later)
  • code is just set to d_items itemid and label (again will need to be concept mapped later)