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TypeScript Express Microservice Template

NodeJS Express.js Postgres Sequelize Swagger JWT Jest Docker


Quick Start

Get the application DB up first, using Postgres Docker Image

docker pull postgres
docker run --name postgres-db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres

Then execute the following command start the application in dev mode

npm run start:dev

Check the health of the application from the url http://localhost:3000/health

In order to access the private the routes, we need to pass the JWT token generated by the login API


  • Authentication using JWT
  • Password Encryption using bcrypt
  • Unit testing using jest
  • Swagger to interact with the APIs
  • Used PostgreSQL and Sequelize
  • Deployment Using Docker and Docker Compose


  • Execute the unit test cases using the command
npm test


Access the Swagger from the URL http://localhost:3000/api-docs/

Containerization and Deployment

Simple Implementation deploying docker images

In order to communicate between containers we need to create a user-defined custom bridge networks

  docker network create -o custom-network

Then, Get the Postgres DB up. Run the postgres image, passing the newly created network custom-network

docker run --network custom-network --name postgres-db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres

Then, build the app's image

docker build . -t kingshuknandy/node-microservice

Finally, run the app's image, passing the newly created network custom-network

docker run -p 3000:3000 --network custom-network --env-file .env  --env DB_HOST='postgres-db' --name node-microservice kingshuknandy/node-microservice:latest

Using Docker Hub

  • Created the Dockerfile to build the app
  • Defined the services that make up the app in docker-compose.yml so they can be run together in an isolated environment.
  • Run docker-compose up and Compose starts and runs your entire app.
docker-compose up

List of Routes

# Public API Routes:
  Method | URI
  GET    | /health
  POST   | /apis/v1/auth/signUp
  POST   | /apis/v1/auth/login
  GET    | /apis/v1/employees/getEmployeeBasic
  GET    | /apis/v1/employees/getEmployees
  POST   | /apis/v1/employees/setEmployee

# Private API Routes:
  Method | URI
  GET    | /apis/v1/users/getUsersBasic
  GET    | /apis/v1/users/getUsers
  POST   | /apis/v1/users/setUser



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