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255 lines (206 loc) · 12.5 KB


File metadata and controls

255 lines (206 loc) · 12.5 KB

Exporting to other formats

Comma-separated values (CSV)

:class:`lasio.LASFile` objects can be converted to CSV files with a few options for how mnemonics and units are included (or not). It uses the :meth:`lasio.LASFile.to_csv` method.

>>> import lasio.examples
>>> from sys import stdout
>>> las ='sample.las')
>>> las.to_csv(stdout)

There are options for putting the units together with mnemonics:

>>> las.to_csv(stdout, units_loc='[]')

Or leaving things out altogether:

>>> las.to_csv(stdout, mnemonics=False, units=False)

Excel spreadsheet (XLSX)

You can easily convert LAS files into Excel, retaining the header information. If we are working in Python, you export like this:

>>> las.to_excel('sample.xlsx')

You will need to have openpyxl installed ($ pip install openpyxl).

Format of exported Excel file

The exported spreadsheet has two sheets named "Header" and "Curves". The "Header" sheet has five columns named "Section", "Mnemonic", "Unit", "Value", and "Description", containing the information from all the sections in the header.


The "Curves" sheet contains the data as a table, with the curve mnemonics as a header row.


Script interfaces

Single file

$ las2excel --help
usage: Convert LAS file to XLSX [-h] LAS_filename XLSX_filename

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

$ las2excel sample.las sample.xlsx

Multiple files (las2excelbulk)

The better script to use is las2excelbulk:

$ las2excelbulk --help
usage: Convert LAS files to XLSX [-h] [-g GLOB] [-r] [-i] path

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GLOB, --glob GLOB  Match LAS files with this pattern (default: *.las)
  -r, --recursive       Recurse through subfolders. (default: False)
  -i, --ignore-header-errors
                        Ignore header section errors. (default: False)

Here is the command to create Excel versions of all the LAS files contained within the folder test_folder, and any sub-folders:

$ las2excelbulk --recursive test_folder
Converting test_folder\-2793 & -2746\5086\PN41497.LAS -> test_folder\-2793 & -2746\5086\pn41497.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2793 & -2746\5149\PN41497.LAS -> test_folder\-2793 & -2746\5149\pn41497.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2794\6356\66302794.las -> test_folder\-2794\6356\66302794.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2794\6808\66302794.las -> test_folder\-2794\6808\66302794.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2794\7608\2794HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-2794\7608\2794hyd.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2794\7608\66302794.LAS -> test_folder\-2794\7608\66302794.xlsx
Failed to convert file. Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 133, in main_bulk
    l = las.LASFile(lasfn)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 77, in __init__, **read_kwargs)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 204, in read
    data = np.reshape(arr, (-1, n_arr_cols))
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 232, in reshape
    return _wrapfunc(a, 'reshape', newshape, order=order)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 57, in _wrapfunc
    return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 25708 into shape (11)

Converting test_folder\-2794\7627\clr105.las -> test_folder\-2794\7627\clr105.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2839 &c\4830\PN36385.LAS -> test_folder\-2839 &c\4830\pn36385.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2874\6375\66302874.las -> test_folder\-2874\6375\66302874.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2874\7607\2874HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-2874\7607\2874hyd.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2874\7607\66302874.LAS -> test_folder\-2874\7607\66302874.xlsx
Failed to convert file. Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 133, in main_bulk
    l = las.LASFile(lasfn)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 77, in __init__, **read_kwargs)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 204, in read
    data = np.reshape(arr, (-1, n_arr_cols))
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 232, in reshape
    return _wrapfunc(a, 'reshape', newshape, order=order)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 57, in _wrapfunc
    return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 31666 into shape (16)

Converting test_folder\-2874\7626\clr121.las -> test_folder\-2874\7626\clr121.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\1cm\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\1cm\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\5cm\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\5cm\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\980402\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\980402\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\980403_0\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\980403_0\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\980403_1\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\980403_1\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\cal1cm\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\cal1cm\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\cal5cm\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\cal5cm\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\5220\tm2\PN44456.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\5220\tm2\pn44456.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2875\6813\2875HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\6813\2875hyd.xlsx
Header section Parameter regexp=~P was not found.
Converting test_folder\-2875\6813\66302875.LAS -> test_folder\-2875\6813\66302875.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2876\5219\PN44457.LAS -> test_folder\-2876\5219\pn44457.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2876\5219\PN44457H.LAS -> test_folder\-2876\5219\pn44457h.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2876\5219\PN44457I.LAS -> test_folder\-2876\5219\pn44457i.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2876\7609\2876H.LAS -> test_folder\-2876\7609\2876h.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2876\7609\66302876.LAS -> test_folder\-2876\7609\66302876.xlsx
Failed to convert file. Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 133, in main_bulk
    l = las.LASFile(lasfn)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 77, in __init__, **read_kwargs)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 204, in read
    data = np.reshape(arr, (-1, n_arr_cols))
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 232, in reshape
    return _wrapfunc(a, 'reshape', newshape, order=order)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miniconda3\envs\py36\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 57, in _wrapfunc
    return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 19791 into shape (11)

Converting test_folder\-2876\7629\clr120.las -> test_folder\-2876\7629\clr120.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2877\7597\CLR118.LAS -> test_folder\-2877\7597\clr118.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-2877\7628\clr118.las -> test_folder\-2877\7628\clr118.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3066\6372\66303066.las -> test_folder\-3066\6372\66303066.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3066\6810\3066HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-3066\6810\3066hyd.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3066\6810\66303066.LAS -> test_folder\-3066\6810\66303066.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3067\6373\66303067.las -> test_folder\-3067\6373\66303067.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3067\6811\3067HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-3067\6811\3067hyd.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3067\6811\66303067.LAS -> test_folder\-3067\6811\66303067.xlsx
Header section Parameter regexp=~P was not found.
Converting test_folder\-3068\6374\66303068.las -> test_folder\-3068\6374\66303068.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3068\6812\3068HYD.LAS -> test_folder\-3068\6812\3068hyd.xlsx
Converting test_folder\-3068\6812\66303068.LAS -> test_folder\-3068\6812\66303068.xlsx

Notice that some LAS files raised exceptions (in this case, ValueError) and were not converted. In some cases these will relate to errors in the header sections:

$ las2excelbulk.exe -r .
Converting .\4424\PN31769.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769.xlsx
Converting .\4424\PN31769L.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769l.xlsx
Converting .\4424\PN31769R.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769r.xlsx
Converting .\4428\pn31769.las -> .\4428\pn31769.xlsx
Failed to convert file. Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 366, in parse_header_section
    values = read_line(line)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 522, in read_line
    return read_header_line(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 548, in read_header_line
    mdict = m.groupdict()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 133, in main_bulk
    l = las.LASFile(lasfn, ignore_header_errors=args.ignore_header_errors)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 77, in __init__, **read_kwargs)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 156, in read
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 110, in add_section
  File "c:\program files (x86)\misc\kentcode\lasio\lasio\", line 375, in parse_header_section
    raise exceptions.LASHeaderError(message)
lasio.exceptions.LASHeaderError: Line #21 - failed in ~Well Information section on line:
PN        PERMIT NUMBER: 31769AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'

Converting .\4526\PENRICE.LAS -> .\4526\penrice.xlsx

But in this case I'm happy to lose that single corrupted line in the header in the conversion. In order to force lasio to ignore the error and continue to convert the file, use the --ignore-header-errors flag (-i for short):

$ las2excelbulk.exe -r -i .
Converting .\4424\PN31769.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769.xlsx
Converting .\4424\PN31769L.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769l.xlsx
Converting .\4424\PN31769R.LAS -> .\4424\pn31769r.xlsx
Converting .\4428\pn31769.las -> .\4428\pn31769.xlsx
Line #21 - failed in ~Well Information section on line:
PN        PERMIT NUMBER: 31769AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'
Converting .\4526\PENRICE.LAS -> .\4526\penrice.xlsx

lasio still reports the problem, but ignores it and continues the conversion of the file.