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Kiooeht edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 14 revisions
Interface Name Description
BeforeRenderIntentRelic Hook for the check if Intent should be rendered.
BetterOnApplyPowerPower An improvement to the onApplyPower hook. Allows you to negate the power being applied and change the stack amount.
BetterOnExhaustPower An improvement to the onExhaust hook. Includes what CardGroup the card comes from and works for powers on monsters.
OnLoseBlockPower Hook for when the owner loses Block.
OnLoseTempHpPower Hook for when the owner loses Temporary HP.
OnMyBlockBrokenPower Hook for when the owner's block is completely broken.
OnPlayerDeathPower Hook for when the player dies. Can stop the player from dying.
OnReceivePowerPower Hook for when a buff/debuff is applied to the owner. Can negate the buff/debuff.
HealthBarRenderPower Not a hook, allows powers to render on the hp bar like Poison.
InvisiblePower Not a hook, makes a power not appear in a creature's list of powers.
NonStackablePower Not a hook, allows the same power to non stack and choose when to stack or not stack.
TwoAmountPower Not a hook, allows a power to have two numbers on it.
DamageModApplyingPower Hook for when a DamageInfo is created with the owner as the source with the purpose of applying Damage Mods.
OnCreateBlockInstancePower Hook for when the owner gains Block with the purpose of applying Block Mods.
OnDrawPileShufflePower Hook for when the draw pile gets shuffled.

For any of these, add them as an interface your power implements.

public class MyPower extends AbstractPower implements OnReceivePowerPower
    public boolean onReceivePower(AbstractPower power, AbstractCreature target, AbstractCreature source)