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Merge pull request #2 from kip-hart/dev
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kip-hart committed Feb 2, 2019
2 parents 2a09bf1 + ac91497 commit d91f2e9
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Showing 4 changed files with 158 additions and 44 deletions.
156 changes: 135 additions & 21 deletions
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def merge(cls, aabb1, aabb2):

def perimeter(self):
r"""Perimeter of AABB
r"""float: perimeter of AABB
The perimeter :math:`p_n` of an AABB with side lengths
:math:`l_1 \ldots l_n` is:
Expand All @@ -132,6 +132,14 @@ def perimeter(self):
perim += p_edge
return 2 * perim

def volume(self):
"""float: volume of AABB"""
vol = 1
for lb, ub in self:
vol *= ub - lb
return vol

def overlaps(self, aabb):
"""Determine if two AABBs overlap
Expand All @@ -153,6 +161,38 @@ def overlaps(self, aabb):
return False
return True

def overlap_volume(self, aabb):
r"""Determine volume of overlap between AABBs
Let :math:`(x_i^l, x_i^u)` be the i-th dimension
lower and upper bounds for AABB 1, and
let :math:`(y_i^l, y_i^u)` be the lower and upper bounds for
AABB 2. The volume of overlap is:
.. math::
V = \prod_{i=1}^n \text{max}(0, \text{min}(x_i^u, y_i^u) - \text{max}(x_i^l, y_i^l))
aabb (AABB): The AABB to calculate for overlap volume
float: Volume of overlap
""" # NOQA: E501

volume = 1
for lims1, lims2 in zip(self, aabb):
min1, max1 = lims1
min2, max2 = lims2

overlap_min = max(min1, min2)
overlap_max = min(max1, max2)
if overlap_min >= overlap_max:
return 0

volume *= overlap_max - overlap_min
return volume

class AABBTree(object):
"""Python Implementation of the AABB Tree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,20 +273,83 @@ def __eq__(self, aabbtree):
def __ne__(self, aabbtree):
return not self.__eq__(aabbtree)

def __len__(self):
if self.is_leaf:
return int(self.aabb != AABB())
return len(self.left) + len(self.right)

def is_leaf(self):
"""bool: returns True if is leaf node"""
return (self.left is None) and (self.right is None)

def add(self, aabb, value=None):
"""Add node to tree
def depth(self):
"""int: Depth of the tree"""
if self.is_leaf:
return 0
return 1 + max(self.left.depth, self.right.depth)

def add(self, aabb, value=None, method='volume'):
r"""Add node to tree
This function inserts a node into the AABB tree.
The function chooses one of three options for adding the node to
the tree:
* Add it to the left side
* Add it to the right side
* Become a leaf node
The cost of each option is calculated based on the *method* keyword,
and the option with the lowest cost is chosen.
aabb (AABB): The AABB to add.
value: The value associated with the AABB. Defaults to None.
method (str): The method for deciding how to build the tree.
Should be one of the following:
* 'volume'
*Costs based on total bounding volume and overlap volume*
Let :math:`b` denote the tree, :math:`l` denote the left
branch, :math:`r` denote the right branch, :math:`x` denote
the AABB to add, and math:`V` be the volume of an AABB.
The cost associated with each of these options is:
.. math::
C(\text{add left}) &= V(b \cup x) - V(b) + V(l \cup x) - V(l) + V((l \cup x) \cap r) \\
C(\text{add right}) &= V(b \cup x) - V(b) + V(r \cup x) - V(r) + V((r \cup x) \cap l) \\
C(\text{leaf}) &= V(b \cup x) + V(b \cap x)
The first two terms in the 'add left' cost represent the change
in volume for the tree. The next two terms give the change in
volume for the left branch specifically (right branch is
unchanged). The final term is the amount of overlap that would
be between the new left branch and the right branch.
This cost function includes the increases in bounding volumes and
the amount of overlap- two values a balanced AABB tree should minimize.
The 'add right' cost is a mirror opposite of the 'add left cost'.
The 'leaf' cost is the added bounding volume plus a penalty for
overlapping with the existing tree.
These costs suit the author's current needs.
Other applications, such as raytracing, are more concerned
with surface area than volume. Please visit the
`AABBTree repository`_ if you are interested in implementing
another cost function.
.. _`AABBTree repository`:
""" # NOQA: E501
if self.aabb == AABB():
self.aabb = aabb
self.value = value
Expand All @@ -258,27 +361,38 @@ def add(self, aabb, value=None):
self.aabb = AABB.merge(self.aabb, aabb)
self.value = None
tree_p = self.aabb.perimeter
tree_merge_p = AABB.merge(self.aabb, aabb).perimeter

new_parent_cost = 2 * tree_merge_p
min_pushdown_cost = 2 * (tree_merge_p - tree_p)

left_merge_p = AABB.merge(self.left.aabb, aabb).perimeter
cost_left = left_merge_p + min_pushdown_cost
if not self.left.is_leaf:
cost_left -= self.left.aabb.perimeter

right_merge_p = AABB.merge(self.right.aabb, aabb).perimeter
cost_right = right_merge_p + min_pushdown_cost
if not self.right.is_leaf:
cost_right -= self.right.aabb.perimeter
if method == 'volume':
# Define merged AABBs
branch_merge = AABB.merge(self.aabb, aabb)
left_merge = AABB.merge(self.left.aabb, aabb)
right_merge = AABB.merge(self.right.aabb, aabb)

# Calculate the change in the sum of the bounding volumes
branch_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume

left_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume - self.aabb.volume
left_bnd_cost += left_merge.volume - self.left.aabb.volume

right_bnd_cost = branch_merge.volume - self.aabb.volume
right_bnd_cost += right_merge.volume - self.right.aabb.volume

# Calculate amount of overlap
branch_olap_cost = self.aabb.overlap_volume(aabb)
left_olap_cost = left_merge.overlap_volume(self.right.aabb)
right_olap_cost = right_merge.overlap_volume(self.left.aabb)

# Calculate total cost
branch_cost = branch_bnd_cost + branch_olap_cost
left_cost = left_bnd_cost + left_olap_cost
right_cost = right_bnd_cost + right_olap_cost
raise ValueError('Unrecognized method: ' + str(method))

if new_parent_cost < min(cost_left, cost_right):
if branch_cost < left_cost and branch_cost < right_cost:
self.left = copy.deepcopy(self)
self.right = AABBTree(aabb, value)
self.value = None
elif cost_left < cost_right:
elif left_cost < right_cost:
self.left.add(aabb, value)
self.right.add(aabb, value)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/source/
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
author = 'Kenneth Hart'

# The short X.Y version
version = '2.1'
version = '2.2'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = '2.1'
release = '2.2'

# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def read(fname):

description='Pure Python implementation of d-dimensional AABB tree.',
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40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions tests/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import itertools

import pytest

from aabbtree import AABB
from aabbtree import AABBTree

Expand All @@ -22,30 +24,12 @@ def test_init():
assert tree2.right == tree

def test_str():
def test_empty_str():
empty_str = 'AABB: None\nValue: None\nLeft: None\nRight: None'
assert str(AABBTree()) == empty_str

aabb1, aabb2, aabb3, aabb4 = standard_aabbs()
tree = AABBTree()
tree.add(aabb1, 'x')
tree.add(aabb2, 'y')
tree.add(aabb3, 3.14)
full_str = 'AABB: [(0, 8), (0, 6)]\nValue: None\nLeft:\n AABB: [(0, 1), (0, 1)]\n Value: x\n Left: None\n Right: None\nRight:\n AABB: [(3, 8), (0, 6)]\n Value: None\n Left:\n AABB: [(3, 4), (0, 1)]\n Value: y\n Left: None\n Right: None\n Right:\n AABB: [(5, 8), (5, 6)]\n Value: None\n Left:\n AABB: [(5, 6), (5, 6)]\n Value: 3.14\n Left: None\n Right: None\n Right:\n AABB: [(7, 8), (5, 6)]\n Value: None\n Left: None\n Right: None' # NOQA: E501
assert str(tree) == full_str

def test_repr():
aabb1, aabb2, aabb3, aabb4 = standard_aabbs()

tree = AABBTree()
tree.add(aabb1, 'x')
tree.add(aabb2, 'y')
tree.add(aabb3, 3.14)

assert repr(tree) == "AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(0, 8), (0, 6)]), left=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(0, 1), (0, 1)]), value='x'), right=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(3, 8), (0, 6)]), left=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(3, 4), (0, 1)]), value='y'), right=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(5, 8), (5, 6)]), left=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(5, 6), (5, 6)]), value=3.14), right=AABBTree(aabb=AABB([(7, 8), (5, 6)])))))" # NOQA: E501
def test_empty_repr():
assert repr(AABBTree()) == 'AABBTree()'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +57,15 @@ def test_eq():
assert not tree2 == tree

def test_len():
tree = AABBTree()
assert len(tree) == 0

for i, aabb in enumerate(standard_aabbs()):
assert len(tree) == i + 1

def test_is_leaf():
assert AABBTree().is_leaf
assert AABBTree(AABB([(2, 5)])).is_leaf
Expand All @@ -94,6 +87,13 @@ def test_add():
assert AABBTree() != tree

def test_add_raises():
tree = AABBTree()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for aabb in standard_aabbs():
tree.add(aabb, method=3.14)

def test_add_merge():
aabbs = standard_aabbs()
for indices in itertools.permutations(range(4)):
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