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"For spanish translation"

100% 3D printed interpretation of the Antikythera Mechanism

We want to make it clear that this model does not pretend to be an accurate and historical reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism, just a project to share and divulge.

This work has been done in an disinterested way as a personal challeange and with the purpose to start a colective work of open knowledge, in this way we invite anyone who wants it to print, extend and enhance the design.

For the study and recreation of the mechanism we had only used free information on the internet (since the scientists data are well kept on the museums).

This info, on best case scenario is vague and based on conjetures, done over incomplete finds, but yet it has allowed us to recreate a funcional scale model of the mechanism.

It's also important to mention that when we started to work with the first gears, we realized an added complication: the user lever 3D printers, based on FDM technology, adds errors when trying to make precision pieces and had lead us to a process of "trial-error" until fully understanding the tolerances that were needed in order to make the gears work properly.

About the mecanism:

For those who doesn't know The Antikythera Mechanism is an artifact found in 1900 in the coast of the greek Antikythera island, once studied it was dated to be from 200 B.C. being the most ancient computer to be known so far.

There are many studies about the real use of the mecanism, but the most logical conclusion is that is was a calendar to keep track of astrological positions like the sun and the moon, and important events such the olimpics games. For more info go to wikipedia.

How did the idea of making the Anticythera mechanism came up?

The theme came up in a conversation between makers, during a "prusa&beers" (the makers group from Valladolid gathers on Thursdays at the "La Terminal" bar to share news, show achievements and to propose challenges).

The challenge was proposed initialy by JL (Jose Luis del Olmo Resa de 3dorobotics), he remarked that there were no 3D files for printing the mechanism and that it would be great to have them.

We got shoked at first with this info, how could it be possible that there were no files for reproducting the mechanism in 3D?, a so studied artifact and so important surely will have lots on data and with 3D printing it should be something afforable to make.

After some laughs (and some beers) José Luis challeanged us to model the artifact and bring it back to life, and we accepted inmediatly without doubts, in this way eight months of work started.

It has been a work done during free time, even some time off was needed because of it's complication, in some cases added, because we tried to replicate all the pieces in 3D, even the axis with the troubles that came with that idea.

Lastly, we have to say, that we consider this 2.0 version finished, we will keep working on it, changing and enhancing some pieces, until we are sattisfied with the result.

What are the differences between this reconstruction and the real machine?

Obviously many, this is merely an interpretation in real scale that pretends to teach how could be the working process of the machine. In this way anyone who wish it and owns a 3D printer will be able to build and enjoy it's own DIY Antikythera machine, even so we'll enumerate some big differences.

It's made of plastic, not metal, this will make many gears to wear off with the use.

The originals gears probably were 1mm thick, to make sure of the machine works propperly we have increased the thickens of some gears to 2mm and 3mm in some special gears.

Some couples of gears have been joined in one piece to help the distribution of power.

The front panels with inscriptions are missing, this model it's just the mechanical part.

We wanted to make a dismantle system of the artifact so you can change pieces easily and you shall not need to use much glue, this way if any piece is in need of replacing it, you may just chage some pieces and not the whole model.

Where and how can I download the mechanism?

Shortly we will begin to upload the files to different websites of free sharing, we'll tell you wich ones in each post.
Actually we are working on the instructions and video tutorials the building process step by step.

We hope this project is of your interest, and that you'll enjoy your own Antikythera machine in short time.


100% 3D printed interpretation of the Antikythera Mechanism.






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