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How to contribute

Marco A. Salazar edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 1 revision

Configure Workspace

If your intention is to contibute to FIMET project follow the nexts steps

Download Eclipse RCP and plugins

Download Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers here for Windows 64 bit

Download the FIMET code or clone the project with Git


Open Eclipse RCP and import the plugin-projects

ImportPlugins1 ImportPlugins2

Run the application

Right click on com.fimet.editor.usecase project Debug As > Eclipse Application (maybe you must clean the projects Project > Clean..)

This process can take a few minutes the first time because a internal data base is created! (EclipseRCP\plugins\com.fimet\persistence\fimet.db)


You can see this page for a Hello World example!

If you intention is not be a rcp programmer I recomend see for the classes structure

If you are new in Eclipse RCP 3 I recomend visit

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