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3D Portfolio

Welcome to the 3D Portfolio project! This interactive portfolio is built using cutting-edge web technologies to showcase 3D models and create an immersive user experience.

Key Technologies Used

  • React Three Fiber: We've leveraged the React Three Fiber library to seamlessly integrate the power of Three.js into our React application. This enables us to work with 3D models and geometries effortlessly.

  • TailwindCSS: For styling, we rely on TailwindCSS, a utility-first CSS framework. This helps us create visually appealing designs with ease and maintain consistency throughout the project.

  • Framer Motion: Animation is a crucial part of our portfolio, and Framer Motion, a React animation library, enables us to add stunning animations to our components.

What You Can Do

With our 3D Portfolio, you can:

  • Load and interact with 3D models and geometries.
  • Explore various lighting setups for a captivating visual experience.
  • Understand the 3D world through camera positioning, allowing you to view objects from different angles in space.

Key Features

Our 3D Portfolio is designed with several key features in mind:

  • Reusable Components: We've built our components to be highly reusable, making it easy to add new 3D elements or customize existing ones.

  • Scalability: As your portfolio grows, our application can scale with it, ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors.

  • Higher Order Components: We've used higher-order components to enhance modularity and maintainability, making it easier to manage your content.

  • Responsiveness: The portfolio is designed to look great on various devices and screen sizes, ensuring an optimal user experience for everyone.

  • EmailJs Integration: Easily handle email inquiries from potential clients or collaborators with the EmailJs integration.

  • Suspense and Preloading: We've implemented React's Suspense to improve performance, and we preload assets to ensure quick load times.

Getting Started

To initialize this application, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Vite

We recommend using Vite, a popular tool that's faster than "create react app." Use the following commands to set up your project:

npm create vite@latest ./--template react

Step 2: Install TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS is the cornerstone of our styling. Install it and initialize your configuration:

Copy code
npm install -D tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

React + Vite Our project is built on top of React and Vite, a lightning-fast build tool. We offer two official plugins to choose from:

@vitejs/plugin-react: Utilizes Babel for Fast Refresh. @vitejs/plugin-react-swc: Uses SWC for Fast Refresh. Choose the one that best suits your development preferences.

That's it! You're all set to start building your 3D portfolio and creating an engaging experience for your audience.

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ThreeJS 3D Developer Portfolio






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