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KISSmetrics Android SDK

This workspace is not the SDK. The KISSmetricsSDK project is intended to build the SDK as a jar. The source files included here are not intended to be used directly in your app.

For implementation details please see:


API level 8. Android SDK 2.2.X

Using with Gradle

The KISSmetricsSDK jar is in the JCenter repo. To include it add the following to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.kissmetrics.sdk:KISSmetricsSDK:2.3.1'

If you don't already have jcenter in your repositories also include it:

buildscript {
  repositories {

File organization

Files are organized using the standard Android/Gradle file structure. Code exists under src/main/java and tests exist under src/androidTest/java.


You can build the library using the Gradle command line:

gradle build

It will create both a jar and an aar file under the build directory:



Testing is standard Android style testing. You need to be connected to either a Android Device or Emulator since all the tests are run through the InstrumentationTestRunner.

You can run all tests through gradle:

gradle connectedAndroidTest --info

Storing Data

Because our previously recommended open source SDK relied on Shared Preferences for storing the user identity, so did we. For consistency we may want to someday migrate from Shared Prefrences to Internal Storage. But there doesn't seem to be any pressing reason to do this now with the risk being that we could disconnect all of our customer's Android users if the migration goes wrong. - WR

SETTINGS_FILE "KISSmetricsSettings" is used to persist data such as installUuid, doTrack, and cache dates.


!!!: and ???: comments are used as types of TODOs in this project. To see them in the Task list in Eclipse goto preferences Java > Compiler > Task tags and add them. (Show tasks: Window > Show View > Tasks)