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JoshuaBThompson edited this page May 26, 2024 · 23 revisions

1. What is JEM?

  • Pocket STEM IoT device that runs MicroPython
  • Allows students and STEM enthusiasts to create their own STEM toys or experiments
  • Users can create there own "kits" and user interface that runs on our KitLab mobile app or web app
  • Users can share their kits with others to edit or use
  • Teachers can get their students up and running in less than 60 seconds with only a phone
  • Cables and Computers are optional!



2. Quickstart

  1. Turn on JEM with power switch

jem-short-480 jem_enclosure-short

  1. Open the JEM Web App or install JEM iOS App
  2. Open the Web or Mobile App and Connect (may take 5 - 30 secs for App to find JEM)
  3. Try out one of the features using the command line


  1. Here is the example from the gif
########### LED EXAMPLE ####################
from jemled import JemLed
led = JemLed()
led.set_color((100, 0, 0))

3. REPL Coding Examples

You can run these examples by:

  • Typing directly on the REPL terminal
  • Or by adding code directly to
  • Or by adding code directly to your kit python file (ex: kits/simple/


Try any of the following examples out on your repl

######## buzzer ####################
from jembuzzer import *
buzz = JemBuzzer()
buzz.start(100) # 100 hz freq
buzz.stop() # stop making sound
# try other frequencies, like 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 ...etc

######## motion sensors (accelerometer, gyro and magnetometer) ###############
from jemimu import JemIMU
imu = JemIMU()
imu.orientation # prints out the euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw)

######## battery monitor ####################
from jembattery import JemBattery
batt = JemBattery()
batt.soc() # battery life remaining 0 - 100%

######### range / distance sensor #################
from jemrange import JemRange
range = JemRange()
range.distance # move your hand up / down over the jem2 sensor window

######### ambient light intensity sensor #########
from jemlight import JemLight
light = JemLight()
light.intensity() # move your hand up / down over the jem2 sensor window

######### pressure, temperature, humidity sensor #########
from jembarometer import JemBarometer
bar = JemBarometer() # outputs temperature, pressure and humidity

######### user button ###########
from drivers import button
btn = button.Button() # should return 0 or 1 depending if pressed

4. ESP32 MicroPython Examples

>>> from machine import Pin
>>> p4 = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)
>>> p4.on() # LED should turn ON!
>>> # LED should turn OFF