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Job Hunger

What is this?

Job Hunger is a place to track your job search efforts. Instead of dropping your resume into a digital black hole, we recommend that you reach out to companies and the people that work there. We're trying to get you hired by helping you find the side door.

Who built this?

John Kosmicke

Julia Herron

Kit Langton

Thomas Lo

Sam O'Keefe

This is our final project for Viking Code School.

What's cool about this project?

  • Ruby on Rails API
  • Ember frontend
  • Travis CI
  • Chrome Extension
  • Glassdoor API integration
  • Meetup API integration
Rails goodies:
  • Devise
  • Faker
  • JSONAPI::Resources
  • Delayed Job
  • HTTParty
  • Factory Girl
  • Shoulda Matchers
Ember goodies:
  • Bootstrap
  • Velocity
  • Liquid Fire
  • ember-inline-edit
  • Ember Modal Dialog

How to run this project locally:

clone this repo and $ cd into it

$ rake db:create

$ rake db:migrate

$ rails s

visit localhost:3000

$ rspec to run tests


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
