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Klei Jahaj edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 11 revisions

Week 1

There are three members of the group: Klei Jahaj, Xhesjano Halla, Angjelos Goga.

Firstly we choose the topic of the project. We chose to do an inventory system for our university and we called it Metro-Inventory. We agreed that since we are only three guys in the group, we will have no leader. We choose this topic for our project because we had seen how not efficient and difficult it was to keep track of the stock and also keeping track of classes where the stock was placed.
So, as the "future game changers" we decided to make this Web-App to help our university with the documentation of the stock. We also decided that we would make some other very useful features like: professors making request if anything physically related to the class is not working properly or they want something new (the service or IT dep will come to their help as they get notifications).
Another feature is that the finance can look up to condition of the items and determine when to buy new stock, as well as documenting the experiences with suppliers.

We are really looking forward to this project.

Week 2

Started by presenting the research done by each member for the first phase of the project which was research. We choose our work methodology and based on that we selected the appropriate tools and software to organize it. Also, define the working stages and flow.

  • We decided the work methodology to be scrum (agile).
  • We decided that the software and tools that we would use to communicate/document and would mainly be : 1: GitHub | 2: Whatsapp | 3: Word | 4: | 5: ERDplus

Week 3

This week was focused of documentation. We started the word document by making a logo. We also started the summery of the project which consists of:

  • Project overview
  • Specifications
  • Product description
    This week was more of assessing the ideas and getting a straight line of the project.

Week 4

In this week we started the real work. We meet the HR, Finance, Services and IT of the university. They gave us a pretty good idea of what they wanted from us and we specified some more things on the project description\specification.
We also started with:

  • User stories\characteristics (since we got all the information from the on who will have what rights on the Web-App)
  • We made some assumptions and added them to the documentation
  • Constrains
  • Dependencies

Week 5

In the fifth week we started with the real work. We started with the diagrams.
This week the following diagrams were done:

  • BPMN
  • Use cases
    Also this week in the documentation the following was added:
  • Functional requirements

Week 6

This week we gathered and discussed about the following

  1. Discussed & analyzed the work done for this week.
  2. Discussed & analyzed the first draft of the project logo.
  3. Completed the third draft of the Requirements Specification Document.

We also did the database part of the project with the following diagrams:

  • Entity relationship diagram
  • 3 levels of Data Flow Diagram
  • RS

Regarding the documentation part we added some features in the Non-Functional Requirements part.

Week 7

On this week as always we showed each other everything that we had researched mostly we revised the database part.
We started with the famous UML diagrams this week and the following was done:

  • Activity diagrams
  • Component diagrams
  • Package diagrams
  • State diagrams

Week 8

As per every week, we showed each other every diagram that we had done and made the corrections where needed. This week the following UML diagrams were done:

  • Sequence diagrams
  • Interaction Overview Diagrams
  • Collaboration Diagrams

Week 9

This week we concluded most of the project except some small things that were overlooked

We finished the UML diagrams with the:

  • Class diagram
  • Object diagram
  • Deployment diagram
    Regarding the documentation we finished the last Non-Functional Requirements.

Week 10

The final sprint

This week we fixed every problem with the diagrams\documentation and added the overlooked parts left from other week.
The final touch of the project:

  • The simple UI
    After this we are ready to hande the project!
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