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first commit for community detection
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kjahan committed Aug 22, 2012
0 parents commit 6a3eafe
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Community detection for weighted graphs
Graph G that we want to identify its communities. See graph.txt as a sample of the input graph style. It's basicall a csv file where each line is represented by a triple such as:


The above line basically means that there is an edge between nodes u and v whose weight is w. The lowest id should be zero and the nodes ids increase.

For any question: contact me at
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import networkx as nx
import pkg_resources
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import math
import csv
import random as rand

def buildG( G, file_, delimiter_ ):
#construct the weighted version of the contact graph from cgraph.dat file
#reader = csv.reader(open("/home/kazem/Data/UCI/karate.txt"), delimiter=" ")
reader = csv.reader(open(file_), delimiter=delimiter_)
for line in reader:
if float(line[2]) != 0.0:

#Keep removing edges from Graph until one of the connected components of Graph splits into two.
#compute the edge betweenness
def CmtyGirvanNewmanStep( G ):
#print "call CmtyGirvanNewmanStep"
init_ncomp = nx.number_connected_components(G) #no of components
ncomp = init_ncomp
while ncomp <= init_ncomp:
bw = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(G) #edge betweenness for G
#find the edge with max centrality
max_ = 0.0
#find the edge with the highest centrality and remove all of them if there is more than one!
for k, v in bw.iteritems():
#print v
_BW = float(v)/float(G[k[0]][k[1]]['weight']) #weighted version of betweenness
if _BW >= max_:
max_ = _BW
for k, v in bw.iteritems():
if float(v)/float(G[k[0]][k[1]]['weight']) == max_:
#print "remove an edge!"
#print k
G.remove_edge(k[0],k[1]) #remove the central edge
ncomp = nx.number_connected_components(G) #recalculate the no of components

#bw = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(G) #edge betweenness for G
#for k, v in bw.iteritems():
#print v

def _GirvanNewmanGetModularity( G, deg_):
New_A = nx.adj_matrix(G)
New_deg = {}
#print 'inside _GirvanNewmanGetModularity'
#print deg_
UpdateDeg(New_deg, New_A)
#print 'inside _GirvanNewmanGetModularity'
#print deg_
#Let's compute the Q
comps = nx.connected_components(G) #list of components

print 'no of comp: %d' % len(comps)
Mod = 0 #Modularity of a given partitionning
for c in comps:
EWC = 0 #no of edges within a community
RE = 0 #no of random edges
#print "debug: New deg -->"
print New_deg
for u in c:
print "debug: u"
print u
EWC += New_deg[u]
#EWC += u ) #let's count the total edges which fall within a community
RE += deg_[u] #count the probability of a random edge
Mod += ( float(EWC) - float(RE*RE)/float(2*m_) )
Mod = Mod/float(2*m_)
#print "Modularity: %f" % Mod
#return Mod

def UpdateDeg(deg_, A_):
#print 'before, inside UpdateDeg'
#print deg_
for i in range(0,n):
deg = 0.0
for j in range(0,n):
#if i == 0:
#print '%d %d %d' % (i,j,A[i,j])
deg += A_[i,j]
deg_[i] = deg
#print 'after, inside UpdateDeg'
#print deg_
#print deg_

#Q = 0.0
#for u in G.nodes():
#for v in G.nodes():
#if u in nx.node_connected_component(G, v):
##print '%d and %d have the same component --> %d, %d, %d, %d' % (u,v, A[u,v], deg_[u], deg_[v], m_)
#Q += float(A[u,v])/float(2*m_) - float(deg_[u]*deg_[v])/float(math.pow(2*m_,2))
##print Q

#print "Q: %f" % Q
#print nx.laplacian_spectrum(G)
G = nx.Graph()
buildG(G, '/Users/kazemjahanbakhsh/Downloads/graph.txt', ',')

n = G.number_of_nodes() #|V|
print G.nodes()
#m_ = G.number_of_edges() #|E|
print 'no of nodes: %d' % n

f_gl = open('/Users/kazemjahanbakhsh/Downloads/community/Glap.dat', 'w')
Glap = nx.normalized_laplacian(G)
for i in range(0,n):
val = ''
for j in range(0,n):
val += str(Glap[i,j])
if j < n-1:
val += ','
val += '\n'

A = nx.adj_matrix(G)
#for i in range(0,10):
#print A[0,i]

m_ = 0.0 #the weighted version for number of edges
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,n):
m_ += A[i,j]
m_ = m_/2.0
print "m: %f" % m_

#deg_ =
#calculate the weighted degree for each node
Orig_deg = {}
UpdateDeg(Orig_deg, A)

node_color=[float( for v in G],

BestQ = 0.0
Q = 0.0
while True:
Q = _GirvanNewmanGetModularity(G, Orig_deg);
print "current modularity: %f" % Q
if Q > BestQ:
BestQ = Q
Bestcomps = nx.connected_components(G) #Best Split
print "comps:"
print Bestcomps
H = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)[1]
Hlap = nx.normalized_laplacian(H)
#if (Cmty1.Len()==0 || Cmty2.Len() == 0) { break; }
#when should we stop splitting the graph?
if G.number_of_edges() == 0:
if BestQ > 0.0:
size = Hlap.shape

f_hl = open('/home/kazem/Hlap.dat', 'w')
for i in range(0,size[0]):
val = ''
for j in range(0,size[1]):
val += str(Hlap[i,j])
if j < size[1] - 1:
val += ','
val += '\n'

print "Best Q: %f" % BestQ
print Bestcomps
print "Best Q: %f" % BestQ
#node_color=[float( for v in G],

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