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Important: Add KRFCommon nuget repository *you can add nuget.config file to solution root or add to your user for use in all projects on file bellow C:\Users[your_username]\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config

Add your repository for nugget generated from KRFCommon project (example github)

    <clear />
    <add key="github" value="" />
    <add key="" value="" />
        <add key="Username" value="###USERNAME###" />
        <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="###TOKEN###" />

Set WebApi as startup project and use Kestrel profile

Access Token Configure token and app info on appsettings AppConfiguration Some modules are part of KRFCommon nuget On controller set data annotation on request -> [Authorize] for only auth users or [Authorize(Policies.Admin)] (include KRFCommon.Context; for policies) for only admin

Config DB (important) LocalDB database Add correct connection string for localdb -> [DIR TO PROJECT]\DBFiles\homeDB.mdf Set the assembly where project migrations are : MigrationAssembly

Migrations --> Add-Migration [migration_name] -OutputDir "KRFHomepage.Infrastructure/Migrations" -Project KRFHomepage.Infrastructure
run update-database or run the project (auto migrations enabled)

Alternative migrations (not tested)
		dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
		go to infrastructure project [KRFHomepage.Infrastructure]
		dotnet ef  migrations add [migration_name] --context Database.DBContext.[ContextMain] -o KRFHomepage.Infrastructure/Migrations	

Logging logs are fully enabled for dev env and warning only for prd logs appear on console request token and body are logged to the console in dev but not in prd unless appconfig LogExceptionOnPrd is set to true

-->>>>>> RUN The project -> use Kestrel profile to run microservice <<<<<<<<------

Projects App Contains all services Injection of services made on Injection namespace classes -- inject proxies -- inject queries -- inject commands -- inject database context

	CQRS commands and querys logic
	Database querys EF
	This project must be free of dependencies
	Static classes and models for CQRS and Database
	Database Context
		-- main database context file is separated in various partial classes for better separation of processes 
		-- Add function to configure the entity to main file
	Database Migrations

	Main application and web service
	Configuration of the app (appconfig.json)
	Configuration of services and call of service injection methods from KRFCommon and App project
	Controllers are setted here (always extend KRFController from KRFCommon)