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LINE Bot Server in Go

This repository contains a LINE Bot server written in Go. The server is designed to respond to various types of LINE messages including text, sticker, and image messages.


The server is initialized in the init function, where it reads environment variables for the Google Gemini API key and the LINE channel access token. It then creates instances of the LINE Messaging API and the LINE Messaging Blob API.

The server's main function is HelloHTTP, which is registered as an HTTP Cloud Function. This function parses incoming requests from LINE, verifies the signature, and handles the events in the request.

The server can handle the following types of events:

  • Text messages: The server responds with the user ID and the received message.
  • Sticker messages: The server responds with the details of the received sticker.
  • Image messages: The server retrieves the image from the LINE server, sends it to the Google Gemini API for processing, and responds with the result.
  • Follow events: The server logs that it has been followed.
  • Postback events: The server logs the postback data.
  • Beacon events: The server logs the beacon hardware ID.

How to build it?

Please refer Chinese HowTo Document: [BwAI workshop][Golang] LINE OA + CloudFunction + GeminiPro + Firebase = 旅行小幫手 LINE 聊天機器人(一): 景色辨識小幫手


This server uses the functions-framework-go package from Google Cloud Platform to register the function, the line-bot-sdk-go package to interact with the LINE Messaging API, and the generative-ai-go package to interact with the Google Gemini API. It also uses the standard net/http, fmt, log, os, io, and context packages from the Go standard library.


To use this server, set the GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY and ChannelAccessToken environment variables to your Google Gemini API key and LINE channel access token, respectively. Then, send LINE messages to the bot associated with the channel access token. The server will respond according to the type of message.


BwAI LINEBot + Cloud Function + Gemini = AI ChatBot






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