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Senior Project - Virtual Reality Video Conferencing w/ Facial Capture.

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Github: Check out our demo video at: Demo


ThereVR is split into three components, the Web Server, the Electron App, and the Eye-tracking. Commands to start each respective components will be split up into two sections.

Web Server Structure (./therevr/)

  • app/
    • components/ (Visual React Components)
    • containers/
      • AuthHoc/
        • sagas.js (Reduced Flux: Asynchronious state changers)
        • reducers.js (Reduced Flux: State changers)
        • selectors.js (Reduced Flux: Memo-ized states) (React Components that feed data into Visual React Components)
    • tests/ (general tests)
    • translations/ (in case we need multiple laguages)
    • utils/ (Miscellaneous utility functions)
    • app.js (Entry point for front-end)
    • reducer.js (reducers config)
    • store.js (store config)
      • routes (route config)
      • internals (Scripts, build processes.)
      • server (more will be added to this folder)
  • server/
    • config/ (All server config files live here)
    • controllers/
    • middlewares/ (Front-end middlewares)
    • models/
    • routes/
    • index.js (Entry point for the back-end)

Electron App Structure (./therevr-electron/)

  • index.js (Loads windows and handles FB login)
  • streamer.js (Streams and encodes kinect data)
  • sc.js (Injects code into the ThereVR web app.)
  • therenect/
    • therenect.cpp (Interfaces kinect to Node.JS)

ThereVR Hardware (therevr-hardware)

  • iris/ (Application code)
    • L3_Application/ (entry point and OpenCV code)
      • main.cpp (application entry point)
      • pupil_detect.hpp (header file for OpenCV code)
      • bluetooth_app.hpp (BLE)
      • src/ (source files)
    • L2_IO (Input/output such as bluetooth)
      • bluetooth/ (bluetooth specific files)
    • L1_Utils (common apis across all files)
      • dbus_conn_manager.hpp
      • error.h
      • common_bluetooth.h
      • src/
    • L0_LowLevel (external library files)
      • gdbus/
  • tools/ (useful scripts during development
    • BelenoAdvertiser/ (used for testing)
    • bluetoothjs/ (javascript code for bluetooth hooks in electron app
    • (grab video of eyes during development)

ThereVR Web Server

The web application.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the ./therevr/ folder when running all these commands.


  1. Brew
  2. Node/NPM brew install node

Starting ThereVR Server

npm install npm start

ThereVR should be hosted on http://localhost:8000/, if that port is not available then the application wil fail. Use the environment variable PORT to change the port number.


The native electron app. Used to transmit Kinect data over to the ThereVR website.

NOTE: Our application only supports MacOSX.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the ./therevr-electron/ folder when running all these commands.


  1. Brew
  2. FFMPEG brew install ffmpeg
  3. Node/NPM brew install node
  4. Node Modules ./


Therenect is the C++ node addon that allows for communication between Kinect and Node.JS

cd therenect && npm install && npm run build && cd ..

Starting ThereVR-Electron App

npm start

ThereVR Eye-tracking Code

The code contained in this repository is the entire source code for the linux executable of ThereVR's eye-tracking software. The code has the following dependecies:

  • OpenCV
  • BlueZ
  • GLib

Setup Raspbian on SD Card (Mac OS X)

  1. Download Raspbian from Verify checksum of download to ensure download is valid shasum <raspbian zip download name>

  2. Prepare SD Card using diskutil

  3. Unmount SD card from MAC OS diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>

  4. Copy data from Raspbian image (.img) to SD card sudo dd bs=1m if=image.img of=/dev/rdisk<disk# from diskutil>

  5. Insert SD card into Raspberry Pi & power on Update all available software using apt-get

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Install vim text editor
  2. Run raspi-config to enable specified features
sudo raspi-config
# Expand Filesystem
# Enable Camera

Notes If you are running into any trouble reference original tutorial. Raspberry Pi website for downloading has a horrible server, use wget for longer timeout when downloading use diskutil list to figure out which disk to target UPDATE 1/28/2016 ISSUE 1 (ISSUE 1) !IMPORTANT!: If Raspberry Pi corrupts memory after attempting to run apt-get upgrade the filesystem might not be expanded. To fix the issue go into raspi-config and enable filesystem expansion. reference tutorial

Setup BlueZ 5.43

  1. Install BlueZ dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev
  1. Uninstall previous bluez (Double check if bluez install is not 5.43 using systemctl) install sudo apt-get purge bluez

  2. Grab URL and download BlueZ 5.43 from BlueZ website wget <url>

  3. Unzip the tar.gz file tar xvf <path to bluez zip file>

  4. Download and apply a BlueZ patch that enables bcm43xx drivers (Make sure to navigate into the unzip directory before doing any of the next steps)

# If you haven't already navigated into the bluez unzip directory do so now with
# cd <blueZ unzip dir>
wget <patch URL>
unzip <bluez patch file name>
git apply -v <bluez patch file name>/*
  1. Run configure command ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc/ --localstatedir=/var --enable-experimental --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system --with-systemduserunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd

  2. Run make to compile the code

  3. Run sudo make install to complete BlueZ install

  4. Reboot the Raspberry Pi

  5. To verify BlueZ installed properly run the following commands

# By default the device is powered down. Load this driver
# to control the enable pins to the bluetooth module and
# power the bluetooth device
hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow - 
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
sudo systemctl start bluetooth
sudo bluetoothctl # This will open a interactive bluetooth control console


It may be that the correct broadcom drivers are not within the /lib/firmware/brcm/ folder. (ISSUE 1) DEFAULT RASPBIAN DOES NOT LOAD CORRECT FIRMWARE The following commands must be executed upon every boot up of the raspberry pi to enable the bluetooth module: hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow - sudo hciconfig hci0 up sudo systemctl start bluetooth To automate this process, copy and paste the code block above into /etc/rc.local file. If you are running into any trouble reference original tutorial reference Raspberrypi forums Pi Zero bluez install adafruit bluez tutorial

Setup OpenCV

  1. Install all dependencies
# Build dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config
# Image I/O 
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev
# Video I/O
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev
sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev
# HighGui dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
# Optimized OpenCV Dependencies
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran
# OpenCV Python compile dependencies
sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev python3-dev
  1. Download OpenCV Release 3.1 Source Files and unzip both files into home directory (~/.)
wget -O
wget -O
  1. Create build folder in opencv unzip directory
  2. Run Cmake and then make (Recommend to run make in screen so session is not terminated by no activity)
    -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib-3.1.0/modules \
  1. Run sudo make install, followed by sudo ldconfig within the build directory
  2. Verify OpenCV install by importing cv2 library in python console


If you are running into any trouble reference the original tutorial

Setup Build Tools

  1. Install Scons
  2. Verify OpenCV install by building example_cv project
# cd into therevr/hardware directory
scons example_cv
  1. Verify all Build tools install by building iris project
# cd into therevr/hardware directory
scons iris

# to clean the project run the following command
scons --clean