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Online audio distribution platform and music sharing website

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Online audio distribution platform and music sharing website

Installation Docker and its dependencies:

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Docker Compose

Build container:

  1. Enter project folder.

    cd vibrer
    # (you should get to the same level with Dockerfile)
  2. Build container.

    docker-compose build

    To update pip dependencies, run Django model migrations and start server execute following:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.setup.yaml up

    To make migrations and apply them run following:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.mkmigrations.yaml up

    To show running containers run following:

    docker[-compose] ps

    To stop running containers run following:

    docker-compose stop
  3. Before run container run following:
    Install AWS CLI:

    sudo apt install awscli 

    Create AWS bucker:

    aws --endpoint-url= s3 mb s3://vibrer-media

    Add bucket ACL:

    aws --endpoint-url= s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket vibrer-media --acl public-read
  4. Run container.

    docker-compose up
    docker-compose start


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