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Releases: kkmzero/css-langdot

css-langdot 20240528

28 May 14:33
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  • New color dots: Bluespec BH, D2, Edge, EdgeQL, Glimmer JS, Glimmer TS, Go Workspace, Gradle Kotlin DSL, Hosts File, Lean 4, MDX, Mojo, Nushell, Oberon, Pact, Pip Requirements, Praat, RBS, Rez, Roc, Slint, Sweave, Terraform Template, TextGrid, TL-Verilog, Toit, Typst, WebAssembly Interface Type, WGSL
  • Updated colors for OCaml and Sway
  • Genero renamed to Genero 4gl (lang genero-4gl)
  • Genero Forms renamed to Genero per (lang genero-per)
  • wdl renamed to WDL (lang wdl)

css-langdot 20230420

20 Apr 15:22
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  • New color dots: Circom, Cypher, Dotenv, Ecmarkup, Elvish Transcript, Godot Resource, Imba, Ink, JCL, Just, KerboScript, Mermaid, OASv2-json, OASv2-yaml, OASv3-json, OASv3-yaml, OpenAPI Specification v2, OpenAPI Specification v3, PDDL, PlantUML, Polar, Pyret, Scenic, Smithy, Snakemake, Sway, Visual Basic 6.0
  • Updated colors for FreeBasic and HCL

css-langdot 20221019

19 Oct 19:45
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  • New color dots: Adblock Filter List, Antlers, Bikeshed, BrighterScript, CameLIGO, CAP CDS, Elvish, Gemini, Git Revision List, HOCON, JetBrains MPS, LigoLANG, Move, Nasal, Option List, Portugol, ReasonLIGO, RouterOS Script, Simple File Verification, STL, Talon, Velocity Template Language, Whiley, Wren, Yul
  • Updated colors for TSX and TypeScript

css-langdot 20220329

29 Mar 11:42
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  • New color dots: 2-Dimensional Array, Berry, Cadence, Cairo, Clarity, Curry, Debian Package Control File, DenizenScript, Earthly, Euphoria, Genero, Genero Forms, Gleam, GSC, hoon, Janet, kvlang, MiniYAML, Mint, Monkey C, Motoko, Procfile, Promela, RPGLE, ShellCheck Config, Vyper and Witcher Script
  • Updated color for Vala

css-langdot 20210921

21 Sep 15:11
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Initial release.