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Sugar facade for LeoECS Lite.


  • Reduce boilerplate
  • Introduce static typed filters (as in LeoECS Classic)
  • Keep near-to-zero heap allocations
  • High level API, but opportunity to use low-level API (LeoECS Lite itself) in hot spots
  • Minimal dependencies (only LeoECS Lite)



This library is sugar. In C# world sugar costs. Good thing is all overhead of this library is GC-allocation-free.

In example project (which is pretty CPU intensive), there is about 25% FPS penalty introduced by this library.

Solution: Use low-level API (LeoECS Lite functions) in the parts of your code that are not fast enough. Look into mentioned above example project how to do this.


As unity module

This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new lines should be added to Packages/manifest.json:

"com.leopotam.ecslite": "",
"com.nplekhanov.csx.leoquery": "",

As source

If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be cloned.


Note that this short guide may miss information regarding corner cases. Please read LeoECS Lite README if you need better understanding what happens under the hood.


Systems are C# classуы that implement ISystem and contain little bit of game logic. Supposed that whole game logic is composed from a dozens of such classes

public class System1 : ISystem
    public void Act(IEntityStorage storage)
        // any logic here

External services

If one want to call some logic that for some reason lives outside ECS systems, then DI might be used to access external objects

public class System1 : ISystem
    [Inject] private Service1 _service1; // initialized using reflection on startup
    public void Act(IEntityStorage storage)
        // use _service1 here

Systems and dependency registration, engine integration

    ISystem _mainPipeline;
    IEntityStorage _storage;
    void Start()
        // storage is container for entities and components (like EcsWorld in LeoECS Classic)
        _storage = new LeoLiteStorage();
        // reflection based DI agent. that's completely optional.
        Injector di = new Injector()
            .Add(new Service1())
            .Add(new Service2());
        _mainPipeline = new MulticastSystem()
            // declare systems. order matters.
            .Add(new System1())
            .Add(new System2())
            // inject dependencies (optional step)
        // if one want to invoke some system list on startup, shutdown, FixedUpdate or 
        // some another specific events - additional pipelines could be configured the same way as above.
    void Update()
        // _mainPipeline is calls Act on each system inside


Components should be plain C# structs:

public struct Comp1 {
    public int value;


Basic operations

// create empty entity
Entity a = storage.NewEntity();

// add a new component and initialize it. in DEBUG mode it throws exception if component already exists
a.Add<Comp1>().value = 42;
// modify component. in DEBUG mode it throws exception if component not found.
a.Get<Comp1>().value = 17;

// delete component
a.Del<Comp1>(); // fails if there is no such component

// check presense of component
if (a.Has<Comp1>()) {



foreach (Entity<Comp1> entity in storage.Query<Comp1>()) {
    // note that Entity is generified with the component that it guaranteed to have. 
    // this mandatory component is accessed in safe way using positional getter:
    entity.Get1().value = 42;
    // generic Entity<> also provide all other methods desribed in previous section:    
    if (entity.Has<Comp2>()) {
        entity.Get<Comp1>().value = 17;

// entities that have both components (like SQL INNER JOIN)
foreach (Entity<Comp1, Comp2> entity in storage.Query<Comp1, Comp2>()) {
    // Comp1 and Comp2 components could be accessed using positional getters:
    entity.Get2().value = entity.Get1().value * 2;

// skip entities that has Comp3 component. note ideally this feature is discouraged.
// it exist as a hack for quick fixes and legacy maintainence.
foreach (Entity<Comp1, Comp2> entity in storage.Query<Component, Comp2>().Excluding<Comp3>()) {
    entity.Add<Comp3>();// will never fail here


LeoECS Lite's architecture is polished for maximal for speed, but with naive entity allocation it may use memory a bit more than it necessary. To mitigate this, multi-world concept is supposed to be used.

The simplest approach is to use default world for long-living entities and extra world for short living ones. To know more about multi-world concept, please visit LeoECS Lite documentation and community.

Note that you still may use single-world approach and have good performance. Please use Profiler to make sure your optimization efforts are worthful.

// define a constants for world indices somewhere
public class MyWorlds {
    // that's not necessary, as all methods use 0 world index by default, but you can do so if you like.
    public const int Default = 0;
    public const int Events = 1;

IEntityStorage storage = new LeoLiteStorage()
    // that's not necessary, because 0-indexed world is defined anyway, but you can specify custom LeoECS Lite parameters that way.
    .World(MyWorlds.Default, new EcsWorld.Config {})
    // every extra world must be defined that way (with or without parameters)

// by default 0-indexed world is accessed

// equivalent. if you like you may specify it.

// extra worlds must be specified explicitly

// the same for another storage methods. for example:


Sugar facade for LeoECS Lite







No releases published


