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PXT Sound Effects Build status badge

This extension adds blocks for creating sound effects based on the music.playInstructions() interface.

It was originally intended for new waveforms (tunable noise, and cycle noise modulated square waves) that are currently only available in the beta editor, but also works with the current MakeCode Arcade editor as long as you stick to the waveforms it supports.


let soundeffect: SoundBuffer = null

soundeffect = soundEffects.createSound(WaveType.Triangle, 1000, 440, 110)

The parameters to createSound are:

  • waveform
  • duration in milliseconds
  • starting frequency in Hz (cycles/second)
  • ending frequency in Hz
  • starting volume 0-1023 (optional, default 255)
  • ending volume 0-1023 (optional, default 0)

Once the sound effect is created, use playUntilDone() or play() to play the sound, depending on if you want your program to wait for the sound to finish, or to continue running while it plays in the background.

You can modify the parameters of a sound effect using attributes, for example setting soundeffect.freq1 = 220.

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Blocks example

A rendered view of the blocks

Example for basic effects:

Link to the beta editor for trying the new waveforms:

Metadata (used for search, rendering)

  • for PXT/arcade
<script src=""></script><script>makeCodeRender("{{ site.makecode.home_url }}", "{{ site.github.owner_name }}/{{ site.github.repository_name }}");</script>