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This repository includes Jupyter Notebooks for the visualization of extended Mobile Network Data from the mFUND-Project xMND.


The notebooks were created as part of my Master's Thesis titled "Visualizing Mobile Network Data - A User-Centred Design Approach Connecting Visual Analytics to Urban Public Transportation Planning". The thesis was written within the joint Master Programme on Cartography of TU Munich, TU Vienna, TU Dresden and Uni Twente and in coorporation with Fraunhofer IAIS. For a quick impression, see the Poster.

The notebooks are conceptualized for a specific analytic scenario in four stages. Each stage features a spatial and a temporal overview of the data. To get an overview over the concept and the different visualizations, check out slides 20 through 32 and 36 of the thesis presentation.

Data and Functionality

To fully explore the notebooks, add a /data directory containing all datasets which can that can be downloaded from mCLOUD.

Dataset Notebooks, it is used in
celldf.csv all stages - spatial overview
flowdf.csv stage 1 - spatial overview
cycledf.csv stage 1 - temporal overview
anomFlowdf.csv stage 2 - spatial overview
anomCycledf.csv stage 2 - temporal overview
cycleAndFlowODdf.csv stage 3
anomODdf.csv stage 4

For a detailed description of the data structure, refer to chapter 4 of my thesis.

For the notebooks that feature maps (those with _spatialOverview in their name), you will need a Mapbox access token. Read how to create one here. Then, in the respective notebooks, replace MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN with your personal one.

The notebooks represent a prototype for an interactive visual exploration tool. At each individual stage, they are to be viewed side-by-side, e.g. using JupyterLab.


Author: Verena Klasen, M.Sc. Cartography

Co-Autor: Fabian Patterson, Senior Data Scientist (Fraunhofer IAIS)


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