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Style Sheet

Taynara Carvalho edited this page Sep 24, 2017 · 38 revisions

Style Sheet C and C++

1 - Naming Conventions
2 - Constants
3 - Boolean
4 - Global vs. Local Variables
5 - Array
6 - Pointers and reference
7 - Coding​ ​ language
8 - Strings
9 - Line Length
10 - Identation
11 - Control​ ​ Structure:​ ​ IF
12 - Control​ ​ structure:​ ​ Switch
13 - Repetition ​ structure:​ ​ While
14 - Repetition ​ structure:​ ​ For
15 - Comments
16 - Header Style
17 - Exception handling
18 - Writing Doc Comments 19 - Comments for Data Declarations

1 - Naming Conventions:

  • Domain abbreviations in method names, variables, constrains, classes and attributes should be avoided. Do not use names and letters without a well-defined, easily understood meaning. Always use meaningful names.

😃 Good example:

    tower ();

😩 Bad Example:

  • For declaration:
    • Class name
    • Name Of Enums
    • Name Interfaces

Snake case: Writes compound words or phrases in which the elements are separated with one underscore character (_) and no spaces, with each element's initial letter usually uppercased within the compound and the first letter upper and the first letter after underscore also — as in "Hello_Word". If have more word, the same pattern above will applied.

😃 Good example:

    class Country_Region
        enum Distance

😩 Bad Example:

    class Country_region
        enum distance
  • For declaration:
    • attributes
    • variables
    • methods

Snake case: Writes compound words or phrases in which the elements are separated with one underscore character (_) and no spaces, with each element's initial letter usually lowercased within the compound and the first letter after underscore also lower case—as in "foo_bar". If have more word, the same pattern above will applied.

😃 Good example:

    int do_stuff ( int some_number ) 
        return some_number * 2;

😩 Bad Example:

    int doStuff(int someNumber){
        return someNumber*2;
  • Initialize all variables when declaring

😃 Good example:

    int velocity_car = 0;  

😩 Bad Example:

    int velocity_car;

2 - Constants

  • Constants are written in all capital letters. Underscores may be used to separate words. For example, MAX_SIZE, E, PI;

😃 Good example:

    MAX_SIZE, E, PI;

😩 Bad Example:

    max_Size, e, Pi;
  • Use all uppercase letters, with underscores, for #ifndef/#define/#endif. For example:

😃 Good example:

    #ifndef TIMEFILE_H, #define TIMEFILE_H;

😩 Bad Example:

    #ifndef timeFile_h, #define timeFile_h;

3 - Boolean

  • Boolean variables should be named so that they state the affirmative action.

😃 Good example:

    bool valid;  //Use this affirmative form.

😩 Bad Example:

    bool notValid; //Avoid this

4 - Global vs. Local Variables

  • Declare variables to be local to the function(s) in which they are used.
  • Place named constants as local as possible.
  • Do not use global variables to get around the need to pass parameters.

5 - Array

  • Array with one dimension, or with more than one, use a single space only for separate the equal sign, to separate the brackets and also to separate values inside on the same array.

😃 Good example:

    int test_score [ ] = { 74, 87, 91 };
    char grades [ 5 ];
    char matrix [ 32 ] [ 16 ];

😩 Bad Example:

    int test_score[ ]={ 74,87,91 };
    char grades[ 5 ] ;
    char matrix[ 32 ][ 16 ] ;

6 - Pointers and reference

  • C++ pointers and references should have their reference symbol next to the name rather than to the type.

😃 Good example:

    float *pointer_name;
    int  &reference_name; 

😩 Bad Example:

    float* pointer_name;
    int& reference_name; 

7 - Coding​ ​ language

  • The​ ​ coding​ ​ language​ ​ for​ ​ programming​ ​ techniques​ ​ applying​ ​ is​ ​ English.

8 - Strings

  • Strings must​ ​ be​ ​ written​ ​ between​ ​ double​ ​ quotes​ ​ ”.

😃 Good example:

    ask_name = "Whats is your name? ";

9 - Line Length

  • Avoid lines longer than 120 characters. When a statement won't fill in a single line, it may be necessary to break it.

10 - Identation

  • When using braces, open on the below line to which it was called and close vertically aligned with the name to which called it. It include functions, class, control​ ​ structure and repetition among others.
  • Indent with 2 spaces — pick one and stick with it. Be consistent. Do not indent with the TAB key — your indents will generally be way too wide.
  • The​ ​ next​ ​ line​ ​ after​ ​ the​ ​ class​ ​ signature or file​ ​ have​ ​ to​ ​ be​ ​ a ​ ​ blank​ ​ line.
  • All files finish with blank lines.

😃 Good example:

    void state_moving_crouch ()
        this -> player -> max_speed *= 2;
        this -> player -> speed = 20;

😩 Bad Example:

    void state_moving_crouch(){
    this->player->maxSpeed *= 2;
    this->player->speed = 20;}

11 - Control​ ​ Structure:​ ​ IF

  • There​ ​ must​ ​ have​ ​ a ​ ​ blank​ ​ space​ ​ immediately​ ​ after​ ​ the​ ​ keyword​ ​ if.
  • There​ ​ must​ ​ have​ ​ a ​ ​ blank​ ​ space​ ​ between​ ​ the​ ​ parentheses​ ​ and​ ​ the​ ​ if condition.
  • ​The​ ​ comparison​ ​ operators​ ​ must​ ​ have​ ​ a ​ ​ blank​ ​ space​ ​ immediately​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ left and​ ​ the​ ​ right.​ ​If​ ​ line​ ​ exceed​ ​ 80​ ​ characters,​ ​ it​ ​ must​ ​ be​ ​ broken​ ​ into​ ​ multiple​ ​ lines​ ​ and​ ​ the condition​ ​ must​ ​ be​ ​ aligned​ ​ with​ ​ the​ ​ previous​ ​ one.
  • Braces must open in the below line the conditional structure, aligned vertically. Closing with the same aligned.
  • ​The​ ​ body​ ​ must​ ​ be​ ​ written​ ​ between​ ​ braces, skipping 1 line,​ ​ even​ ​ when​ ​ it​ ​ is​ ​ a ​ ​ single​ ​ line. ​ 'Else​ ​ if'​ ​ or​ ​ 'else'​ ​ must​ ​ be​ ​ initiated​ ​ on​ ​ the​ ​ same​ ​ line​ ​ of​ ​ the​ ​ closing​ ​ braces.
  • After​ ​ all​ ​ 'if'​ ​ or​ ​ 'else​ ​ if'​ ​ structure,​ ​ an​ ​ 'else'​ ​ structure​ ​ is​ ​ always​ ​ needed.
  • Avoid nested if statements — they can become very hard to understand and debug.

😃 Good example:

    if​ ​( ​person_age​​ < ​18​ &&​ ​//​ ​There​ ​ is​ ​ more​ ​ than​ ​ 80​ ​ characters​ ​ here
        person_vip ==​ NULL )​ ​
        cout ​<< "Not​ ​ authorized​ ​ to​ ​ drive!"​ ;
    }​ else​ ​
            //​ ​ . ​ ​ . ​ ​ .

    if​ ( week_day​ ​==​ ​1 ) 
        cout​ <<​  "Sunday"​ ;
    }​ elseif​ ​( week_day​​ ==​ ​2​ )
        cout​ << ​ "Monday"​;

😩 Bad Example:

    if(cond1) cout << 1;
    else if (cond2) cout << 2;
    else cout << 3;

12 - Control​ ​ structure:​ ​ Switch

  • Defaults​ ​ and​ ​ cases​ ​ have​ ​ to​ ​ be​ ​ indented like an if statement;
  • ​Statements​ ​ of​ ​ switch​ ​ case​ ​ or​ ​ default​ ​ have​ ​ to​ ​ be​ ​ in​ ​ the​ ​ next​ ​ line​ ​after braces and indented.

😃 Good example:

    switch​ ​ ( day_week​ ​) 
    case​ ​ 1:
        cout​ << ​ "Sunday"​;
    case​ ​ 2:
        cout <<​ "Monday"​;
        //​ ​ ...
        cout << ​ " "​;

😩 Bad Example:

    switch​(day_week​ ​){
    case​ ​ 1: ​cout​ << ​ "Sunday"​;
    case​ ​ 2: cout <<​ "Monday"​;
    //​ ​ ...
    default: cout << ​ " "​;

13 - Repetition ​ structure:​ ​ While

  • While follows the same if pattern.

😃 Good example:

    while ( count < number_elements ) 
        sum_elements = sum_elements + 1;

😩 Bad Example:

    while (condition) continue ;
  • The format while(true) should be used for infinite loops.

😃 Good example:

    while ( true ) 
        //  ...

😩 Bad Example:

    while (;;)
        //  ...
        //  ...

14 - Repetition ​ structure:​ ​ For

  • The for structure follows the same if pattern.

😃 Good example:

    int i = 0;
    for ( i = 0;  i  <  number_elements;  i++ ) 
        cout << number_elements;

😩 Bad Example:

    for (condition) continue;
  • Only loop control statements must be included in the for() construction.

😃 Good example:

    sum = 0;
    for( i = 0;  i < 100;  i++ ) 
        sum += value [ i ];

😩 Bad Example:

    for(i =  0; sum = 0; i < 100; i++)
        sum +=value[i];

15 - Comments

  • Comments begin with capital letter
  • Use only // in comments to one line

😃 Good example:

    // This is a simple comment.

😩 Bad Example:

    /*This is a simple comment*/	
  • Comments with more than one line should start with / * and close with * / following the structure of the following example:

😃 Good example:

    /* This function calculates the profit
     * of the month in the sales department */

😩 Bad Example:

    // This function calculates the profit
    // of the month in the sales department 

16 - Header Style

  • There should always be the file name
  • There must always be the purpose of this file
  • There must always be the license name
  • There must always be the name of the project
  • There must always be the name of the college.

😃 Good example:

    	  /* Nome do Jogo 
    	   * Universidade de Brasília - FGA
    	   * Técnicas de Programação, 2/2017
    	   * @file name_of_file.cpp
    	   * A description which can be long and explain the complete
    	   * functionality of this module even with indented code examples.
    	   * Class/Function however should not be documented here*/

17 - Exception handling:

The exception handling follows the same pattern already presented here for conditional if and else.
The catch will begin after a simple space in the same line to which the try key closes.

😃 Good example:

            new_phrase = phrase.toUpperCase();
          } catch(.....) // CATCH OF THE POSSIBLE EXCEPTION. 
              // Exception handling
              cout << "The initial phrase is null, it was assigned a default value";
              phrase = "empty phrase";
              newPhrase = phrase.toUpperCase();

18 - Writing Doc Comments

A doc comment is written in HTML and must precede a class, field, constructor or method declaration. It is made up of two parts -- a description followed by block tags. In this example, the block tags are @param (methods and constructors only), @return(methods only), and @see(refer to another symbol or resource that may be related to the one being documented).

😃 Good example:

Updates the position of the dynamic entity
Update is based on what input was recieved, and the players velocity.
@param dt_ : Delta time. Time elapsed between one frame and the other
@return A bool array with the sides the DynamicEntity collided.
@see StateBoss::exit

19 - Comments for Data Declarations

Use endline comments to annotate data declarations Endline comments are useful for annotating data declarations because they don’t have the same systemic problems as endline comments on code, provided that you have enough width. With 132 columns,you can usually write a meaningful comment beside each data declaration:

😃 Good example:

int boundary = 0; // upper index of sorted part of array
int insertPos = 0; // position to insert elmt in sorted part of array