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This is a very efficient interpreter for a small statically scoped subset of Scheme. In the hopelessly contrived recursive Fibonacci benchmark it beats Guile by about a factor of 2.5. It operates by compiling Scheme code into an intermediate data structure which can be executed more efficiently. Most importantly, no symbol lookup needs to happen during execution. I think it's a very nice little piece of software, so I'll present the more important parts of it here.

The two main data types are lisp_expr, which describes all Scheme data (including uncompiled code, which is of course just lists), and lisp_code, which describes compiled code. We'll start with lisp_expr:

type lisp_expr =
  | Cons of lisp_expr * lisp_expr
  | Int of int

This is simple enough. Nil is the empty list, a Cons is a list cell and an Int is an integer. We need integers so that the fib benchmark will run. It goes on:

  | Symbol of symbol

This is a symbol, which, as we'll see below, has a name. Now it gets more complicated, though:

  | Builtin of (lisp_expr array -> lisp_expr)

A builtin is a function that's built into the Scheme interpreter, hence the name. A more modern name would probably be "native function". For example, the function + for adding integers is a builtin. Builtins cannot be written in Scheme, but they can be passed around and stored in variables (i.e., they are first class values), which why they need to be included in this type.

In this interpreter, a builtin is simply a function taking an array of values (the arguments) and returning a value (the result).

  | Closure of lisp_code * (lisp_expr array list)

This, finally, is a Scheme function, complete with environment. The first part, of type lisp_code, is the code of the function. We'll see the definition of that type below. The second part is the environment of the function (or actually closure). If you're not familiar with closures and environments, here's a short introduction:

Let's say you have this function:

(lambda (x)
  (lambda (y)
	(+ x y)))

It's a function that takes one argument x and returns another function, or closure (a "closure" is what we call code with an environment which it needs to execute). You can call this resulting closure with another argument y and it'll give you the sum of the two arguments. Note that you don't need to remember the argument x you gave to the first function, because it's contained in the closure it returned. The value of this argument is therefore contained in the environment of the returned closure.

Of course environments can contain more than one value. Most importantly, environments can be deep, as this example illustrates:

(lambda (a b)
  (lambda (c d)
	(lambda (e f)
	  (- (+ (- a b) (- c d)) (+ e f)))))

When you call this function you'll get a closure whose environment contains the arguments a and b. This closure, when called, returns yet another closure, whose environment contains the arguments c and d, but also a and b as well.

Let's say you called the function above with the arguments 1 and 2, and the resulting closure with 3 and 4. You'd get a closure whose environment is the list of arrays [ [| 3; 4 |]; [| 1; 2 |] ]. The most "recent" argument are always at the front of the list, that's why 3 and 4 are first. Note that the environment does not contain the names of the arguments. Instead, the compiler figures out automatically where in the environment it needs to look for the value of an argument. Note also that the closure does not specify how many arguments it takes, which means that the interpreter cannot catch the error of giving too many or too few arguments to a closure. This is only intentional as far as I was too lazy to make it any fancier.

Next are symbols, which are easy:

and symbol_value =
	Value of lisp_expr
and symbol = { name: string ; mutable value: symbol_value };;

A symbol has a name, obviously, but also a value. All symbols are stored in a global symbol table and a symbol's value is the value of the global variable with that name. Whenever the reader encounters a symbol, it looks it up in the symbol table and if it's not there, a new entry is made (that process is called "interning" the symbol). This means that whenever you use a new symbol you get a new global variable (whose default value is Nil), which is usually not what you want, but I was too lazy to change this. The easiest way would probably be to add an Undefined alternative to the symbol_value type, so that the interpreter can give an error message whenever an undefined global variable is referenced.

We now come to the definition of compiled code:

and lisp_code =
	Quote of lisp_expr

This is just a quoted expression, like 'a (which is syntactic sugar for (quote a).

  | Global of symbol

This is a reference to a global variable.

  | Global_set of symbol * lisp_code

This is code for setting the value of a global variable, the Scheme syntax for which is (define name value).

  | Var of int * int

This is a reference to a local variable, i.e., to a value in the current environment. The first of the two integers says how deep into the environment the interpreter must reach, while the second integer says which element in the resulting array is to be fetched. In the environment example above, for example, to get to the value of a, we'd have to take the second array and from that the first element, hence the numbers would be 1 and 0 (since the first element has number 0).

  | If of lisp_code * lisp_code * lisp_code

This is a simple conditional. The first lisp_code is the condition, the second is the code for the consequent and the third for the alternative.

  | Application of lisp_code * (lisp_code array)

This is a function application. The first lisp_code is supposed to evaluate to a function, i.e., either a builtin or a closure, and the array contains the code for the arguments.

  | Build_closure of lisp_code

This, finally, is closure-generating code, i.e., a lambda expression. Again, it doesn't say how many arguments the closure is supposed to take, which is neither an oversight nor a feature, but merely the result of my laziness.

Now that we're through with the data structures, we're ready to discuss the interpreter, which consists of the classic functions eval and apply. I won't discuss the compiler because it's not as pretty as the interpreter. The only really "complicated" thing in the compiler is keeping track of local symbols, so that it can know where in the environment the interpreter has to look for a variable value. Anyway, here's the interpreter:

let rec eval x e =

eval takes a lisp_code x and an environment e in which to execute x. For a top-level expression, this environment is of course the empty list. eval returns the result of the execution of the code, which is a lisp_expr.

  match x with
    Quote q -> q

Quoting an expression is really easy - just return it.

  | Global { value = Value v } -> v

Referencing a global variable simply means getting its value.

  | Global_set (s, c) -> s.value <- Value (eval c e) ; Nil

Setting a global variable, on the other hand, means setting its value (and returning Nil). The value it is set to is the result of executing the corresponding code in the current environment.

  | Var (depth, index) -> (nth e depth).(index)

Since we know exactly where to look for in the environment for a local variable, this is really easy. First we select the array out of the list and then we select the element out of the array.

  | If (cond, cons, alt) -> if eval cond e == Nil then
							  eval alt e
							  eval cons e

This is one of the two more complicated rules. First we evaluate the condition. If it's Nil, i.e., false, we evaluate the alternative, otherwise, i.e., if it's true, we evaluate the consequent.

  | Application (f, args) -> apply (eval f e)
								   ( (function a -> eval a e) args)

Applying a function means first evaluating the function and all its arguments, and then calling apply, which performs the application once we know the function and the value of its arguments. We'll investigate apply below (it's very simple).

  | Build_closure c -> Closure (c, e)

Building a closure just means putting its code and the current environment into a Closure.

Here's apply, which takes a function (in the form of a lisp_expr) and an array of arguments:

and apply f a =
  match f with
	Builtin b -> b a

The function can be a builtin, in which case we just use the native OCaml function application.

  | Closure(c, e) -> eval c (a :: e)

The function can also be a closure, in which case we need to make a new environment for it first, which really only means putting the argument array in front of the closure's existing environment. Then we evaluate its code in this new environment.

  | _ -> raise Hell;;

Applying anything else (like an integer) is an error.


Make sure you have OCaml installed and type




./lisp <test.scm


This program is licenced under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.

Mark Probst


A Scheme Interpreter in OCaml







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  • OCaml 85.6%
  • Scheme 10.1%
  • Makefile 4.3%