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Klient JWT




This Klient extension allows you to fetch JWT for current user with its credentials, store it, and authenticate requests with fetched token. The refresh token process is also supported. Every parts of workflow can be adapted directly from parameters.


Install package with your favorite package manager :

# With NPM
$ npm install @klient/jwt

# With YARN
$ yarn add @klient/jwt

Then import the extension in your code :

import Klient from '@klient/core';

// Register extension
import '@klient/jwt';

// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient('...');

// See loaded extension
console.log(klient.extensions); // Print ["@klient/jwt"]


import Klient from '@klient/core';

// Register extension
import '@klient/jwt';

// Create klient instance with registered extension
const klient = new Klient({
  jwt: {
    auth: {
      url: '/auth',
      method: 'POST'

// Get a fresh token
  .login({ username: '...', password: '...' })
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data); // API response content

// Check user authentication
console.log(klient.jwt.isAuthenticated) // Print true

// Listen for requests
klient.on('request', e => {
  console.log(e.config.headers.Authorization); // Print "Bearer <received token>"

// Make a request to private url


The JWT parameters allow you to configure whole jwt process.

const klient = new Klient({
  jwt: {
    login: {
      // Url to use when call login method
      url: '/auth',

      // Method to use when call login method
      method: 'POST',

      // Rest of request static configuration
      // All axios options are available
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

      // Configure request made on login action
      configure: (credentials, config, jwt) => { = {
          username: credentials[0],
          password: credentials[0],

      // Map login response to authentication state
      map: (response, config, jwt) => {
        const { token, refresh_token } =;

        return {
          refreshToken: refresh_token,
          tokenExp: jwt.decode(token).exp,
          refreshTokenExp: jwt.decode(refresh_token).exp,

    refresh: {
      // Url to use when refresh action is invoked
      url: '/auth/refresh',

      // Method to use to refresh credentials
      method: 'POST',

      // Rest of request static configuration
      // All axios options are available
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

      // Configure request made on refresh credentials action
      configure: (refreshToken, config, jwt) => { = refreshToken;

      // Map refresh credentials response to authentication state
      map: (response, config, jwt) => {
        const { token, refresh_token } =;

        return {
          refreshToken: refresh_token,
          tokenExp: jwt.decode(token).exp,
          refreshTokenExp: jwt.decode(refresh_token).exp,

    // Authenticate request manually with current authentication state
    authenticate: (config, jwt) => {
      config.headers = config.headers || {};
      config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + jwt.token

    // Persist authentication state in a storage
    // See @klient/storage
    storage: {
      type: 'localStorage',
      options: {
        // ...

    // Set jwt decode static options
    decode_options: {
      // jwt decode options

Requests authentication

Listener workflow

JWT service listen RequestEvent and is able to add token in request config if an authenticated user is detected. The exact behavious is described below :

  • If user isn't authenticated, jwt service ignores requests.

  • If user has a valid token, jwt service add it in request config.

  • If user has an expired token, but have a valid refresh token, jwt service will try to refresh token before append it in request config. (This will suspend execution of request, and will reject it if credentials are not refreshable)

  • If user has an expired token, and no valid refresh token, the jwt service will emit CredentialsExpiredEvent and reject the request after .

Disable requests authentication

Authentication can be disabled by using request context :

import Klient from '@klient/core';

// Register extension
import '@klient/jwt';

// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient('...');

  url: '/public',
  context: {
    authenticate: false // This means "Do not authenticate request"

JWT Service

The JWT service is the orchestrator of JWT worklow by analyzing at every request if a stored token is valid, else if it can be refreshed, etc..



Get JWT with user credentials.

login(credentials: any): Promise<>


import Klient from '@klient/core';

// Register extension
import '@klient/jwt';

// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient({
  jwt: {
    login: {
      url '/auth',
      method: 'POST'

// Construct credentials as they are expected in API
const credentials = { username: '...', password: '...' };

// Login
klient.login(credentials).then(data => {
  // At this point jwt service has created a state to store authentication data
  // and user is considerated as logged.



Remove stored user authentication state.

logout(): Promise<void>


import Klient from '@klient/core';

// Register extension
import '@klient/jwt';

// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient({
  jwt: {
    login: {
      url '/auth',
      method: 'POST'

// Construct credentials as they are expected in API
const credentials = { username: '...', password: '...' };

// Login
await klient.login(credentials).then(data => {
  // At this point jwt service has created a state to store authentication data
  // and user is considerated as logged.

klient.jwt.isAuthenticated; // True
klient.jwt.state; // { token: 'value', ... }

// Logout
klient.logout().then(() => {
  klient.jwt.isAuthenticated; // False
  klient.jwt.state; // undefined




alias = jwt:login

The LoginEvent is emitted when new token is stored in authentication state (after login method OR during a request when token has been refreshed).


Name Type Description
response AxiosResponse The login/refresh response received from API.
token string The response token.
decodedToken object The decoded token.
refreshToken string | undefined The response refresh token.


alias = jwt:expired

The CredentialsExpiredEvent is emitted on request execution if user credentials is expired and cannot be refreshed.


Name Type Description
relatedEvent RequestEvent The related event containing the request.
error AxiosError | Error The related error.


alias = jwt:logout

The LogoutEvent is emitted before authentication state deletion when calling logout method.