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Playground for my first steps in Go.

  • Go programs are made out of packages
  • the main method must be in the main package
  • inside of the import statement are the packages specified that should be imported
    • the last element of the import path is the package name, by convention. math/rand imports the files from math that begin with package rand
  • in Go, a name is exported if it begins with a capital letter, e.g. math.Pi
  • function definitions start with func followed by the function name, the parameter list and the return value
    • as opposed to C, the parameter name comes before the type, e.g. x int
    • here is why they choosed this syntax
    • if two or more consecutive parameters share the same type, you can omit it from all but the last
    • a function can return any number of values (like tuples in python)
  • strings are enquoted by doublequotes "
func add(a, b int) int {
    return a+b
  • the var statement declares a list of variables with the type last
    • it is allowed on function and package level (global)
    • examples:
      • var a, b bool
      • initalizers can be used like this:
        • var a, b, c = true, false, "hej!"
        • note that the type can be omitted if the initializer is present
        • each variable from the initializer list can have a different type
    • var statements can be factored into blocks, similar to the import statement, see basictypes.go for an example
    • variables declared without an explicit initial value will be instantiated with their specific zero value
  • inside a function the short assignment statement can be used: a := 100
  • type conversions can be done with T(..), where T is the type and inside of the parantheses is the value to convert, e.g. float64(128)
  • functions can also be assigned as variable values:
square := func(x int) int {
    return x*x
  • a closure is a function value that references variables from outside its body
func adder() func(int) int {
    sum := 0
    return func(x int) int {
        sum += x
        return sum
  • the inner function can access the sum variable from the enclosing function, even after the outer function has returned
  • declared using the const keyword
  • can't be declared using the short assigment statement :=
  • constants can be character, string boolean or numeric values
  • numeric-constants are high-precision values
  • go has only one looping construct, the for loop
  • to emulate a while loop leave the pre and post statements empty: for ; x < y; {}, you can even omit the semicolon: for x < y {}
  • omit the loop conditions and you get an infinite loop: for {}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    sum += i
  • C-like but without the parentheses:
if x < y {
} else {
  • you can write a pre-statement before the if-statement
  • variables declared in this pre-statement are only visible inside the scope of the if statement
if x := 10; x == 10 {
    fmt.Println("It's only an example.")
  • switch-case statements break automatically, unless you specfiy a falltrough statement (default case)
  • the evaluation order is from top to bottom
  • a switch without condition is the same as switch true and can be used for long if-else chains:
switch {
case t.Hour() < 12:
    fmt.Println("Good morning!")
case t.Hour() < 17:
    fmt.Println("Good afternoon.")
    fmt.Println("Good evening.")
  • pointer declaration is C-like: *T, where T is the type of a value the pointer refers to
  • dereferencing the & generates an pointer of the value it refers to
  • there is no pointer arithmetic in Go
var p *int
i := 42
p = &i
fmt.Println(*p) // prints 42
  • example use cases:
    • avoid copying large structs to a function by passing a pointer to the struct to the function
      • as the Go FAQ says, it's not call-by-reference because the pointer is copied, as well as every other argument which is passed to the function
    • in-place modification, say you want to modify elements of a struct inside your function without returning it. I'm sure there is a valid use case for this, but I would consider it bad practice in most cases.

Structured Data

  • struct literals denotes a newly allocated struct
  • you can list a subset using the Name: syntax: Vertex{X: 3}
  • the indirection through struct pointers is transparent
type Vertex struct {
    X int
    Y int

// instantiation
v := Vertex{1, 2}
v.X = 4
  • an array of n elements with type T is declared like this [n]T, e.g. [100]rune
  • arrays can't be resized
  • Go has an array slice syntax similar to pythons list slices:
p := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
  • make([]T, l, c) creates a slice with initial length l and (optional) capicity c
  • len(s) gives the length and cap(s) the capacity of slice s
  • a nil slice (FP) has length and capacity 0
  • a slice can be appended with append(s []T, vs ...T) []T, where the first argument is a slice of type T and the following parameters are T values
  • looping over a slice:
x = []int {2, 4, 8}
for i, v := range x {
    // i = index
    // v = value of x[i]
  • you can skip a loop variable when you assign _ to it, like in Python: for _, v := range x {}
  • map declaration looks like this: map[T_key]T_value, e.g. map[string]uint64
  • maps have to be created with make(map_declaration) before using them
  • you can use map literals to initalize a map like this:
var m2 = map[string]uint64{
    "foo": 42,
    "bar": 314,
  • there must be a trailing comma behind the last value!
  • insert m[key] = elem
  • get elem = m[key]
  • delete(m, key)
  • check if a key is present: elem, ok = m[key], where ok is true if key is present in map m, otherwise ok is false and the elem is the zero value of its type
  • there is no class construct in Go
  • but, you can define methods on [struct] types, which is pratically the same (see OOP with Ansi-C (pdf)) apart from the access modifiers
  • the declaration looks like that from a function with an additional Method Receiver between the func keyword and the function name
  • you can call the method like you can access struct elements: foo.F()
type Vertex struct {
    X, Y float64

// func MethodReceiver MethodName(Params) ReturnValue
func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
    return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
  • you can declare method on any type from your package, but not on others

Methods with Pointer Receiver

  • two main reasons for using pointer receivers:
    • call-by-reference, as default the method gets a copy of the struct (call-by-value)
    • modifying the method receiver in-place. You should now why you want to do this, because it's the explicit usage of side effects
  • you can't define the same method name for pointer and value type, see the example below


type Decimal struct {
    X float64

func (v Decimal) Double() float64 {
    return 2 * v.X

func (v *Decimal) DoublePR() {
    v.X = 2 * v.X

v := Decimal{3.14}
// call-by-value
fmt.Println(v, v.Double())
// use the pointer Receiver
// DoublePR() has mutated v in-place

prints out:

{3.14} 6.28
  • an interface type is defined by a set of methods
  • a type implements an interface by implementing its methods
  • interfaces are satisfied implicitly. There is no explicit implements keyword (like in Java), therefore an interface is satisfied if the type implements its methods.
  • the equivalent of Java's toString() method is the String() method from the Stringer interface:
type Stringer interface {
    String() string

Errors (Exceptions in Go)

  • errors is a built-in interface (similar to Stringer)
  • error checking is done by validating if an error value is nil (Go's null type):
i, err := strconv.Atoi("42")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("couldn't convert number: %v\n", err)
  • the http package serves HTTP requests using any value that implements http.Handler
  • those values have to implement ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
  • http Handler example
func (s Struct) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprint(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s %s\n", s.Greeting, s.Punct, s.Who))

Concurrency mechanisms

  • a goroutine is a lightweight thread
  • the name is wordplay of coroutines
  • goroutines run in the same address space, so they have access to the shared memory → need of synchronization/locks
  • a goroutine is started with go f(), where f is an arbitrary function
    • f's arguments will be evaluated in the current goroutine
    • f will be executed in the new goroutine
  • a channel is a types pipe (like pipes from the shell)
  • a channel must be created before use: ch := make(chan type, bufferlen). The bufferlen parameter is optional.
  • you can send and receive values from a channel using the <- operator:
    • send ch <- v
    • receive v := <-ch
  • send and receive on channels is blocking (until the other side is ready) by default
  • a buffered channel blocks only when the buffer is full
  • channels can be closed to indicate that no more values will be send
  • only senders should close channels!
  • you can check if the second return value of a receive is false, then the channel was closed: v, ok := <-ch

Loops until the channel was closed

c := make(chan type)
for v := range c {
    // ...
  • the select statement is like switch-case for channels
  • if mutliple channels are ready at once, a random channel is chosen
  • the default case is run if no other channel is ready (can be used for non-blocking send/receive)
select {
case c <- x:
    x, y = y, x+y
case <-quit:


  • the defer statement defers the execution of a function until the surrounding function returns
  • deferred function calls are pushed on a stack and are executed in LIFO order
  • more on defer


  • to build & run a Go file in one step use go run file.go
  • Go files can be formatted automatically using the gofmt tool. On default the formatted code is written to stdout, to overwrite the source file use gofmt -w file.go.
  • the execution environment of a compiled program is deterministic, thus a random generator for example has to be seeded, otherwise it will deliver the same number on every run of the program

Further Reading

  • go-koans lets you learn Go by fixing test cases. Sounds boring but instead it's quite fun to fix it!


Playground for my first steps in the Go language.







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