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kloudsoft91 committed Oct 23, 2023
1 parent a953037 commit b0a71f7
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 122 deletions.
293 changes: 171 additions & 122 deletions components/NavigationBar.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,143 +1,192 @@
<!--Main Navbar-->
<!--Mobile + Tablet + Desktop-->
<div class="bg-gray-100 relative">
<!--Extended Filter Button-->
<!--<div class="hidden desktop:block absolute z-10 right-0 left-10 top-[80px]">
<!--Mobile + Tablet + Desktop-->
<div class="bg-gray-100 relative">
<!--Extended Filter Button-->
<!--<div class="hidden desktop:block absolute z-10 right-0 left-10 top-[80px]">
<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="white" class="w-20 h-20">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M15.75 15.75l-2.489-2.489m0 0a3.375 3.375 0 10-4.773-4.773 3.375 3.375 0 004.774 4.774zM21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" />
<!--Main banner-->
<div class="z-0 bg-emerald-700 relative py-8 tablet:py-24 desktop:py-28 shadow-md">
class="flex w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 mx-auto tablet:-mt-12 desktop:-mt-20 font-bold text-white text-lg tablet:text-2xl laptop:text-3xl desktop:text-5xl">
Know what you're looking for?</h1>
<!--Search Bar-->
class="flex w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 absolute left-0 right-0 mx-auto mt-3 tablet:mt-1 desktop:mt-4 shadow-md bg-white rounded-lg px-2 py-1 tablet:py-0 tablet:px-2">
<input v-model="searchInput" @input="search()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 flex-grow outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Search all mushrooms" />
<div class="flex py-1 rounded-lg">
<button @click="search()"
class="bg-emerald-500 text-white text-sm tablet:text-base rounded-lg px-3 py-1 tablet:px-2 tablet:py-1 desktop:px-3 desktop:py-2 font-thin desktop:font-semibold desktop:tracking-wide">Search</button>
<!--Main banner-->
<div class="z-0 bg-emerald-700 relative py-8 tablet:py-24 desktop:py-28 shadow-md">
class="flex w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 mx-auto tablet:-mt-12 desktop:-mt-20 font-bold text-white text-lg tablet:text-2xl laptop:text-3xl desktop:text-5xl">
Know what you're looking for?</h1>
<!--Search Bar-->
class="flex w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 absolute left-0 right-0 mx-auto mt-3 tablet:mt-1 desktop:mt-4 shadow-md bg-white rounded-lg px-2 py-1 tablet:py-0 tablet:px-2">
<input v-model="searchInput" @input="search()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 flex-grow outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Search all mushrooms" />
<div class="flex py-1 rounded-lg">
<button @click="search()"
class="bg-emerald-500 text-white text-sm tablet:text-base rounded-lg px-3 py-1 tablet:px-2 tablet:py-1 desktop:px-3 desktop:py-2 font-thin desktop:font-semibold desktop:tracking-wide">Search</button>
<!--Size Search Bar Row-->
class="z-10 grid grid-cols-2 tablet:grid-cols-4 gap-2 w-11/12 px-2 desktop:w-3/4 mx-auto mt-7 tablet:-mt-16 tablet:mb-3 laptop:mt-[-60px] desktop:mt-[-70px] relative">
<!--Size Search Bar Row-->
class="z-10 grid grid-cols-2 tablet:grid-cols-4 gap-2 w-11/12 px-2 desktop:w-3/4 mx-auto mt-7 tablet:-mt-16 tablet:mb-3 laptop:mt-[-60px] desktop:mt-[-70px] relative">

<input v-model="imageSearch" @input="mlAPICall()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="image" />
<!--Stipe Length-->
<input v-model="stipeLen" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Stipe Length" />

<!--Stipe Length-->
<input v-model="stipeLen" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Stipe Length" />
<!--Stipe Diameter-->
<input v-model="stipeDiam" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Stipe Width" />

<!--Stipe Diameter-->
<input v-model="stipeDiam" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Stipe Width" />
<!--Cap Diameter-->
<input v-model="capDiam" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Cap Diameter" />

<!--Cap Diameter-->
<input v-model="capDiam" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Cap Diameter" />
<!--Cap Thickness-->
<input v-model="capThick" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Cap Thickness" />

<!--Cap Thickness-->
<input v-model="capThick" @input="sizeFilter()"
class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2" type="text"
placeholder="Cap Thickness" />
<!--Edibility Quick Filter-->
class="z-20 tablet:bg-white desktop:bg-white rounded-lg w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 desktop:p-2 desktop:mt-4 mx-auto tablet:shadow-md desktop:shadow-md relative">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 desktop:gap-0 tablet:gap-0 p-2 desktop:p-0 tablet:p-2 w-full">
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('edible')">Edible</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('gourmet')">Gourmet</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('poisonous')">Poisonous</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('psychoactive')">Psychoactive</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('lookalike')">Lookalike</button>
<!--ML Image File Upload Control-->
<label>Upload Image to pre-select Colour:</label>
<input v-on:change="mlAPICall()" class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-gray-400 outline-none px-1 tablet:px-2"
type="file" />
<!--Edibility Quick Filter-->
class="z-20 tablet:bg-white desktop:bg-white rounded-lg w-11/12 desktop:w-3/4 desktop:p-2 desktop:mt-4 mx-auto tablet:shadow-md desktop:shadow-md relative">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 desktop:gap-0 tablet:gap-0 p-2 desktop:p-0 tablet:p-2 w-full">
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('edible')">Edible</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('gourmet')">Gourmet</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('poisonous')">Poisonous</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('psychoactive')">Psychoactive</button>
<button class="button tag-button" @click="tagFilter('lookalike')">Lookalike</button>

export default {
data() {
return {
searchInput: '',
selectedTag: '',
stipeLen: '',
stipeDiam: '',
capDiam: '',
capThick: '',
imageSearch: '',
methods: {
//emits search events on input and button click
search() {
//emit event to notify Index of input change
this.$emit('search', this.searchInput);
//single tag method
tagFilter(selectedTag) {
this.selectedTag = selectedTag;
//emit tag filter event
this.$emit('tagFilter', this.selectedTag)
sizeFilter() {
// Log the size filter values
this.$emit('sizeFilter', {
stipeLen: this.stipeLen,
stipeDiam: this.stipeDiam,
capDiam: this.capDiam,
capThick: this.capThick,
data() {
return {
searchInput: '',
selectedTag: '',
stipeLen: '',
stipeDiam: '',
capDiam: '',
capThick: '',
imageSearch: '',
mlAPICall() {
let apiURI = "";
let encodedImage = encodeURIComponent(this.imageSearch);
let prompts = [
"What is the colour of the mushroom in the picture?",
"What is the width of the mushroom in centimeters?",
"What is the height of the mushroom in centimeters?"
let requestBody = {
"instances": [
"prompt": "",
"image": {
"bytesBase64Encoded": encodedImage
"parameters": {
"sampleCount": 1
for (prompt in prompts) {
requestBody.instances[0].prompt = prompt;
try {
const response = await fetch(apiURI, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Authorization": "Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
let prediction = (await response.json()).predictions[0];
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error getting response from Google Vertex API')
methods: {
//emits search events on input and button click
search() {
//emit event to notify Index of input change
this.$emit('search', this.searchInput);
//single tag method
tagFilter(selectedTag) {
this.selectedTag = selectedTag;
//emit tag filter event
this.$emit('tagFilter', this.selectedTag)
sizeFilter() {
// Log the size filter values
this.$emit('sizeFilter', {
stipeLen: this.stipeLen,
stipeDiam: this.stipeDiam,
capDiam: this.capDiam,
capThick: this.capThick,
async mlAPICall() {
// Project secrets
let projectID = "";
let apiToken = "";
// Declare vars
let apiURI = "" + projectID + "/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/imagetext:predict";
const file = document.querySelector("input[type=file]").files[0];
let encodedImage = "";
let reader = new FileReader();
// The dictionary that holds the queries and responses to the vertex api
let promptDictionaries = [
name: "colour",
question: "What is the colour of the mushroom in the picture?",
answer: ""
name: "width",
question: "What is the width of the mushroom in centimeters?",
answer: ""
name: "height",
question: "What is the height of the mushroom in centimeters?",
answer: ""
// This asynchronously reads the file data
"load", () => {
// converts image file to base64 string
encodedImage = reader.result.replace("data:image/jpeg;base64,", "");
//declare the api request body
let requestBody = {
"instances": [
"prompt": "",
"image": {
"bytesBase64Encoded": encodedImage
"parameters": {
"sampleCount": 1
// loop through each of the questions and make an api call
for (let promptDict of promptDictionaries) {
requestBody.instances[0].prompt = promptDict.question;
try {
const response = await fetch(apiURI, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apiToken
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
promptDict.answer = (await response.json()).predictions[0];
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error getting response from Google Vertex API for ' +
// debug
// emit the responses from the api to the filters
this.$emit('sizeFilter', {
stipeLen: promptDictionaries.filter(p =>'height'))[0].answer,
stipeDiam: this.stipeDiam,
capDiam: promptDictionaries.filter(p =>'width'))[0].answer,
capThick: this.capThick,
this.$emit('selectedCapColour', promptDictionaries.filter(p =>'colour'))[0].answer);
// this.$emit('selectedStipeColour', promptDictionaries.filter(p =>'colour'))[0].answer);

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