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CPT - Copper PostgreSQL Tool

CPT is a command line tool for monitoring and managing PostgreSQL based Copper Workflow Engine databases. CPT can be used from the command line or within scripts. Access to the PostgreSQL database is configured through an environment variable which makes it easy to run the tool in a containerized environment.
CPT was primarily developed for the Linux OS and all application examples use the Linux command line syntax.
More infos about the Copper Workflow Engine can be found at


Install the GO runtime on your system as described at
Run go build from the project root directory.
On Linux copy the cpt binary to /usr/local/bin.
CPT uses the DATABASE_URL environment variable to connect to your Copper Postgres database.


postgresql://<user>:<password>@<server>/<database name optional>



The example configuration connects to the PostgreSQL public database on localhost with user postgres and password postgres.
Export the configured DATABASE_URL environment variable to your shell environment before using the CPT command line tool.

CPT Commands

CPT commands are executed directly on the database. A running Copper Engine instance is not needed. Flags in the form of -flag='xxx' are used to add a specific configuration or filter. Execute CPT without any arguments to see the list of possible commands. For detailed help add -help after a command (e.g. cpt cleanup -help).


CPT supports command line piping for action commands. With command line piping it is easy to apply various actions on selected data. If you for example want to delete specific broken workflow instances you can select the broken workflow instances with the broken command and then pipe the data to cpt delete.

Command line piping example

cpt broken -error-time-end=2020-04-26 11:40:40.78 | cpt delete

The command chain above will delete all broken workflows that have an error time before 2020-04-26 11:40:40.78 (cpt date time values are in timestamp format)

List of CPT Commands


Count workflow instances that are in a specific state.


The -state flag applies the state filter. Possible states are: [ENQUEUED PROCESSING WAITING FINISHED INVALID ERROR ALL]


cpt count -state=ERROR

Prints amount of workflow instances in ERROR state.


Print id(s) of broken workflow instance(s).


Filter on Exception message pattern.


cpt broken -pattern='"

Prints all broken workflow instances with matching pattern
'' in their exception message.


Filter on error time of broken workflow instance(s). Only workflow instances with an error time > error-time-start are selected.


cpt broken -error-time-start='2020-04-26 11:40:40.78'

Prints all broken workflow instances that have an error time after 2020-04-26 11:40:40.78.


Filter on error time of broken workflow instances. Only workflow instances with an error time < error-time-end are selected.


cpt broken -error-time-end='2020-04-26 11:40:40.78'

Prints all broken workflow instances Id's that have an error time before 2020-04-26 11:40:40.78.


Filter on workflow class. The workflow class name must contain the full package name.


cpt broken -workflow-class=''


Print instance count instead of workflow instance id(s).


Search for workflow instance data by using state and/or a json selector as filters.
The json selector is only available for workflow instance data in JSON format. Standard Copper Engine uses Java Object Serialization that does not support JSON syntax. You can use the MixedModeSerializer at to store instance data in JSON format.


JSON data filter that uses a valid PostgreSQL JSON expression.
Selects workflow instances with matching workflow data selector.

Given the following JSON workflow data example

[ "", {

"items" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ [ "", {

"quantity" : 2,

"id" : 123,

"description" : "MYK-24242",

"unitPrice" : 4.65

} ] ] ],

"customerId" : 3303799,

"credit_card" : "7277226662630000",

"accountId" : "60003763",

"orderId" : 3766,

"state" : "CreditCardCheck"

} ]

and the JSON selector

cpt data -selector=json->1->>'state' = 'CreditCardCheck'

The selector matches the state field with state='CreditCardCheck'. The root element for all JSON selectors is always json.

A full description of all available PostgreSQL JSON operators can be found at


Filter on workflow instance state.


cpt data -state=ERROR  -selector=json->1->>'state' = 'CreditCardCheck'

Selects workflow instances with workflow state=ERROR and instance data containing the field state with a value of 'CreditCardCheck'.


Cleanup command for the Copper database. Cleanup removes outdated data from the Copper Engine database.
All tables are scanned and outdated entries are deleted.


Selects all data older than age. Mandatory flag.

Possible age formats are:

Hours Example

cpt cleanup -age=24h

Removes all workflow data older than 24 hours.

Days Example

cpt cleanup -age=30d

Removes all data older than 30 days.

Timestamp Example

cpt cleanup -age='2020-04-25 11:40:40.78'

Removes all workflow data older than 2020-04-25 11:40:40.78.


Removes audit trail data.


Removes instance data.


Print workflow instance information for given workflow instance ids.
Show supports command line piping.


Print workflow instance data. Only useful for workflow instance data in clear text (e.g. JSON) format.


Print workflow instance details.


cpt show -instance-details b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41

Prints workflow details for instance id b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41.


Print audit trail message(s).


cpt show -audit-trail b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41

Prints all audit-trail messages for instance id b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41.


Prints all workflow instance data in JSON array format.
Only valid together with the -workflow-data flag.
All instance data must be of type JSON.


Delete workflow instance(s).
Supports command line piping.


cpt delete b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41 b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc22

Deletes the given workflow instances from the database.


Restart broken workflow instance(s).
Supports command line piping.


cpt restart b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc41 b4d9dd80-c731-414c-871e-28df65dbfc22

Restarts given broken workflows.